Page 91 - Small Business Taxes
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               You  can't  amortize  any  of  the  intangi-  Accounts receivable or other similar rights to   Assets That Aren't Section
           !   bles listed in items 1 through 8 that you   income for goods or services provided to cus-  197 Intangibles
          CAUTION  created  rather  than  acquired  unless   tomers before the acquisition of a trade or busi-
         you created them in acquiring assets that make   ness aren't section 197 intangibles.
         up a trade or business or a substantial part of a                       The following assets aren't section 197 intangi-
         trade or business.                  Supplier-based intangible.   A supplier-based   bles.
                                             intangible is the value resulting from the future   1. Any interest in a corporation, partnership,
         Goodwill.  This is the value of a trade or busi-  acquisitions (through contract or other relation-  trust, or estate.
         ness  based  on  expected  continued  customer   ships  with  suppliers  in  the  ordinary  course  of   2. Any interest under an existing futures con-
         patronage  due  to  its  name,  reputation,  or  any   business) of goods or services that you will sell   tract, foreign currency contract, notional
         other factor.                       or  use.  The  amount  you  pay  or  incur  for  sup-
                                             plier-based  intangibles  includes,  for  example,   principal contract, interest rate swap, or
         Going  concern  value.    This  is  the  additional   any portion of the purchase price of an acquired   similar financial contract.
         value  of  a  trade  or  business  that  attaches  to   trade or business that is attributable to the exis-  3. Any interest in land.
         property  because  the  property  is  an  integral   tence  of  a  favorable  relationship  with  persons   4. Most computer software. (See Computer
         part of an ongoing business activity. It includes   providing distribution services (such as a favor-  software, later.)
         value based on the ability of a business to con-  able shelf or display space or a retail outlet), or
         tinue  to  function  and  generate  income  even   the  existence  of  favorable  supply  contracts.   5. Any of the following assets not acquired in
         though  there  is  a  change  in  ownership  (but   Don't  include  any  amount  required  to  be  paid   connection with the acquisition of a trade
         doesn't  include  any  other  section  197  intangi-  for the goods or services to honor the terms of   or business or a substantial part of a trade
         ble). It also includes value based on the imme-  the  agreement  or  other  relationship.  Also,  see   or business.
         diate use or availability of an acquired trade or   Assets  That  Aren't  Section  197  Intangibles,   a. An interest in a film, sound recording,
         business,  such  as  the  use  of  earnings  during   later.                   videotape, book, or similar property.
         any period in which the business wouldn't other-
         wise be available or operational.   Government-granted  license,  permit,  etc.   b. A right to receive tangible property or
                                             This is any right granted by a governmental unit   services under a contract or from a
         Workforce  in  place,  etc.    This  includes  the   or an agency or instrumentality of a governmen-  governmental agency.
         composition of a workforce (for example, its ex-  tal  unit.  For  example,  you  must  amortize  the
         perience, education, or training). It also includes   capitalized costs of acquiring (including issuing   c. An interest in a patent or copyright.
         the  terms  and  conditions  of  employment,   or renewing) a liquor license, a taxicab medal-  d. Certain rights that have a fixed dura-
         whether contractual or otherwise, and any other   lion  or  license,  or  a  television  or  radio  broad-  tion or amount. (See Rights of fixed
         value  placed  on  employees  or  any  of  their  at-  casting license.        duration or amount, later.)
            For example, you must amortize the part of   Covenant not to compete.  Section 197 intan-  6. An interest under either of the following.
                                             gibles  include  a  covenant  not  to  compete  (or
         the purchase price of a business that is for the   similar arrangement) entered into in connection   a. An existing lease or sublease of tangi-
         existence  of  a  highly  skilled  workforce.  Also,   with the acquisition of an interest in a trade or   ble property.
         you must amortize the cost of acquiring an ex-  business, or a substantial portion of a trade or   b. A debt that was in existence when the
         isting employment contract or relationship with   business. An interest in a trade or business in-  interest was acquired.
         employees or consultants.           cludes an interest in a partnership or a corpora-
         Business  books  and  records,  etc.  This  in-  tion engaged in a trade or business.  7. A right to service residential mortgages
                                                                                     unless the right is acquired in connection
         cludes  the  intangible  value  of  technical  man-  An  arrangement  that  requires  the  former   with the acquisition of a trade or business
         uals,  training  manuals  or  programs,  data  files,   owner to perform services (or to provide prop-  or a substantial part of a trade or business.
         and accounting or inventory control systems. It   erty or the use of property) isn't similar to a cov-  8. Certain transaction costs incurred by par-
         also  includes  the  cost  of  customer  lists;  sub-  enant not to compete to the extent the amount
         scription  lists;  insurance  expirations;  patient  or   paid under the arrangement represents reason-  ties to a corporate organization or reorgan-
                                                                                     ization in which any part of a gain or loss
         client  files;  and  lists  of  newspaper,  magazine,   able compensation for those services or for that
         radio, and television advertisers.  property or its use.                    isn't recognized.
                                                                                    Intangible property that isn't amortizable un-
         Patents, copyrights, etc.  This includes pack-  Franchise,  trademark,  or  trade  name.  A   der the rules for section 197 intangibles can be
         age design, computer software, and any inter-  franchise, trademark, or trade name is a section   depreciated  if  it  meets  certain  requirements.
         est in a film, sound recording, videotape, book,   197 intangible. You must amortize its purchase   You must generally use the straight line method
         or  other  similar  property,  except  as  discussed   or renewal costs, other than certain contingent   over  its  useful  life.  For  certain  intangibles,  the
         later  under  Assets  That  Aren't  Section  197  In-  payments that you can deduct currently. For in-  depreciation period is specified in the law and
         tangibles.                          formation  on  currently  deductible  contingent   regulations.  For  example,  the  depreciation  pe-
                                             payments, see chapter 11.           riod  for  computer  software  that  isn't  a  section
         Customer-based  intangible.    This  is  the   Professional  sports  franchise.    A  fran-  197 intangible is generally 36 months.
         composition  of  market,  market  share,  and  any   chise  engaged  in  professional  sports  and  any
         other value resulting from the future provision of   intangible  assets  acquired  in  connection  with   For more information on depreciating intan-
         goods or services because of relationships with   acquiring  the  franchise  (including  player  con-  gible  property,  see  Intangible  Property  under
         customers  in  the  ordinary  course  of  business.   tracts)  is  a  section  197  intangible  amortizable   What Method Can You Use To Depreciate Your
         For example, you must amortize the part of the   over a 15-year period.  Property? in chapter 1 of Pub. 946.
         purchase price of a business that is for the exis-
         tence of the following intangibles.  Contract for the use of, or a term interest in,   Computer  software.  Section  197  intangibles
           • A customer base.                a section 197 intangible.   Section 197 intan-  don’t  include  the  following  types  of  computer
           • A circulation base.             gibles  include  any  right  under  a  license,  con-  software.
           • An undeveloped market or market growth.  tract, or other arrangement providing for the use
           • Insurance in force.             of  any  section  197  intangible.  It  also  includes   1. Software that meets all the following re-
           • A mortgage servicing contract.  any term interest in any section 197 intangible,   quirements.
           • An investment management contract.  whether the interest is outright or in trust.  a. It is, or has been, readily available for
           • Any other relationship with customers in-                                  purchase by the general public.
             volving the future provision of goods or
             services.                                                                b. It is subject to a nonexclusive license.

         Page 32    Chapter 8  Amortization
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