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         Gain-recognition  exception.    This  exception   Changing Your Accounting Method  tions) as other section 197 intangibles you still
         to  the  anti-churning  rules  applies  if  the  person                 have.  Instead,  increase  the  adjusted  basis  of
         you acquired the intangible from (the transferor)   Generally, you must get IRS approval to change   each remaining amortizable section 197 intangi-
         meets both of the following requirements.  your  method  of  accounting.  File  Form  3115  to   ble by a proportionate part of the nondeductible
           • That person wouldn't be related to you (as   request  a  change  to  a  permissible  method  of   loss. Figure the increase by multiplying the non-
             described under Related person, earlier) if   accounting for amortization.  deductible loss on the disposition of the intangi-
             the 20% test for ownership of stock and                             ble by the following fraction.
             partnership interests were replaced by a   The following are examples of  a change  in   • The numerator is the adjusted basis of
             50% test.                       method of accounting for amortization.  each remaining intangible on the date of
           • That person chose to recognize gain on   • A change in the amortization method, pe-  the disposition.
             the disposition of the intangible and pay in-  riod of recovery, or convention of an amor-  • The denominator is the total adjusted basis
             come tax on the gain at the highest tax   tizable asset.                of all remaining amortizable section 197 in-
             rate. See chapter 2 of Pub. 544 for infor-  • A change in the accounting for amortizable   tangibles on the date of the disposition.
             mation on making this choice.       assets from a single asset account to a
            If  this  exception  applies,  the  anti-churning   multiple asset account (pooling), or vice   Covenant not to compete.   A covenant not to
         rules apply only to the amount of your adjusted   versa.                compete,  or  similar  arrangement,  isn't  consid-
                                                                                 ered  disposed  of  or  worthless  before  you  dis-
         basis in the intangible that is more than the gain   • A change in the accounting for amortizable
         recognized by the transferor.           assets from one type of multiple asset ac-  pose of your entire interest in the trade or busi-
                                                                                 ness for which you entered into the covenant.
            Notification.    If  the  person  you  acquired   count to a different type of multiple asset
         the  intangible  from  chooses  to  recognize  gain                     Nonrecognition  transfers.    If  you  acquire  a
         under  the  rules  for  this  exception,  that  person   Changes  in  amortization  that  aren't  a   section 197 intangible in a nonrecognition trans-
         must notify you in writing by the due date of the   change in method of accounting include the fol-  fer,  you  are  treated  as  the  transferor  with  re-
         return on which the choice is made.  lowing.                            spect to the part of your adjusted basis in the in-
                                                                                 tangible  that  isn't  more  than  the  transferor's
         Anti-abuse  rule.  You  can't  amortize  any  sec-  • A change in figuring amortization in the tax   adjusted basis. You amortize this part of the ad-
                                                 year in which your use of the asset
         tion 197 intangible acquired in a transaction for   changes.            justed basis over the intangible's remaining am-
         which  the  principal  purpose  was  either  of  the   • An adjustment in the useful life of an amor-  ortization period in the hands of the transferor.
         following.                              tizable asset.                  Nonrecognition  transfers  include  transfers  to  a
           • To avoid the requirement that the intangi-  • Generally, the making of a late amortiza-  corporation,  partnership  contributions  and  dis-
             ble be acquired after August 10, 1993.  tion election or the revocation of a timely   tributions, like-kind exchanges, and involuntary
           • To avoid any of the anti-churning rules.  valid amortization election.  conversions.
                                                                                    In  a  like-kind  exchange  or  involuntary  con-
         More  information.    For  more  information   • Any change in the placed-in-service date   version  of  a  section  197  intangible,  you  must
         about  the  anti-churning  rules,  including  addi-  of an amortizable asset.  continue  to  amortize  the  part  of  your  adjusted
         tional  rules  for  partnerships,  see  Regulations                     basis in the acquired intangible that isn't more
         section 1.197-2(h).                    See Regulations section 1.446-1(e)(2)(ii)(a)   than  your  adjusted  basis  in  the  exchanged  or
                                             for more information and examples.  converted intangible over the remaining amorti-
         Incorrect Amount of                 Automatic approval.   In some instances, you   zation period of the exchanged or converted in-
         Amortization Deducted               may be able to get automatic approval from the   tangible.  Amortize  over  a  new  15-year  period
                                                                                 the part of your adjusted basis in the acquired
                                             IRS  to  change  your  method  of  accounting  for   intangible that is more than your adjusted basis
         If you later discover that you deducted an incor-  amortization. For a list of automatic accounting   in the exchanged or converted intangible.
         rect  amount  for  amortization  for  a  section  197   method changes, see the Instructions for Form
         intangible in any year, you may be able to make   3115. Also, see the Instructions for Form 3115   Example.   You own a section 197 intangi-
         a correction for that year by filing an amended   for more information on getting approval, auto-  ble you have amortized for 4 full years. It has a
         return. See Amended Return next. If you aren't   matic approval procedures, and a list of excep-  remaining  unamortized  basis  of  $30,000.  You
         allowed to make the correction on an amended   tions to the automatic approval process.  exchange the asset plus $10,000 for a like-kind
         return, you can change your accounting method                           section 197 intangible. The nonrecognition pro-
         to claim the correct amortization. See Changing   Disposition of Section 197   visions of like-kind exchanges apply. You amor-
         Your Accounting Method, later.      Intangibles                         tize  $30,000  of  the  $40,000  adjusted  basis  of
         Amended Return                      A section 197 intangible is treated as deprecia-  the  acquired  intangible  over  the  11  years  re-
                                                                                 maining in the original 15-year amortization pe-
                                                                                 other  $10,000  of  adjusted  basis  over  a  new
         If you deducted an incorrect amount for amorti-  ble  property  used  in  your  trade  or  business.  If   riod for the transferred asset. You amortize the
                                             you  held  the  intangible  for  more  than  1  year,
         zation,  you  can  file  an  amended  return  to  cor-                  15-year period. For more information, see Reg-
         rect the following.                 any gain on its disposition, up to the amount of   ulations section 1.197-2(g).
                                             allowable amortization, is ordinary income (sec-
           • A mathematical error made in any year.  tion 1245 gain). If multiple section 197 intangi-
           • A posting error made in any year.  bles are disposed of in a single transaction or a
           • An amortization deduction for a section                             Reforestation Costs
             197 intangible for which you haven't adop-  series  of  related  transactions,  treat  all  of  the
                                             section 197 intangibles as if they were a single
             ted a method of accounting.     asset for purposes of determining the amount of   You can elect to deduct a limited amount of re-
         When to file.   If an amended return is allowed,   gain  that  is  ordinary  income.  Any  remaining   forestation costs paid or incurred during the tax
                                                                                 year. See Reforestation Costs in chapter 7. You
         you  must  file  it  by  the  later  of  the  following   gain, or any loss, is a section 1231 gain or loss.   can  elect  to  amortize  the  qualifying  costs  that
         dates.                              If  you  held  the  intangible  1  year  or  less,  any   aren't deducted currently over an 84-month pe-
           • 3 years from the date you filed your original   gain or loss on its disposition is an ordinary gain   riod. There is no limit on the amount of your am-
             return for the year in which you didn't de-  or  loss.  For  more  information  on  ordinary  or   ortization deduction for reforestation costs paid
             duct the correct amount. (A return filed   capital  gain  or  loss  on  business  property,  see   or incurred during the tax year.
             early is considered filed on the due date.)  chapter 3 of Pub. 544.
           • 2 years from the time you paid your tax for
             that year.                      Nondeductible  loss.    You  can't  deduct  any
                                             loss  on  the  disposition  or  worthlessness  of  a
                                             section 197 intangible that you acquired in the
                                             same transaction (or series of related transac-
         Page 34    Chapter 8  Amortization
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