Page 80 - Small Business Taxes
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                                                  2555  2555 Foreign Earned Income  10. Life insurance covering your officers and
                                                                                     employees if you aren’t directly or indi-
         6.                                       W-2   W-2 Wage and Tax Statement   rectly a beneficiary under the contract.
                                             See  chapter  12  for  information  about  getting   11. Business interruption insurance that pays
                                             publications and forms.                 for lost profits if your business is shut
         Insurance                                                                   down due to a fire or other cause.
                                             Deductible Premiums                 Self-Employed Health

         Reminder                            You can generally deduct premiums you pay for   Insurance Deduction
                                             the following kinds of insurance related to your   You may be able to deduct the amount you paid
         Premium tax credit.  You may have to use the   trade or business.       for medical and dental insurance and qualified
         worksheets  in  Pub.  974  instead  of  the  work-  1. Insurance that covers fire, storm, theft, ac-  long-term  care  insurance  for  yourself,  your
         sheet  in  this  chapter.  Use  the  worksheets  in   cident, or similar losses.  spouse, and your dependents. The health insur-
         Pub.  974  if  the  insurance  plan  established,  or   2. Credit insurance that covers losses from   ance can cover your child who was under age
         considered to be established, under your busi-  business bad debts.     27 at the end of 2022, even if the child wasn’t
         ness  was  obtained  through  the  Health  Insur-                       your  dependent.  A  child  includes  your  son,
         ance Marketplace and you are claiming the pre-  3. Group hospitalization and medical insur-  daughter,  stepchild,  adopted  child,  or  foster
         mium tax credit. See Pub. 974 for details.  ance for employees, including long-term   child. A foster child is any child placed with you
                                                 care insurance.                 by an authorized placement agency or by judg-
                                                                                 ment,  decree,  or  other  order  of  any  court  of
         Introduction                             a. If a partnership pays accident and   competent jurisdiction.
                                                    health insurance premiums for its
         You can generally deduct the ordinary and nec-  partners, it can generally deduct them   One  of  the  following  statements  must  be
         essary cost of insurance as a business expense   as guaranteed payments to partners.  true.
         if  it  is  for  your  trade,  business,  or  profession.   b. If an S corporation pays accident and   • You were self-employed and had a net
         However, you may have to capitalize certain in-  health insurance premiums for its   profit for the year reported on Schedule C
         surance  costs  under  the  uniform  capitalization   more-than-2% shareholder-employ-  (Form 1040) or Schedule F (Form 1040).
         rules.  For  more  information,  see  Capitalized   ees, it can generally deduct them, but   • You were a partner with net earnings from
         Premiums, later.                           must also include them in the share-  self-employment for the year reported on
                                                    holder's wages subject to federal in-  Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), box 14,
                                                                                     code A.
         Topics                                     come tax withholding. See Pub.15-B.  • You used one of the optional methods to
         This chapter discusses:               4. Liability insurance.               figure your net earnings from self-employ-
                                                                                     ment on Schedule SE.
           • Deductible premiums               5. Malpractice insurance that covers your   • You received wages in 2022 from an S cor-
           • Nondeductible premiums              personal liability for professional negli-  poration in which you were a
           • Capitalized premiums                gence resulting in injury or damage to pa-  more-than-2% shareholder. Health insur-
           • When to deduct premiums             tients or clients.                  ance premiums paid or reimbursed by the
                                               6. Workers' compensation insurance set by   S corporation are shown as wages on
         Useful Items                            state law that covers any claims for bodily   Form W-2.
         You may want to see:                    injuries or job-related diseases suffered by   The insurance plan must be established, or
                                                 employees in your business, regardless of   considered  to  be  established,  as  discussed  in
           Publication                           fault.                          the following bullets, under your business.
              15-B   15-B Employer's Tax Guide to Fringe   a. If a partnership pays workers' com-  • For self-employed individuals filing a
                 Benefits                           pensation premiums for its partners, it   Schedule C (Form 1040) or Schedule F
                                                    can generally deduct them as guaran-
                                                                                     (Form 1040), a policy can be either in the
              525   525 Taxable and Nontaxable Income  teed payments to partners.    name of the business or in the name of the
              538   538 Accounting Periods and Methods  b. If an S corporation pays workers'   • For partners, a policy can be either in the
              547   547 Casualties, Disasters, and Thefts  compensation premiums for its   name of the partnership or in the name of
                                                    more-than-2% shareholder-employ-
           Form (and Instructions)                  ees, it can generally deduct them, but   the partner. You can either pay the premi-
                                                                                     ums yourself or the partnership can pay
                                                    must also include them in the share-
              1040   1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return  holder's wages.         them and report the premium amounts on
                                                                                     Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) as guaranteed
              1040-NR   1040-NR U.S. Nonresident Alien Income   7. Contributions to a state unemployment in-  payments to be included in your gross in-
                 Tax Return                      surance fund are deductible as taxes if   come. However, if the policy is in your
              Schedule 1 (Form 1040)  Schedule 1 (Form 1040) Additional   they are considered taxes under state law.  name and you pay the premiums yourself,
                 Income and Adjustments to Income  8. Overhead insurance that pays for busi-  the partnership must reimburse you and
                                                                                     report the premium amounts on Sched-
              Schedule A (Form 1040)  Schedule A (Form 1040) Itemized   ness overhead expenses you have during   ule K-1 (Form 1065) as guaranteed pay-
                 Deductions                      long periods of disability caused by your   ments to be included in your gross income.
                                                 injury or sickness.
              Schedule C (Form 1040)  Schedule C (Form 1040) Profit or Loss          Otherwise, the insurance plan won’t be
                 From Business                 9. Car and other vehicle insurance that cov-  considered to be established under your
                                                 ers vehicles used in your business for lia-
              Schedule F (Form 1040)  Schedule F (Form 1040) Profit or Loss   bility, damages, and other losses. If you   • For more-than-2% shareholders, a policy
                 From Farming                    operate a vehicle partly for personal use   can be either in the name of the S corpora-
              Schedule SE (Form 1040)  Schedule SE (Form 1040)   and partly for business use, deduct only   tion or in the name of the shareholder. You
                                                                                     can either pay the premiums yourself or
                                                 the part of the insurance premium that ap-
                 Self-Employment Tax             plies to the business use of the vehicle. If   the S corporation can pay them and report
              Schedule K-1 (Form 1065)  Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) Partner's   you use the standard mileage rate to fig-  the premium amounts on Form W-2 as wa-
                 Share of Income, Deductions,    ure your car expenses, you can’t deduct   ges to be included in your gross income.
                 Credits, etc.                   any car insurance premiums.         However, if the policy is in your name and
                                                                                         Chapter 6  Insurance    Page 21
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