Page 86 - Small Business Taxes
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         Under these circumstances, you generally treat                          tach  a  statement  to  your  return  to  elect  to  de-
         as  ordinary  income  all  of  your  gain  if  it  is  less   Circulation Costs  duct  such  costs.  If  you  timely  filed  your  return
         than  your  adjusted  exploration  costs  with  re-                     for  the  year  without  making  the  election,  you
         spect to the mine. If your gain is more than your                       can still make the election by filing an amended
         adjusted exploration costs, treat as ordinary in-  A  publisher  can  deduct  as  a  current  business   return within 6 months of the due date of the re-
         come only a part of your gain, up to the amount   expense the costs of establishing, maintaining,   turn (excluding extensions). Clearly indicate the
         of your adjusted exploration costs.  or  increasing  the  circulation  of  a  newspaper,   election  on  your  amended  return  and  write
                                             magazine,  or  other  periodical.  For  example,  a   “Filed pursuant to section 301.9100-2.”
         Foreign exploration costs.  If you pay or incur   publisher  can  deduct  the  cost  of  hiring  extra   File  the  amended  return  at  the  same  ad-
         exploration costs for a mine or other natural de-  employees  for  a  limited  time  to  get  new  sub-  dress you filed the original return. The election
         posit  located  outside  the  United  States,  you   scriptions  through  telephone  calls.  Circulation   applies  when  figuring  taxable  income  for  the
         cannot deduct all the costs in the current year.   costs may be deducted even if they would nor-  current tax year and all subsequent years. Once
         You  can  elect  to  include  the  costs  (other  than   mally be capitalized.  made, the election is irrevocable. For more in-
         for an oil, gas, or geothermal well) in the adjus-  This  rule  does  not  apply  to  the  following   formation  on  startup  and  organizational  costs,
         ted basis of the mineral property to figure cost   costs that must be capitalized.  see chapter 8.
         depletion. (Cost depletion is discussed in chap-  • The purchase of land or depreciable prop-
         ter 9.) If you do not make this election, you must   erty.
         deduct the costs over the 10-year period begin-  • The acquisition of circulation through the   Reforestation Costs
         ning with the tax year in which you pay or incur   purchase of any part of the business of an-
         them.  These  rules  also  apply to foreign devel-  other publisher of a newspaper, magazine,   Reforestation costs are generally capital expen-
         opment costs.                           or other periodical, including the purchase   ditures. However, you can elect to deduct up to
                                                 of another publisher's list of subscribers.  $10,000 ($5,000 if married filing separately; $0
         Development Costs                   Other  treatment  of  circulation  costs.  If  you   for a trust) of qualifying reforestation costs paid
                                                                                 or  incurred  after  October  22,  2004,  for  each
                                             do not want to deduct circulation costs as a cur-  qualified  timber  property.  The  remaining  costs
         You  can  deduct  costs  paid  or  incurred  during   rent business expense, you can elect one of the   can be amortized over an 84-month period. For
         the tax year for developing a mine or any other   following ways to recover these costs.  information  about  amortizing  reforestation
         natural deposit (other than an oil or gas well) lo-  • Capitalize all circulation costs that are   costs, see chapter 8.
         cated in the United States. These costs must be   properly chargeable to a capital account
         paid  or  incurred  after  the  discovery  of  ores  or   (see chapter 1).  Qualifying reforestation costs are the direct
         minerals in commercially marketable quantities.   • Amortize circulation costs over the 3-year   costs of planting or seeding for forestation or re-
         Development  costs  also  include  depreciation   period beginning with the tax year they   forestation. Qualified timber property is property
         on  improvements  used  in  the  development  of   were paid or incurred.  that  contains  trees  in  significant  commercial
         ores or minerals and costs incurred for you by a                        quantities.  See  chapter  8  for  more  information
         contractor.  Development  costs  do  not  include   How to make the election.  You elect to capi-  on  qualifying  reforestation  costs  and  qualified
         the costs for the acquisition or improvement of   talize circulation costs by attaching a statement   timber property.
         depreciable property.               to your return for the first tax year the election   If you elect to deduct qualified reforestation
            Instead  of  deducting  development  costs  in   applies. Your election is binding for the year it is   costs, create and maintain separate timber ac-
         the year paid or incurred, you can elect to treat   made and for all later years, unless you get IRS   counts for each qualified timber property and in-
                                             approval to revoke it.
         the  costs  as  deferred  expenses  and  deduct                         clude all reforestation costs and the dates each
         them  ratably  as  the  units  of  produced  ores  or                   was applied. Do not include this qualified timber
         minerals  benefited  by  the  expenses  are  sold.   Business Startup and   property in any account (for example, depletion
         This election applies each tax year to expenses                         block) for which depletion is allowed.
         paid  or  incurred  in  that  year.  Once  made,  the   Organizational Costs
         election  is  binding  for  the  year  and  cannot  be                  How  to  make  the  election.  You  elect  to  de-
         revoked for any reason.             Business  startup  and  organizational  costs  are   duct  qualifying  reforestation  costs  by  claiming
                                                                                 the deduction on your timely filed income tax re-
         How  to  make  the  election.  The  election  to   generally  capital  expenditures.  However,  you   turn (including extensions) for the tax year the
                                             can  elect  to  deduct  up  to  $5,000  of  business
         deduct  development  costs  ratably  as  the  ores                      expenses were paid or incurred. If Form T (Tim-
         or  minerals  are  sold  must  be  made  for  each   startup and $5,000 of organizational costs paid   ber) is required, complete Part IV of the form. If
                                             or incurred after October 22, 2004. The $5,000
         mine or other natural deposit by a clear indica-                        Form T (Timber) is not required, attach a state-
         tion on your return or by a statement filed with   deduction is reduced by the amount your total   ment  containing  the  following  information  for
                                             startup or organizational costs exceed $50,000.
         the IRS office where you file your return. Gener-                       each  qualified  timber  property  for  which  an
         ally,  you  must  make  the  election  by  the  due   Any remaining costs must be amortized. For in-  election is being made.
                                             formation about amortizing startup and organi-
         date of the return (including extensions). How-                           • The unique stand identification numbers.
         ever, if you timely filed your return for the year   zational costs, see chapter 8.  • The total number of acres reforested dur-
         without making the election, you can still make   Startup  costs  include  any  amounts  paid  or   ing the tax year.
         the election by filing an amended return within 6   incurred  in  connection  with  creating  an  active   • The nature of the reforestation treatments.
         months of the due date of the return (excluding   trade  or  business  or  investigating  the  creation   • The total amounts of qualified reforestation
         extensions).  Clearly  indicate  the  election  on   or acquisition of an active trade or business. Or-  expenditures eligible to be amortized or
         your amended return and write “Filed pursuant   ganizational costs include the costs of creating   deducted.
         to section 301.9100-2.” File the amended return   a corporation or partnership.  If  you  timely  filed  your  return  for  the  year
         at  the  same  address  you  filed  the  original  re-                  without making the election, you can still make
         turn.                               How  to  make  the  election.  You  elect  to  de-
                                             duct  the  startup  or  organizational  costs  by   the election by filing an amended return within 6
         Foreign  development  costs.  The  rules  dis-  claiming  the  deduction  on  your  income  tax  re-  months of the due date of the return (excluding
         cussed earlier for Foreign exploration costs ap-  turn (filed by the due date including extensions)   extensions).  Clearly  indicate  the  election  on
                                                                                 your amended return and write “Filed pursuant
         ply to foreign development costs.   for the tax year in which the active trade or busi-
                                             ness  begins.  For  costs  paid  or  incurred  after   to section 301.9100-2.” File the amended return
         Reduced corporate deductions for develop-  September 8, 2008, you are not required to at-  at  the  same  address  you  filed  the  original  re-
         ment  costs.  The  rules  discussed  earlier  for   tach  a  statement  to  your  return  to  elect  to  de-  turn. The election applies when figuring taxable
         Reduced  corporate  deductions  for  exploration   duct such costs. However, for startup or organi-  income  for  the  current  tax  year  and  all  subse-
         costs also apply to corporate deductions for de-  zational  costs  paid  or  incurred  before   quent years.
         velopment costs.                    September 9, 2008, you may be required to at-
                                                                     Chapter 7  Costs You Can Deduct or Capitalize    Page 27
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