Page 83 - Small Business Taxes
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         The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.
         a month to participate in any subsidized health   the discussion on overhead insurance,   1. Produce real property or tangible personal
         plan maintained by the employer of either your   item (8), under Deductible Premiums, ear-  property. For this purpose, tangible per-
         dependent or your child who was under age 27   lier.                        sonal property includes a film, sound re-
         at the end of 2022, don’t use amounts paid for   3. Certain life insurance and annuities.  cording, videotape, book, or similar prop-
         coverage for that month to figure the deduction.                            erty.
            These rules are applied separately to plans   a. For contracts issued before June 9,   2. Acquire property for resale.
         that provide long-term care insurance and plans   1997, you can’t deduct the premiums
         that  don’t  provide  long-term  care  insurance.   on a life insurance policy covering   However, these rules don't apply to the follow-
         However, any medical insurance payments not   you, an employee, or any person with   ing property.
         deductible on Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 17,   a financial interest in your business if   1. Personal property you acquire for resale if
         can  be  included  as  medical  expenses  on   you are directly or indirectly a benefi-
         Schedule A (Form 1040) if you itemize deduc-  ciary of the policy. You are included   your average annual gross receipts are
                                                                                     $27 million or less for the 3 prior tax years.
         tions.                                     among possible beneficiaries of the
                                                    policy if the policy owner is obligated   2. Property you produce if you meet either of
         Effect on itemized deductions.   Subtract the   to repay a loan from you using the   the following conditions.
         health  insurance  deduction  from  your  medical   proceeds of the policy. A person has
         insurance  when  figuring  medical  expenses  on   a financial interest in your business if   a. Your indirect costs of producing the
         Schedule A (Form 1040) if you itemize deduc-  the person is an owner or part owner   property are $200,000 or less.
         tions.                                     of the business or has lent money to   b. You use the cash method of account-
                                                    the business.                       ing and don't account for inventories.
         Effect  on  self-employment  tax.    You  can’t
         subtract the self-employed health insurance de-  b. For contracts issued after June 8,   More  information.    For  more  information  on
                                                    1997, you generally can’t deduct the
         duction  when  figuring  net  earnings  for  your                       these rules, see Uniform Capitalization Rules in
         self-employment  tax  from  the  business  under   premiums on any life insurance policy,   Pub.  538  and  the  regulations  under  section
                                                    endowment contract, or annuity con-
         which the insurance plan is established, or con-                        263A.
         sidered to be established, as discussed earlier.   tract if you are directly or indirectly a
                                                    beneficiary. The disallowance applies
         For more information, see Schedule SE (Form
         1040).                                     without regard to whom the policy   When To Deduct
         How to figure the deduction.   Generally, you   c. Partners. If, as a partner in a partner-  Premiums
         can  use  the  worksheet  in  the  Form  1040  in-  ship, you take out an insurance policy
         structions to figure your deduction. However, if   on your own life and name your part-  You can usually deduct insurance premiums in
         any of the following apply, you must use Work-  ners as beneficiaries to induce them   the tax year to which they apply.
         sheet 6-A in this chapter.                 to retain their investments in the part-
           • You had more than one source of income   nership, you are considered a benefi-  Cash method.   If you use the cash method of
             subject to self-employment tax.        ciary. You can't deduct the insurance   accounting,  you  generally  deduct  insurance
           • You file Form 2555.                    premiums.                    premiums  in  the  tax  year  you  actually  paid
           • You are using amounts paid for qualified                            them,  even  if  you  incurred  them  in  an  earlier
             long-term care insurance to figure the de-  4. Insurance to secure a loan. If you take out   year. However, see Prepayment, later.
             duction.                            a policy on your life or on the life of an-
                                                 other person with a financial interest in   Accrual  method.    If  you  use  an  accrual
            More than one health plan and business.   your business to get or protect a business   method  of  accounting,  you  can't  deduct  insur-
         If  you  have  more  than  one  health  plan  during   loan, you can't deduct the premiums as a   ance premiums before the tax year in which you
         the year and each plan is established under a   business expense. Nor can you deduct   incur  a  liability  for  them.  In  addition,  you  can't
         different business, you must use separate work-  the premiums as interest on business   deduct insurance premiums before the tax year
         sheets  (Worksheet  6-A)  to  figure  each  plan's   loans or as an expense of financing loans.   in which you actually pay them (unless the ex-
         net earnings limit. Include the premium you paid   In the event of death, the proceeds of the   ception  for  recurring  items  applies).  For  more
         under each plan on line 1 or line 2 of that sepa-  policy are generally not taxed as income   information  about  the  accrual  method  of  ac-
         rate  worksheet  and  your  net  profit  (or  wages)   even if they are used to liquidate the debt.  counting, see chapter 1. For information about
         from that business on line 4 (or line 11). For a                        the exception for recurring items, see Pub. 538.
         plan that provides long-term care insurance, the
         total of the amounts entered for each person on   Capitalized Premiums  Prepayment.  You  can't  deduct  expenses  in
         line 2 of all worksheets can’t be more than the                         advance, even if you pay them in advance. This
         appropriate  limit  shown  on  line  2  for  that  per-  Under the uniform capitalization rules, you must   rule applies to any expense paid far enough in
         son.                                capitalize the direct costs and part of the indi-  advance  to,  in  effect,  create  an  asset  with  a
                                             rect costs for certain production or resale activi-  useful  life  extending  substantially  beyond  the
         Nondeductible                       ties. Include these costs in the basis of property   end of the current tax year.
                                                                                    Expenses  such  as  insurance  are  generally
                                             you  produce  or  acquire  for  resale,  rather  than
         Premiums                            claiming  them  as  a  current  deduction.  You  re-  allocable to a period of time. You can deduct in-
                                             cover the costs through depreciation, amortiza-  surance expenses for the year to which they are
         You  can’t  deduct  premiums  on  the  following   tion, or cost of goods sold when you use, sell,   allocable.
                                             or otherwise dispose of the property.
         kinds of insurance.                                                        Example.   In 2022, you signed a 3-year in-
           1. Self-insurance reserve funds. You can’t   Indirect  costs  include  premiums  for  insur-  surance  contract.  Even  though  you  paid  the
             deduct amounts credited to a reserve set   ance on your plant or facility, machinery, equip-  premiums for 2022, 2023, and 2024 when you
             up for self-insurance. This applies even if   ment, materials, property produced, or property   signed  the  contract,  you  can  only  deduct  the
             you can’t get business insurance cover-  acquired for resale.       premium for 2022 on your 2022 tax return. You
             age for certain business risks. However,                            can deduct in 2023 and 2024 the premiums al-
             your actual losses may be deductible. See   Uniform  capitalization  rules.    You  may  be   locable to those years.
             Pub. 547.                       subject to the uniform capitalization rules if you
                                             do  any  of  the  following,  unless  the  property  is
           2. Loss of earnings. You can’t deduct premi-  produced for your use other than in a business   Dividends received.   If you receive dividends
                                                                                 from business insurance and you deducted the
             ums for a policy that pays for lost earnings   or an activity carried on for profit.  premiums in prior years, at least part of the divi-
             due to sickness or disability. However, see                         dends  are  generally  income.  For  more

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