Page 87 - Small Business Taxes
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            For  additional  information  on  reforestation   that the partner was able to deduct the distribu-  3. The barrier must be removed without cre-
         costs, see chapter 8.               tive share of the partnership's costs in full.  ating any new barrier that significantly im-
                                                                                     pairs access to or use of the facility or ve-
         Recapture.  This deduction may have to be re-  Example.  Emilio Azul's distributive share of   hicle by a major group of persons who
         captured  as  ordinary  income  under  section   ABC partnership's deductible expenses for the   have a disability or are elderly.
         1245 when you sell or otherwise dispose of the   removal  of  architectural  barriers  was  $14,000.
         property  that  would  have  received  an  addition   Emilio  had  $12,000  of  similar  expenses  in  his   How to make the election.  If you elect to de-
         to basis if you had not elected to deduct the ex-  sole  proprietorship.  He  elected  to  deduct   duct your costs for removing barriers to the dis-
         penditure. For more information on recapturing   $7,000 of them. Emilio allocated the remaining   abled  or  the  elderly,  claim  the  deduction  on
         the  deduction,  see  Depreciation  Recapture  in   $8,000  of  the  $15,000  limit  to  his  share  of   your  income  tax  return  (partnership  return  for
         Pub. 544.                           ABC's  expenses.  Emilio  can  add  the  excess   partnerships)  for  the  tax  year  the  expenses
                                             $5,000 of his own expenses to the basis of the   were paid or incurred. Identify the deduction as
         Retired Asset Removal               property used in his business. Also, if ABC can   a separate item. The election applies to all the
                                             show  that  Emilio  could  not  deduct  $6,000
                                                                                 qualifying costs you have during the year, up to
         Costs                               ($14,000 – $8,000) of his share of the partner-  the $15,000 limit. If you make this election, you
                                                                                 must maintain adequate records to support your
                                             ship's expenses because of how Emilio applied
                                             the limit, ABC can add $6,000 to the basis of its   deduction.
         If you retire and remove a depreciable asset in   property.                For your election to be valid, you must gen-
         connection with the installation or production of                       erally file your return by its due date, including
         a replacement asset, you can deduct the costs   Qualification  standards.  You  can  deduct   extensions. However, if you timely filed your re-
         of  removing  the  retired  asset.  However,  if  you   your costs as a current expense only if the bar-  turn  for  the  year  without  making  the  election,
         replace a component (part) of a depreciable as-  rier removal meets the guidelines and require-  you  can  still  make  the  election  by  filing  an
         set, capitalize the removal costs if the replace-  ments  issued  by  the  Architectural  and  Trans-  amended return within 6 months of the due date
         ment is an improvement and deduct the costs if   portation Barriers Compliance Board under the   of the return (excluding extensions). Clearly in-
         the replacement is a repair.        Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.   dicate the election on your amended return and
                                             You  can  view  the  ADA  at  write  “Filed  pursuant  to  section  301.9100-2.”
         Barrier Removal Costs               ada.htm.                            File  the  amended  return  at  the  same  address
                                                The following is a list of some architectural
                                                                                 you filed the original return. Your election is ir-
                                             barrier removal costs that can be deducted.  revocable  after  the  due  date,  including  exten-
         The cost of an improvement to a business asset   • Ground and floor surfaces.  sions, of your return.
         is  normally  a  capital  expense.  However,  you   • Walks.
         can elect to deduct the costs of making a facility   • Parking lots.    Disabled  access  credit.  If  you  make  your
         or public transportation vehicle more accessible   • Ramps.             business accessible to persons with disabilities
         to and usable by those who are disabled or eld-  • Entrances.           and your business is an eligible small business,
         erly. You must own or lease the facility or vehi-  • Doors and doorways.  you may be able to claim the disabled access
         cle for use in connection with your trade or busi-  • Stairs.           credit.  If  you  choose  to  claim  the  credit,  you
         ness.                                 • Floors.                         must reduce the amount you deduct or capital-
                                                                                 ize by the amount of the credit.
            A facility is all or any part of buildings, struc-  • Toilet rooms.     For more information, see Form 8826.
                                               • Water fountains.
         tures, equipment, roads, walks, parking lots, or   • Public telephones.
         similar real or personal property. A public trans-  • Elevators.
         portation vehicle is a vehicle, such as a bus or   • Controls.          Film, Television, and
         railroad car, that provides transportation service   • Signage.
         to the public (including service for your custom-  • Alarms.            Live Theatrical
         ers, even if you are not in the business of pro-  • Protruding objects.  Production Costs
         viding transportation services).      • Symbols of accessibility.
            You cannot deduct any costs that you paid   You  can  find  the  ADA  guidelines  and  require-  Film, television, and theatrical production costs
         or incurred to completely renovate or build a fa-  ments  for  architectural  barrier  removal  at   are  generally  capital  expenses.  However,  you
         cility  or  public  transportation  vehicle  or  to  re-  can elect to deduct certain costs of a qualified
         place depreciable property in the normal course   The costs for removal of transportation barri-  film,  television,  or  live  theatrical  production
         of business.                        ers from rail facilities, buses, and rapid and light   commencing before January 1, 2026 (after De-
                                             rail  vehicles  are  deductible.  You  can  find  the   cember 31, 2015, and before January 1, 2026,
         Deduction limit.  The most you can deduct as   guidelines  and  requirements  for  transportation   for a live theatrical production), if the aggregate
         a cost of removing barriers to the disabled and   barrier removal at  cost of the production doesn't exceed $15 mil-
         the  elderly  for  any  tax  year  is  $15,000.  How-  Also,  you  can  access  the  ADA  website  at   lion.  There  is  a  higher  dollar  limitation  for  pro-
         ever, you can add any costs over this limit to the for additional information.  ductions in certain areas. The deduction is sub-
         basis of the property and depreciate these ex-                          ject  to  recapture  under  section  1245  if  the
         cess costs.                            Other barrier removals.  To be deductible,   election is voluntarily revoked or the production
                                             expenses of removing any barrier not covered
         Partners and partnerships.  The $15,000 limit   by the above standards must meet all three of   fails to meet the requirements for the deduction.
                                                                                 For more information, see section 181 and the
         applies to a partnership and also to each part-  the following tests.   related regulations.
         ner  in  the  partnership.  A  partner  can  allocate   1. The removed barrier must be a substantial
         the $15,000 limit in any manner among the part-  barrier to access or use of a facility or pub-  Certain qualified film, television, or live the-
         ner's  individually  incurred  costs  and  the  part-  lic transportation vehicle by persons who   atrical productions acquired and placed in serv-
         ner's  distributive  share  of  partnership  costs.  If   have a disability or are elderly.  ice  after  September  27,  2017,  may  be  eligible
         the  partner  cannot  deduct  the  entire  share  of                    for  the  special  depreciation  allowance  under
         partnership costs, the partnership can add any   2. The removed barrier must have been a   section 168(k). For more information, see Pub.
         costs not deducted to the basis of the improved   barrier for at least one major group of per-  946, How To Depreciate Property.
         property.                               sons who have a disability or are elderly
            A partnership must be able to show that any   (such as people who are blind, deaf, or   Note.  No other depreciation or amortization
         amount  added  to  basis  was  not  deducted  by   wheelchair users).   deduction is allowed for costs of qualified film or
         the  partner  and  that  it  was  over  a  partner's                    television production or any qualified live theat-
         $15,000 limit (as determined by the partner). If                        rical production if an election is made to deduct
         the partnership cannot show this, it is presumed                        such costs.
         Page 28    Chapter 7  Costs You Can Deduct or Capitalize
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