Page 96 - Small Business Taxes
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              8582  8582 Passive Activity Loss Limitations  • The number of units of mineral sold during   can figure your cost depletion deduction by tak-
              T (Timber)  T (Timber) Forest Activities Schedule  the tax year.   ing the following steps.
         See  chapter  12  for  information  about  getting   Basis  for  depletion.  To  figure  the  property's
         publications and forms.             basis  for  depletion,  subtract  all  the  following   Step  Action  Result
                                             from the property's adjusted basis.   1   Divide your property's  Depletion unit.
         Who Can Claim                         1. Amounts recoverable through:         basis for depletion by
                                                                                       total recoverable units.
         Depletion?                               a. Depreciation deductions,      2   Multiply the depletion  Cost depletion
                                                                                       unit by units sold
                                                  b. Deferred expenses (including defer-  during the tax year.
         If  you  have  an  economic  interest  in  mineral   red exploration and development
         property or standing timber, you can take a de-  costs), and               You must keep accounts for the depletion of
         duction  for  depletion.  More  than  one  person   c. Deductions other than depletion.  each property and adjust these accounts each
         can have an economic interest in the same min-                          year for units sold and depletion claimed.
         eral  deposit  or  timber.  In  the  case  of  leased   2. The residual value of land and improve-  Elective  safe  harbor  for  owners  of  oil  and
         property, the depletion deduction is divided be-  ments at the end of operations.
         tween the lessor and the lessee.      3. The cost or value of land acquired for pur-  gas property.  Instead of using the method de-
                                                                                 scribed earlier to determine the total recovera-
            You  have  an  economic  interest  if  both  the   poses other than mineral production.  ble units, you can use an elective safe harbor to
         following apply.                       Adjusted  basis.  The  adjusted  basis  of   determine  the  property’s  recoverable  reserves
           • You have acquired by investment any in-  your property is your original cost or other ba-  for  purposes  of  figuring  cost  depletion.  If  you
             terest in mineral deposits or standing tim-  sis,  plus  certain  additions  and  improvements,   choose the elective safe harbor, the total recov-
             ber.                            and minus certain deductions such as depletion   erable units equal 105% of a property's proved
           • You have a legal right to income from the   allowed or allowable and casualty losses. Your   reserves  (both  developed  and  undeveloped).
             extraction of the mineral or cutting of the   adjusted basis can never be less than zero. See   For  details,  see  Revenue  Procedure  2004-19
             timber to which you must look for a return   Pub. 551 for more information on adjusted ba-  on  page  563  of  I.R.B.  2004-10,  available  at
             of your capital investment.     sis.                      
         A  contractual  relationship  that  allows  you  an                        To make the election, attach a statement to
         economic  or  monetary  advantage  from  prod-  Total  recoverable  units.  The  total  recovera-  your  timely  filed  (including  extensions)  original
         ucts of the mineral deposit or standing timber is   ble units is the sum of the following.  return  for  the  first  tax  year  for  which  the  safe
         not, in itself, an economic interest.  • The number of units of mineral remaining   harbor is elected. The statement must indicate
                                                                                 that  you  are  electing  the  safe  harbor  provided
                                                 at the end of the year (including units re-
               Depletion  is  an  item  of  tax  preference   covered but not sold).  by Revenue Procedure 2004-19. The election, if
           !   under  the  Alternative  Minimum  Tax   • The number of units of mineral sold during   made, is effective for the tax year in which it is
          CAUTION  (AMT). See section 57.        the tax year (determined under your   made and all later years. It cannot be revoked
                                                 method of accounting, as explained next).  for the tax year in which it is elected, but it may
         Basis  adjustment  for  depletion.  You  must   You must estimate or determine recoverable   be  revoked  in  a  later  year.  Once  revoked,  it
         reduce the basis of your property by the deple-  units (tons, pounds, ounces, barrels, thousands   cannot be re-elected for the next 5 years.
         tion allowed or allowable, whichever is greater,   of cubic feet, or other measure) of mineral prod-
         but not below zero.                 ucts using the current industry method and the  Percentage Depletion
                                             most accurate and reliable information you can
         Mineral Property                    obtain. You must include ores and minerals that   To  figure  percentage  depletion,  you  multiply  a
                                             are  developed,  in  sight,  blocked  out,  or  as-
                                                                                 certain percentage, specified for each mineral,
                                             sured. You must also include probable or pro-  by your gross income from the property during
         Mineral  property  includes  oil  and  gas  wells,   spective  ores  or  minerals  that  are  believed  to   the tax year.
         mines, and other natural deposits (including ge-  exist based on good evidence. But see Elective   The rates to be used and other rules for oil
         othermal  deposits).  For  this  purpose,  the  term   safe harbor for owners of oil and gas property,   and  gas  wells  are  discussed  later  under  Inde-
         “property”  means  each  separate  interest  you   later.               pendent  Producers  and  Royalty  Owners  and
         own  in  each  mineral  deposit  in  each  separate                     under Natural Gas Wells. Rates and other rules
         tract  or  parcel  of  land.  You  can  treat  two  or   Number  of  units  sold  during  the  tax  year.   for percentage depletion of other specific miner-
         more  separate  interests  as  one  property  or  as   You determine the number of units sold during   als are found later under Mines and Geothermal
         separate  properties.  See  section  614  and  the   the tax year based on your method of account-  Deposits.
         related regulations for rules on how to treat sep-  ing. Use the following table to make this deter-
         arate mineral interests.            mination.                           Gross income.  When figuring percentage de-
            There are two ways of figuring depletion on                          pletion,  subtract  from  your  gross  income  from
         mineral property.                    IF you       THEN the units sold during   the property the following amounts.
           • Cost depletion.                  use ...      the tax year are ...    • Any rents or royalties you paid or incurred
           • Percentage depletion.            the cash method   the units sold for which you   for the property.
         Generally, you must use the method that gives   of accounting  receive payment during the tax   • The part of any bonus you paid for a lease
                                                                                     on the property allocable to the product
         you the larger deduction. However, unless you     year (regardless of the year of   sold (or that otherwise gives rise to gross
         are an independent producer or royalty owner,                               income) for the tax year.
         you generally cannot use percentage depletion   an accrual   the units sold based on your
         for  oil  and  gas  wells.  See  Oil  and  Gas  Wells,   method of   inventories and method of   A bonus payment includes amounts you paid as
                                                           accounting for inventory.
         later.                                                                  a  lessee  to  satisfy  a  production  payment  re-
                                                The number of units sold during the tax year   tained by the lessor.
         Cost Depletion                      does not include any for which depletion deduc-  Use  the  following  fraction  to  figure  the  part
                                             tions were allowed or allowable in earlier years.  of the bonus you must subtract.
         To  figure  cost  depletion,  you  must  first  deter-
         mine the following.                 Figuring  the  cost  depletion  deduction.   No. of units sold in the tax year  ×  Bonus
           • The property's basis for depletion.  Once you have figured your property's basis for   Recoverable units from the property  Payments
           • The total recoverable units of mineral in the   depletion,  the  total  recoverable  units,  and  the   For oil and gas wells and geothermal depos-
             property's natural deposit.     number  of  units  sold  during  the  tax  year,  you   its,  more  information  about  the  definition  of
                                                                                         Chapter 9  Depletion    Page 37
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