Page 92 - Small Business Taxes
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              c. It hasn't been substantially modified.   Anti-Churning Rules      • The grantor and fiduciary, and the fiduciary
                This requirement is considered met if                                and beneficiary, of any trust.
                the cost of all modifications isn't more                           • The fiduciaries of two different trusts, and
                than the greater of 25% of the price of   Anti-churning rules prevent you from amortizing   the fiduciaries and beneficiaries of two dif-
                                             most  section  197  intangibles  if  the  transaction
                the publicly available unmodified soft-                              ferent trusts, if the same person is the
                ware or $2,000.              in which you acquired them didn't result in a sig-  grantor of both trusts.
                                             nificant  change  in  ownership  or  use.  These
           2. Software that isn't acquired in connection   rules  apply  to  goodwill  and  going  concern   • The executor and beneficiary of an estate.
             with the acquisition of a trade or business   value,  and  to  any  other  section  197  intangible   • A tax-exempt educational or charitable or-
             or a substantial part of a trade or business.  that isn't otherwise depreciable or amortizable.  ganization and a person who directly or in-
                                                                                     directly controls the organization (or whose
            Computer  software  defined.    Computer   Under the anti-churning rules, you can't use   family members control it).
         software  includes  all  programs  designed  to   15-year amortization for the intangible if any of   • A corporation and a partnership if the
         cause a computer to perform a desired function.   the following conditions apply.  same persons own more than 20% of the
         It also includes any database or similar item that                          value of the outstanding stock of the cor-
         is in the public domain and is incidental to the   1. You or a related person (defined later)   poration and more than 20% of the capital
         operation of qualifying software.       held or used the intangible at any time   or profits interest in the partnership.
                                                 from July 25, 1991, through August 10,   • Two S corporations, and an S corporation
         Rights of fixed duration or amount.   Section   1993.                       and a regular corporation, if the same per-
         197 intangibles don't include any right under a   2. You acquired the intangible from a person   sons own more than 20% of the value of
         contract  or  from  a  governmental  agency  if  the   who held it at any time during the period in   the outstanding stock of each corporation.
         right  is  acquired  in  the  ordinary  course  of  a   (1) and, as part of the transaction, the user   • Two partnerships if the same persons own,
         trade or business (or in an activity engaged in   didn't change.            directly or indirectly, more than 20% of the
         for the production of income) but not as part of a                          capital or profits interests in both partner-
         purchase of a trade or business and either:  3. You granted the right to use the intangible   ships.
           • Has a fixed life of less than 15 years; or  to a person (or a person related to that   • A partnership and a person who owns, di-
           • Is of a fixed amount that, except for the   person) who held or used it at any time   rectly or indirectly, more than 20% of the
             rules for section 197 intangibles, would be   during the period in (1). This applies only if   capital or profits interests in the partner-
             recovered under a method similar to the   the transaction in which you granted the   ship.
             unit-of-production method of cost recov-  right and the transaction in which you ac-  • Two persons who are engaged in trades or
             ery.                                quired the intangible are part of a series of   businesses under common control (as de-
         However, this doesn't apply to the following in-  related transactions. See Related person,   scribed in section 41(f)(1)).
                                                 later, for more information.
         tangibles.                                                                 When  to  determine  relationship.    Per-
           • Goodwill.                       Exceptions.   The anti-churning rules don't ap-  sons  are  treated  as  related  if  the  relationship
           • Going concern value.            ply in the following situations.    existed at the following time.
           • A covenant not to compete.        • You acquired the intangible from a dece-  • In the case of a single transaction, immedi-
           • A franchise, trademark, or trade name.  dent and its basis was stepped up to its fair   ately before or immediately after the trans-
           • A customer-related information base, cus-  market value.                action in which the intangible was ac-
             tomer-based intangible, or similar item.  • The intangible was amortizable as a sec-  quired.

         Safe Harbor for Creative                tion 197 intangible by the seller or trans-  • In the case of a series of related transac-
                                                                                     tions (or a series of transactions that com-
                                                 feror you acquired it from. This exception
         Property Costs                          doesn't apply if the transaction in which   prise a qualified stock purchase under sec-
                                                 you acquired the intangible and the trans-  tion 338(d)(3)), immediately before the
         If you are engaged in the trade or business of   action in which the seller or transferor ac-  earliest transaction or immediately after the
                                                                                     last transaction.
         film production, you may be able to amortize the   quired it are part of a series of related
         creative property costs for properties not set for   transactions.         Ownership  of  stock.    In  determining
         production within 3 years of the first capitalized   • The gain-recognition exception, discussed   whether an individual directly or indirectly owns
         transaction. You may amortize these costs rata-  later, applies.        any  of  the  outstanding  stock  of  a  corporation,
         bly over a 15-year period beginning on the first                        the following rules apply.
         day of the second half of the tax year in which   Related   person.  For   purposes   of   the
         you properly write off the costs for financial ac-  anti-churning  rules,  the  following  are  related   Rule  1.    Stock  directly  or  indirectly  owned
         counting  purposes.  If,  during  the  15-year  pe-  persons.           by  or  for  a  corporation,  partnership,  estate,  or
         riod, you dispose of the creative property rights,   • An individual and his or her brothers, sis-  trust is considered owned proportionately by or
         you  must  continue  to  amortize  the  costs  over   ters, half brothers, half sisters, spouse, an-  for its shareholders, partners, or beneficiaries.
         the remainder of the 15-year period.    cestors (parents, grandparents, etc.), and   Rule 2.   An individual is considered to own
                                                 lineal descendants (children, grandchil-
            Creative property costs include costs paid or   dren, etc.).         the  stock  directly  or  indirectly  owned  by  or  for
         incurred  to  acquire  and  develop  screenplays,   • A corporation and an individual who owns,   his or her family. Family includes only brothers
         scripts, story outlines, motion picture production   directly or indirectly, more than 20% of the   and  sisters,  half  brothers  and  half  sisters,
         rights  to  books  and  plays,  and  other  similar   value of the corporation's outstanding   spouse, ancestors, and lineal descendants.
         properties  for  purposes  of  potential  future  film   stock.            Rule 3.   An individual owning (other than by
         development, production, and exploitation.  • Two corporations that are members of the   applying  Rule  2)  any  stock  in  a  corporation  is
            Amortize these costs using the rules of Rev-  same controlled group as defined in sec-  considered  to  own  the  stock  directly  or  indi-
                                                 tion 1563(a), except that “more than 20%”
         enue Procedure 2004-36. For more information,   is substituted for “at least 80%” in that defi-  rectly owned by or for their partner.
         see  Revenue  Procedure  2004-36,  2004-24   nition and the determination is made with-  Rule 4.   For purposes of applying Rule 1, 2,
         I.R.B.   1063,   available   at  out regard to subsections (a)(4) and (e)(3)  or 3, treat stock constructively owned by a per-
         2004-24_IRB#RP-2004-36.                 (C) of section 1563. For an exception, see   son under Rule 1 as actually owned by that per-
               A  change  in  the  treatment  of  creative   section 1.197-2(h)(6)(iv) of the regulations.  son.  Don't  treat  stock  constructively  owned  by
           !   property costs is a change in method of   • A trust fiduciary and a corporation if more   an individual under Rule 2 or 3 as owned by the
          CAUTION  accounting.                   than 20% of the value of the corporation's   individual for reapplying Rule 2 or 3 to make an-
                                                 outstanding stock is owned, directly or in-  other  person  the  constructive  owner  of  the
                                                 directly, by or for the trust or grantor of the   stock.

                                                                                       Chapter 8  Amortization    Page 33
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