Page 89 - Small Business Taxes
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         Qualifying costs.   A startup cost is amortiza-  Qualifying costs.   To qualify as an organiza-  • The cost of admitting or removing partners,
         ble if it meets both of the following tests.  tional cost, it must be:      other than at the time the partnership is
           • It is a cost you could deduct if you paid or   • For the creation of the corporation,  first organized.
             incurred it to operate an existing active   • Chargeable to a capital account (see chap-  • The cost of making a contract concerning
             trade or business (in the same field as the   ter 1),                   the operation of the partnership trade or
             one you entered into).            • Amortized over the life of the corporation if   business, including a contract between a
           • It is a cost you pay or incur before the day   the corporation had a fixed life, and  partner and the partnership.
             your active trade or business begins.  • Incurred before the end of the first tax year   • The costs for issuing and marketing inter-
            Startup  costs  include  amounts  paid  for  the   in which the corporation is in business.  ests in the partnership such as brokerage,
         following.                             A corporation using the cash method of ac-  registration, and legal fees and printing
           • An analysis or survey of potential markets,   counting  can  amortize  organizational  costs  in-  costs. These “syndication fees” are capital
             products, labor supply, transportation fa-  curred within the first tax year, even if it doesn't   expenses that can't be depreciated or
             cilities, etc.                  pay them in that year.                  amortized.
           • Advertisements for the opening of the busi-  Examples  of  organizational  costs  include   Liquidation  of  partnership.    If  a  partnership
             ness.                           the following.
           • Salaries and wages for employees who are   • The cost of temporary directors.  is liquidated before the end of the amortization
                                                                                 period, the unamortized amount of qualifying or-
             being trained and their instructors.  • The cost of organizational meetings.
           • Travel and other necessary costs for se-  • State incorporation fees.  ganizational costs can be deducted in the part-
                                                                                 nership's  final  tax  year.  However,  these  costs
             curing prospective distributors, suppliers,   • The cost of legal services.
             or customers.                                                       can be deducted only to the extent they qualify
           • Salaries and fees for executives and con-  Nonqualifying costs.   The following items are   as a loss from a business.
             sultants, or for similar professional serv-  capital expenses that can't be amortized.
             ices.                             • Costs for issuing and selling stock or se-  How To Amortize
                                                 curities, such as commissions, professio-
         Nonqualifying  costs.    Startup  costs  don't  in-  nal fees, and printing costs.  Deduct  startup  and  organizational  costs  in
         clude  deductible  interest,  taxes,  or  research   • Costs associated with the transfer of as-  equal amounts over the applicable amortization
         and experimental costs. See Research and Ex-  sets to the corporation.  period  (discussed  earlier  under  Business
         perimental Costs, later.                                                Startup Costs). You can choose an amortization
                                             Costs of Organizing a               period for startup costs that is different from the
         Purchasing  an  active  trade  or  business.                            period you choose for organizational costs, as
         Amortizable startup costs for purchasing an ac-  Partnership            long as both aren't less than the applicable am-
         tive trade or business include only investigative                       ortization  period.  Once  you  choose  an  amorti-
         costs incurred in the course of a general search   The costs to organize a partnership are the di-  zation period, you can't change it.
         for or preliminary investigation of the business.   rect costs of creating the partnership.
         These  are  costs  that  help  you  decide  whether                        To  figure  your  deduction,  divide  your  total
         to purchase a business. Costs you incur in an   Qualifying costs.   A partnership can amortize   startup or organizational costs by the months in
         attempt  to  purchase  a  specific  business  are   an organizational cost only if it meets all the fol-  the  amortization  period.  The  result  is  the
         capital expenses that you can't amortize.  lowing tests.                amount you can deduct for each month.
                                               • It is for the creation of the partnership and
            Example.    On  June  1,  you  hired  an  ac-  not for starting or operating the partnership   Cash method partnership.   A partnership us-
         counting firm and a law firm to assist you in the   trade or business.  ing the cash method of accounting can deduct
         potential  purchase  of  XYZ,  Inc.  They  re-  • It is chargeable to a capital account (see   an organizational cost only if it has been paid by
         searched  XYZ's  industry  and  analyzed  the  fi-  chapter 1).         the end of the tax year. However, any cost the
         nancial  projections  of  XYZ,  Inc.  In  September,   • It could be amortized over the life of the   partnership could have deducted as an organi-
         the law firm prepared and submitted a letter of   partnership if the partnership had a fixed   zational cost in an earlier tax year (if it had been
         intent to XYZ, Inc. The letter stated that a bind-  life.               paid that year) can be deducted in the tax year
         ing  commitment  would  result  only  after  a  pur-  • It is incurred by the due date of the partner-  of payment.
         chase agreement was signed. The law firm and   ship return (excluding extensions) for the
         accounting  firm  continued  to  provide  services,   first tax year in which the partnership is in   How To Make the Election
         including a review of XYZ's books and records   business. However, if the partnership uses
         and  the  preparation  of  a  purchase  agreement.   the cash method of accounting and pays   To  elect  to  amortize  startup  or  organizational
         On October 22, you signed a purchase agree-  the cost after the end of its first tax year,   costs,  you  must  complete  and  attach  Form
         ment with XYZ, Inc.                     see Cash method partnership under How   4562 to your return for the first tax year you are
            All  amounts  paid  or  incurred  to  investigate   To Amortize, later.  in business. You may also be required to attach
         the business before October 22 are amortizable   • It is for a type of item normally expected to   an organizational costs election statement (de-
         investigative  costs.  Amounts  paid  on  or  after   benefit the partnership throughout its entire   scribed later) to your return.
         that date relate to the attempt to purchase the   life.
         business and therefore must be capitalized.  Organizational  costs  include  the  following   For  startup  or  organizational  costs  paid  or
                                             fees.                               incurred after September 8, 2008, an accompa-
         Disposition  of  business.    If  you  completely   • Legal fees for services incident to the or-  nying  statement  isn't  required.  Generally,  for
         dispose of your business before the end of the   ganization of the partnership, such as ne-  startup or organizational costs paid or incurred
         amortization  period,  you  can  deduct  any  re-  gotiation and preparation of the partner-  before  September  9,  2008,  and  after  October
         maining  deferred  startup  costs.  However,  you   ship agreement.     22, 2004, unless you choose to apply Regula-
         can deduct these deferred startup costs only to   • Accounting fees for services incident to the   tions  sections  1.195-1,  1.248-1,  and  1.709-1,
         the  extent  they  qualify  as  a  loss  from  a  busi-  organization of the partnership.  you  must  also  attach  an  accompanying  state-
         ness.                                 • Filing fees.                    ment to elect to amortize the costs.
         Costs of Organizing a               Nonqualifying  costs.    The  following  costs   If you have both startup and organizational
         Corporation                         can't be amortized.                 costs, attach a separate statement (if required)
                                               • The cost of acquiring assets for the part-  to your return for each type of cost. See Starting
         Amounts paid to organize a corporation are the   nership or transferring assets to the part-  a Business, earlier, for more information.
         direct costs of creating the corporation.  nership.                        Generally,  you  must  file  the  return  by  the
                                                                                 due date (including any extensions). However,
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