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         if you timely filed your return for the year without   • The month your corporation or partnership   You can't deduct amortization for the month you
         making the election, you can still make the elec-  began active business (or acquired the   dispose of the intangible.
         tion by filing an amended return within 6 months   business).
         of the due date of the return (excluding exten-  • The number of months in your amortization   If you pay or incur an amount that increases
         sions).  For  more  information,  see  the  instruc-  period (which is generally 180 months).  the basis of an amortizable section 197 intangi-
         tions for Part VI of Form 4562.                                         ble after the 15-year period begins, amortize it
                                                Partnerships.   The statement prepared for   over the remainder of the 15-year period begin-
                                             a cash basis partnership must also indicate the   ning with the month the basis increase occurs.
            You can choose to forgo the election to am-  amount paid before the end of the year for each
         ortize by affirmatively electing to capitalize your   cost.                You aren't allowed any other depreciation or
         startup or organizational costs on your income   You  don't  need  to  separately  list  any  part-  amortization deduction for an amortizable sec-
         tax return filed by the due date (including exten-  nership  organizational  cost  that  is  less  than   tion 197 intangible.
         sions) for the tax year in which the active trade   $10.  Instead,  you  can  list  the  total  amount  of
         or business begins.                 these  costs  with  the  dates  the  first  and  last   Tax-exempt use property subject to a lease.
                                                                                 The amortization period for any section 197 in-
            Note.    The  election  to  either  amortize  or   costs were incurred.  tangible  leased  under  a  lease  agreement  en-
                                                After  a  partnership  makes  the  election  to
         capitalize  startup  or  organizational  costs  is  ir-  amortize organizational costs, it can later file an   tered into after March 12, 2004, to a tax-exempt
         revocable and applies to all startup and organi-  amended return to include additional organiza-  organization, governmental unit, or foreign per-
         zational  costs  that  are  related  to  the  trade  or   tional  costs  not  included  in  the  partnership's   son or entity (other than a partnership), shall not
         business.                           original return and statement.      be less than 125% of the lease term.

            If your business is organized as a corpora-                          Cost  attributable  to  other  property.    The
         tion or partnership, only the corporation or part-  Getting a Lease     rules for section 197 intangibles don't apply to
         nership  can  elect  to  amortize  its  startup  or  or-                any amount that is included in determining the
         ganizational  costs.  A  shareholder  or  partner   If  you  get  a  lease  for  business  property,  you   cost of property that isn't a section 197 intangi-
         can't make this election. You, as a shareholder   may recover the cost of acquiring the lease by   ble.  For  example,  if  the  cost  of  computer  soft-
         or partner, can't amortize any costs you incur in   amortizing  it  over  the  term  of  the  lease.  The   ware  isn't  separately  stated  from  the  cost  of
         setting up your corporation or partnership. Only   term of the lease for amortization purposes gen-  hardware  or  other  tangible  property  and  you
         the  corporation  or  partnership  can  amortize   erally  includes  all  renewal  options  (and  any   consistently  treat  it  as  part  of  the  cost  of  the
         these costs.                        other period for which you and the lessor rea-  hardware or other tangible property, these rules
                                                                                 don't apply. Similarly, none of the cost of acquir-
                                             sonably expect the lease to be renewed). How-  ing  real  property  held  for  the  production  of
            However, you, as an individual, can elect to   ever, renewal periods aren't included if 75% or   rental  income  is  considered  the  cost  of  good-
         amortize costs you incur to investigate an inter-  more of the cost of acquiring the lease is for the   will, going concern value, or any other section
         est in an existing partnership. These costs qual-  term  of  the  lease  remaining  on  the  acquisition   197 intangible.
         ify as business startup costs if you acquire the   date  (not  including  any  period  for  which  you
         partnership interest.               may choose to renew, extend, or continue the
                                             lease).                             Section 197 Intangibles
         Startup  costs  election  statement.    If  you                         Defined
         elect  to  amortize  your  startup  costs,  attach  a   For more information on the costs of getting
         separate  statement  (if  required)  that  contains   a lease, see Cost of Getting a Lease in  The following assets are section 197 intangibles
         the following information.          chapter 3.                          and must be amortized over 180 months.
           • A description of the business to which the
             startup costs relate.           How  to  amortize.    Enter  your  deduction  in   1. Goodwill.
           • A description of each startup cost incurred.  Part VI of Form 4562 if you are deducting amor-  2. Going concern value.
           • The month your active business began (or   tization  that  begins  during  the  current  year,  or
             was acquired).                  on the appropriate line of your tax return if you   3. Workforce in place.
           • The number of months in your amortization   aren't otherwise required to file Form 4562.  4. Business books and records, operating
             period (which is generally 180 months).                                 systems, or any other information base, in-
            Filing the statement early.   You can elect   Section 197 Intangibles    cluding lists or other information concern-
         to amortize your startup costs by filing the state-                         ing current or prospective customers.
         ment  with  a  return  for  any  tax  year  before  the   Generally,  you  may  amortize  the  capitalized   5. A patent, copyright, formula, process, de-
         year your active business begins. If you file the   costs of “section 197 intangibles” (see Section   sign, pattern, know-how, format, or similar
         statement early, the election becomes effective   197  Intangibles  Defined,  later)  ratably  over  a   item.
         in  the  month  of  the  tax  year  your  active  busi-  15-year period. You must amortize these costs
         ness begins.                        if  you  hold  the  section  197  intangibles  in  con-  6. A customer-based intangible.
            Revised statement.   You can file a revised   nection with your trade or business or in an ac-  7. A supplier-based intangible.
         statement to include any startup costs not inclu-  tivity engaged in for the production of income.  8. Any item similar to items 3 through 7.
         ded  in  your  original  statement.  However,  you   You may not be able to amortize sec-  9. A license, permit, or other right granted by
         can't include on the revised statement any cost   tion 197 intangibles acquired in a trans-  a governmental unit or agency (including
         you previously treated on your return as a cost   !  action that didn't result in a significant   issuances and renewals).
         other  than  a  startup  cost.  You  can  file  the  re-  change in ownership or use. See Anti-Churning
         vised statement with a return filed after the re-  Rules, later.         10. A covenant not to compete entered into in
         turn  on  which  you  elected  to  amortize  your                           connection with the acquisition of an inter-
         startup costs.                         Your  amortization  deduction  each  year  is   est in a trade or business.
         Organizational costs election statement.   If   the  applicable  part  of  the  intangible's  adjusted   11. Any franchise, trademark, or trade name.
         you elect to amortize your corporation's or part-  basis  (for  purposes  of  determining  gain),  fig-  12. A contract for the use of, or a term interest
                                             ured by amortizing it ratably over 15 years (180
         nership's  organizational  costs,  attach  a  sepa-                         in, any item in this list.
         rate statement (if required) that contains the fol-  months).  The  15-year  period  begins  with  the
                                             later of:
         lowing information.                   • The month the intangible is acquired, or
           • A description of each cost.
           • The amount of each cost.          • The month the trade or business or activity
                                                 engaged in for the production of income
           • The date each cost was incurred.    begins.
                                                                                       Chapter 8  Amortization    Page 31
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