Page 78 - Small Business Taxes
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         Limitation  on  acceleration  of  accrual  of   If you use an accrual method, you generally   Electing to ratably accrue.  If you use an ac-
         taxes.  A taxing jurisdiction can require the use   cannot  accrue  real  estate  taxes  until  you  pay   crual method, you can elect to accrue real es-
         of a date for accruing taxes that is earlier than   them  to  the  government  authority.  However,   tate tax related to a definite period ratably over
         the  date  it  originally  required.  However,  if  you   you can elect to ratably accrue the taxes during   that period.
         use an accrual method, and can deduct the tax   the year. See Electing to ratably accrue, later.
         before you pay it, use the original accrual date                           Example.  Lea and Joey are calendar year
         for the year of change and all future years to de-  Taxes for local benefits.  Generally, you can-  taxpayers  who  use  an  accrual  method.  Their
         termine when you can deduct the tax.  not deduct taxes charged for local benefits and   real estate taxes for the real property tax year,
                                             improvements that tend to increase the value of   July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023, are $1,200. July
            Example.  Your state imposes a tax on per-  your  property.  These  include  assessments  for   1 is the assessment and lien date.
         sonal property used in a trade or business con-  streets,  sidewalks,  water  mains,  sewer  lines,   If  the  Lea  and  Joey  elect  to  ratably  accrue
         ducted  in  the  state.  This  tax  is  assessed  and   and  public  parking  facilities.  You  should  in-  the  taxes,  $600  will  accrue  in  2022  ($1,200  ×
         becomes  a  lien  as  of  July  1  (accrual  date).  In   crease the basis of your property by the amount   6 /12, July 1–December 31) and the balance will
         2022,  the  state  changed  the  assessment  and   of the assessment.   accrue in 2023.
         lien dates from July 1, 2023, to December 31,   You can deduct taxes for these local bene-
         2022, for property tax year 2023. Use the origi-  fits  only  if  the  taxes  are  for  maintenance,  re-  Separate elections.  You can elect to rata-
         nal  accrual  date  (July  1,  2023)  to  determine   pairs, or interest charges related to those bene-  bly accrue the taxes for each separate trade or
         when  you  can  deduct  the  tax.  You  must  also   fits. If part of the tax is for maintenance, repairs,   business  and  for  nonbusiness  activities  if  you
         use the July 1 accrual date for all future years to   or interest, you must be able to show how much   account for them separately. Once you elect to
         determine when you can deduct the tax.  of the tax is for these expenses to claim a de-  ratably accrue real estate taxes, you must use
                                             duction for that part of the tax.   that method unless you get permission from the
         Uniform capitalization rules.  Uniform capital-                         IRS  to  change  your  accounting  method.  See
         ization rules apply to certain taxpayers who pro-  Example.  To  improve  downtown  commer-  Form 3115, later.
         duce real property or tangible personal property   cial  business,  Waterfront  City  converted  a   Making the election.  If you elect to ratably
         for use in a trade or business or for sale to cus-  downtown  business  area  street  into  an  en-  accrue the taxes for the first year in which you
         tomers.  They  also  apply  to  certain  taxpayers   closed  pedestrian  mall.  The  city  assessed  the   incur  real  estate  taxes,  attach  a  statement  to
         who  acquire  property  for  resale.  Under  these   full  cost  of  construction,  financed  with  10-year   your income tax return for that year. The state-
         rules, you either include certain costs in inven-  bonds, against the affected properties. The city   ment should show all the following items.
         tory or capitalize certain expenses related to the   is paying the principal and interest with the an-  • The trades or businesses to which the
         property, such as taxes. For more information,   nual payments made by the property owners.  election applies and the accounting
         see chapter 1.                         The assessments for construction costs are   method or methods used.
                                             not deductible as taxes or as business expen-  • The period to which the taxes relate.
         Carrying  charges.  Carrying  charges  include   ses, but are depreciable capital expenses. The   • The calculation of the real estate tax de-
         taxes you pay to carry or develop real estate or   part  of  the  payments  used  to  pay  the  interest   duction for that first year.
         to carry, transport, or install personal property.   charges on the bonds is deductible as taxes.
         You can elect to capitalize carrying charges not                           Generally,  you  must  file  your  return  by  the
         subject to the uniform capitalization rules if they   Charges for services.  Water bills, sewerage,   due  date  (including  extensions).  However,  if
         are otherwise deductible. For more information,   and  other  service  charges  assessed  against   you timely filed your return for the year without
         see chapter 7.                      your  business  property  are  not  real  estate   electing to ratably accrue, you can still make the
                                             taxes,  but  are  deductible  as  business  expen-  election  by  filing  an  amended  return  within  6
         Refunds of taxes.  If you receive a refund for   ses.                   months after the due date of the return (exclud-
         any  taxes  you  deducted  in  an  earlier  year,  in-                  ing  extensions).  Attach  the  statement  to  the
         clude the refund in income to the extent the de-  Purchase or sale of real estate.  If real estate   amended  return  and  write  “Filed  pursuant  to
         duction reduced your federal income tax in the   is sold, the real estate taxes must be allocated   section 301.9100-2” on the statement. File the
         earlier year. For more information, see Recov-  between the buyer and the seller.  amended return at the same address where you
         ery  of  amount  deducted  (tax  benefit  rule)  in   The buyer and seller must allocate the real   filed the original return.
         chapter 1.                          estate taxes according to the number of days in   Form  3115.  If  you  elect  to  ratably  accrue
               You must include in income any inter-  the real property tax year (the period to which   real estate taxes for a year after the first year in
          TIP  est you receive on tax refunds.  the  tax  imposed  relates)  that  each  owned  the   which you incur real estate taxes, or if you want
                                             property. Treat the seller as paying the taxes up   to  revoke  your  election  to  ratably  accrue  real
                                             to but not including the date of sale. Treat the   estate taxes, file Form 3115. For more informa-
                                             buyer  as  paying  the  taxes  beginning  with  the   tion, including applicable time frames for filing,
         Real Estate Taxes                   date of sale. You can usually find this informa-  see the Instructions for Form 3115.
                                             tion on the settlement statement you received at
         Deductible real estate taxes are any state or lo-  If you (the seller) use an accrual method and   Income Taxes
         cal taxes, including taxes imposed by U.S. pos-  have  not  elected  to  ratably  accrue  real  estate
         sessions,  on  real  estate  levied  for  the  general   taxes, you are considered to have accrued your
         public  welfare.  The  taxing  authority  must  base   part of the tax on the date you sell the property.  This section discusses federal, state, local, and
         the taxes on the assessed value of the real es-                         foreign income taxes.
         tate and charge them uniformly against all prop-  Example.  Lynn and Curt are calendar year
         erty under its jurisdiction. Deductible real estate   accrual method taxpayers who own real estate   Federal  income  taxes.  You  cannot  deduct
         taxes generally do not include taxes charged for   in Olmo County. They have not elected to rata-  federal income taxes.
         local  benefits  and  improvements  that  increase   bly  accrue  property  taxes.  November  30  of
         the  value  of  the  property.  See  Taxes  for  local   each  year  is  the  assessment  and  lien  date  for   State and local income taxes.  A corporation
         benefits, later.                    the current real property tax year, which is the   or  partnership  can  deduct  state  and  local  in-
                                                                                 come taxes imposed on the corporation or part-
            Real  estate  taxes  imposed  by  a  foreign   calendar year. They sold the property on June   nership as business expenses.
         country  are  not  deductible  unless  paid  or  ac-  30, 2022. Under their accounting method, they   An individual can deduct state and local in-
         crued in connection with the conduct of a trade   would not be able to claim a deduction for the   come  taxes  only  as  an  itemized  deduction  on
         or business or for the production of income. For   taxes  because  the  sale  occurred  before  No-  Schedule A (Form 1040), subject to limitations.
         individual  tax  filers,  the  amount  of  deductible   vember 30. They are treated as having accrued   The deduction is limited to $10,000 as a total of
         state and local real estate taxes may be subject   their  part  of  the  tax,  181 /365    (January  1–June   the following taxes.
         to a $10,000 limitation. See State and local in-  29),  on  June  30,  and  they  can  deduct  it  for
         come taxes, later.                  2022.
                                                                                            Chapter 5  Taxes    Page 19
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