Page 88 - Small Business Taxes
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                                             Topics                              can't recover other costs until you sell the busi-
         Repair and Maintenance              This chapter discusses:             ness or otherwise go out of business. For a dis-
                                                                                 cussion on how to treat these costs, see If your
         Costs                                 • Deducting amortization          attempt to go into business is unsuccessful un-
                                               • Amortizing costs of starting a business  der Capital Expenses in chapter 1.
         Generally, you can deduct amounts paid for re-  • Amortizing costs of getting a lease  For  costs  paid  or  incurred  after  September
         pairs  and  maintenance  to  tangible  property  if   • Amortizing costs of section 197 intangibles  8,  2008,  you  can  deduct  a  limited  amount  of
         the amounts paid are not otherwise required to   • Amortizing reforestation costs  startup and organizational costs. The costs that
         be capitalized. However, you may elect to capi-  • Amortizing costs of geological and   aren't deducted currently can be amortized rat-
         talize amounts paid for repair and maintenance   geophysical costs      ably over a 180-month period. The amortization
         consistent with the treatment on your books and   • Amortizing costs of pollution control   period starts with the month you begin operat-
         records. If you make this election, it applies to   facilities          ing your active trade or business. You aren't re-
         all amounts paid for repair and maintenance to   • Amortizing costs of research and   quired to attach a statement to make this elec-
         tangible  property  that  you  treat  as  capital  ex-  experimentation  tion.  You  can  choose  to  forgo  this  election  by
         penditures  on  your  books  and  records  for  the   • Amortizing costs of certain tax preferences  affirmatively  electing  to  capitalize  your  startup
         tax year.                                                               costs on your income tax return filed by the due
                                             Useful Items                        date  (including  extensions)  for  the  tax  year  in
         How to make the election.  To make the elec-  You may want to see:      which the active trade or business begins. Once
         tion to treat repairs and maintenance as capital                        made, the election to either amortize or capital-
         expenditures, attach a statement titled “Section   Publication          ize startup costs is irrevocable and applies to all
         1.263(a)-3(n) Election” to your timely filed return                     startup  costs  that  are  related  to  your  trade  or
         (including extensions). For more information on     544   544 Sales and Other Dispositions of   business.  See  Regulations  sections  1.195-1,
         what  to  include  in  the  statement,  see  Regula-  Assets            1.248-1, and 1.709-1.
         tions  section  1.263(a)-3(n).  If  you  timely  filed
         your return without making the election, you can     550   550 Investment Income and Expenses  For costs paid or incurred after October 22,
         still make the election by filing an amended re-    946   946 How To Depreciate Property  2004, and before September 9, 2008, you can
         turn within 6 months of the due date of the re-                         elect  to  deduct  a  limited  amount  of  business
         turn  (excluding  extensions).  Attach  the  state-  Form (and Instructions)  startup and organizational costs in the year your
         ment  to  the  amended  return  and  write  “Filed                      active trade or business begins. Any costs not
         pursuant  to  section  301.9100-2”  on  the  state-    3115   3115 Application for Change in   deducted  can  be  amortized  ratably  over  a
         ment. File the amended return at the same ad-  Accounting Method        180-month  period,  beginning  with  the  month
         dress you filed the original return.     4562   4562 Depreciation and Amortization  you begin business. If the election is made, you
                                                                                 must attach any statement required by Regula-
                                                  6251   6251 Alternative Minimum   tions  sections  1.195-1(b),  1.248-1(c),  and
                                                     Tax—Individuals             1.709-1(c),  as  in  effect  before  September  9,
                                             See  chapter  12  for  information  about  getting   2008.
                                             publications and forms.                Note.   You can apply the provisions of Reg-
         8.                                                                      ulations sections 1.195-1, 1.248-1, and 1.709-1
                                             How To Deduct                       to all business startup and organizational costs
                                                                                 paid or incurred after October 22, 2004, provi-
         Amortization                        Amortization                        ded  the  period  of  limitations  on  assessment
                                                                                 hasn't expired for the year of the election. Oth-
                                             To  deduct  amortization  that  begins  during  the   erwise, for business startup and organizational
                                                                                 costs  paid  or  incurred  after  October  22,  2004,
         What's New                          current tax year, complete Part VI of Form 4562   and  before  September  9,  2008,  the  provisions
                                             and attach it to your income tax return.
                                                To report amortization from previous years,   1.248-1(c),  and  1.709-1(c),  as  in  effect  before
         Amortization of research and experimental   in addition to amortization that begins in the cur-  September 9, 2008, will apply.
         expenditures.  Specified  research  or  experi-  rent  year,  list  on  Form  4562  each  item  sepa-  For  costs  paid  or  incurred  before  October
         mental costs paid or incurred in tax years begin-  rately. For example, in 2021, you began to am-  23,  2004,  you  can  elect  to  amortize  business
         ning after 2021 must be capitalized and amor-  ortize a lease. In 2022, you began to amortize a   startup and organizational costs over an amorti-
         tized  ratably  over  a  5-year  period  (15-year   second lease. Report amortization from the new   zation period of 60 months or more. See How
         period  for  any  expenditures  related  to  foreign   lease on line 42 of your 2022 Form 4562. Re-  To Make the Election, later.
         research).  See  Research  and  Experimental   port amortization from the 2021 lease on line 43   The cost must qualify as one of the follow-
         Costs, later.                       of your 2022 Form 4562.             ing.
                                                                                   • A business startup cost.
                                                If  you  don't  have  any  new  amortizable  ex-  • An organizational cost for a corporation.
         Introduction                        penses for the current year, you aren't required   • An organizational cost for a partnership.
                                             to complete Form 4562 (unless you are claim-
         Amortization is a method of recovering (deduct-  ing depreciation). Report the current year's de-  Business Startup Costs
         ing) certain capital costs over a fixed period of   duction  for  amortization  that  began  in  a  prior
         time. It is similar to the straight line method of   year directly on the “Other deduction” or “Other   Startup costs are amounts paid or incurred for
         depreciation.                       expense” line of your return.       (a) creating an active trade or business, or (b)
            The  various  amortizable  costs  covered  in                        investigating  the  creation  or  acquisition  of  an
         this chapter are included in the list below. How-
         ever, this chapter doesn't discuss amortization  Starting a Business    active trade or business. Startup costs include
         of bond premium. For information on that topic,                         amounts paid or incurred in connection with an
                                                                                 existing activity engaged in for profit, and for the
         see chapter 3 of Pub. 550, Investment Expen-  When  you  start  a  business,  treat  all  eligible   production of income in anticipation of the activ-
         ses.                                costs you incur before you begin operating the   ity becoming an active trade or business.
                                             business as capital expenditures that are part of
                                             your  basis  in  the  business.  Generally,  you  re-
                                             cover costs for particular assets through depre-
                                             ciation  deductions.  However,  you  generally
                                                                                       Chapter 8  Amortization    Page 29
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