Page 81 - Small Business Taxes
P. 81

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             you pay the premiums yourself, the S cor-  you can include only the smaller of the following   may be used only to reduce future premi-
             poration must reimburse you and report   amounts.                       ums or increase future benefits.
             the premium amounts in box 1 of Form   1. The amount of premiums paid for that per-  • It must not provide for a cash surrender
             W-2 as wages to be included in your gross   son.                        value or other money that can be paid, as-
             income. Otherwise, the insurance plan                                   signed, pledged, or borrowed.
             won’t be considered to be established un-  2. The amount shown below. Use the per-  • It must generally not pay or reimburse ex-
             der your business.                  son's age at the end of the tax year.  penses incurred for services or items that
            Medicare  premiums  you  voluntarily  pay  to   a. Age 40 or younger — $450  would be reimbursed under Medicare, ex-
                                                                                     cept where Medicare is a secondary payer
         obtain insurance in your name that is similar to   b. Age 41 to 50 — $850   or the contract makes per diem or other
         qualifying private health insurance can be used                             periodic payments without regard to ex-
         to figure the deduction. Amounts paid for health   c. Age 51 to 60 — $1,690  penses.
         insurance coverage from retirement plan distri-  d. Age 61 to 70 — $4,510
         butions that were nontaxable because you are a                             Qualified long-term care services.  Quali-
         retired public safety officer can’t be used to fig-  e. Age 71 or older — $5,640  fied long-term care services are:
         ure the deduction.                     Qualified long-term care insurance con-  • Necessary diagnostic, preventive, thera-
            You  can  claim  the  deduction  for  self-em-  tract.  A  qualified  long-term  care  insurance   peutic, curing, treating, mitigating, and re-
                                                                                     habilitative services; and
         ployed  health  insurance  on  Schedule  1  (Form   contract is an insurance contract that only pro-  • Maintenance or personal care services.
         1040), line 17.                     vides coverage of qualified long-term care serv-
                                             ices.  The  contract  must  meet  all  the  following   The services must be required by a chronically
         Qualified  long-term  care  insurance.  You   requirements.             ill individual and prescribed by a licensed health
         can  include  premiums  paid  on  a  qualified   • It must be guaranteed renewable.  care practitioner.
         long-term care insurance contract when figuring   • It must provide that refunds, other than re-
         your  deduction.  But,  for  each  person  covered,   funds on the death of the insured or com-
                                                 plete surrender or cancellation of the con-
                                                 tract, and dividends under the contract

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