Page 98 - Small Business Taxes
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         from the property, later) by 15% (0.15). If your   quantity among the following related persons in   your deduction for percentage depletion is limi-
         average daily production of domestic oil or gas   proportion  to  each  business  entity's  or  family   ted to the smaller of the following.
         exceeds your depletable oil or gas quantity, you   member's production of domestic oil or gas for   • 100% of your taxable income from the
         must make an allocation as explained later un-  the year.                   property figured without the deduction for
         der Average daily production.         • Corporations, trusts, and estates if 50% or   depletion and the deduction for qualified
            In addition, there is a limit on the percentage   more of the beneficial interest is owned by   business income under section 199A. For
         depletion deduction. See Taxable income limit,   the same or related persons (considering   a definition of taxable income from the
         later.                                  only persons that own at least 5% of the   property, see Taxable income limit, earlier,
                                                 beneficial interest).               under Mineral Property.
         Average  daily  production.  Figure  your  aver-  • You and your spouse and minor children.  • 65% of your taxable income for the year
         age  daily  production  by  dividing  your  total  do-  A related person is anyone mentioned in the re-  figured without the deduction for depletion,
         mestic production of oil or gas for the tax year   lated  persons  discussion  under  Nondeductible   the deduction for qualified business in-
         by the number of days in your tax year.  loss  in  chapter  2  of  Pub.  544,  except  that  for   come under section 199A, any net operat-
            Partial interest.  If you have a partial inter-  purposes of this allocation, item (1) in that dis-  ing loss carryback to the tax year under
                                                                                     section 172, any capital loss carryback to
         est  in  the  production  from  a  property,  figure   cussion  includes  only  an  individual,  spouse,   the tax year under section 1212, and in the
         your share of the production by multiplying total   and their minor children.  case of a trust, any distribution to its bene-
         production  from  the  property  by  your  percent-  Controlled group of corporations.  Mem-  ficiary (with certain exceptions).
         age participation in the revenues from the prop-  bers  of  the  same  controlled  group  of  corpora-
         erty.                               tions are treated as one taxpayer when figuring   You  can  carry  over  to  the  following  year  any
            You have a partial interest in the production   the depletable oil or natural gas quantity. They   amount  you  cannot  deduct  because  of  the
         from a property if you have a net profits interest   share  the  depletable  quantity.  A  controlled   65%-of-taxable-income limit. Add it to your de-
         in the property. To figure the share of produc-  group  of  corporations  is  defined  in  section   pletion  allowance  (before  applying  any  limits)
         tion  for  your  net  profits  interest,  you  must  first   1563(a), except that, for this purpose, the stock   for the following year.
         determine  your  percentage  participation  (as   ownership  requirement  is  “more  than  50%”
         measured by the net profits) in the gross reve-  rather than “at least 80%,” as described in sec-  Partnerships and S Corporations
         nue  from  the  property.  To  figure  this  percent-  tion 1563(a).
         age, you divide the income you receive for your                         Generally, each partner or S corporation share-
         net  profits  interest  by  the  gross  revenue  from   Gross income from the property.  For purpo-  holder,  and  not  the  partnership  or  S  corpora-
         the property. Then multiply the total production   ses of percentage depletion, gross income from   tion, figures the depletion allowance separately.
         from the property by your percentage participa-  the property (in the case of oil and gas wells) is   Each  partner  or  shareholder  must  decide
         tion to figure your share of the production.  the amount you receive from the sale of the oil   whether to use cost or percentage depletion. A
            Example.  Riley  owns  oil  property  in  which   or  gas  in  the  immediate  vicinity  of  the  well.  If   partner or shareholder using percentage deple-
                                             you do not sell the oil or gas on the property but
                                                                                 tion must apply the 65%-of-taxable-income limit
         Finley  owns  a  20%  net  profits  interest.  During   manufacture or convert it into a refined product   using its taxable income from all sources.
         the year, the property produced 10,000 barrels   before sale, or transport it before sale, the gross
         of oil, which Riley sold for $200,000. Riley had   income from the property is the representative   Partner's  or  shareholder's  adjusted  basis.
         expenses  of  $90,000  attributable  to  the  prop-  market  or  field  price  (RMFP)  of  the  oil  or  gas   The partnership or S corporation must allocate
         erty.  The  property  generated  a  net  profit  of   before conversion or transportation.  to each partner or shareholder its share of the
         $110,000  ($200,000  −  $90,000).  Finley  re-  However, if you sold gas after you transpor-  adjusted basis of each oil or gas property held
         ceived  income  of  $22,000  ($110,000  ×  20%   ted it from the premises for a price that is lower   by  the  partnership  or  S  corporation.  The  part-
         (0.20)) as Finley’s net profits interest.  than  the  RMFP,  determine  gross  income  from   nership  or  S  corporation  makes  the  allocation
            The percentage participation that Finley de-                         as of the date it acquires the oil or gas property.
         termined was 11%, figured by dividing $22,000   the property for percentage depletion purposes   Each partner's share of the adjusted basis of
                                             without regard to the RMFP.
         (income received) by $200,000 (the gross reve-                          the  oil  or  gas  property  is  generally  figured  ac-
         nue from the property). Finley’s share of the oil   Gross income from the property does not in-  cording to that partner's interest in partnership
         production was determined to be 1,100 barrels   clude  lease  bonuses,  advance  royalties,  or   capital.  However,  in  some  cases,  it  is  figured
         (10,000 barrels × 11% (0.11)).      other  amounts  payable  without  regard  to  pro-
                                             duction from the property.          according to the partner's interest in partnership
         Depletable oil or natural gas quantity.  Gen-                           income.
         erally, your depletable oil quantity is 1,000 bar-  Average daily production exceeds depleta-  The partnership or S corporation adjusts the
         rels.  Your  depletable  natural  gas  quantity  is   ble  quantities.  If  your  average  daily  produc-  partner's or shareholder's share of the adjusted
         6,000  cubic  feet  multiplied  by  the  number  of   tion for the year is more than your depletable oil   basis of the oil and gas property for any capital
         barrels  of  your  depletable  oil  quantity  that  you   or natural gas quantity, figure your allowance for   expenditures made for the property and for any
         choose to apply. If you claim depletion on both   depletion  for  each  domestic  oil  or  natural  gas   change  in  partnership  or  S  corporation  inter-
         oil  and  natural  gas,  you  must  reduce  your  de-  property as follows.  ests.
         pletable oil quantity (1,000 barrels) by the num-  1. Figure your average daily production of oil   Recordkeeping.  Each  partner  or
         ber of barrels you use to figure your depletable   or natural gas for the year.  shareholder  must  separately  keep  re-
         natural gas quantity.                                                         cords of its share of the adjusted basis
                                               2. Figure your depletable oil or natural gas   in each oil and gas property of the partnership
            Example.  You  have  both  oil  and  natural   quantity for the year.  or  S  corporation.  The  partner  or  shareholder
         gas production. To figure your depletable natu-  3. Figure depletion for all oil or natural gas   must  reduce  its  applicable  adjusted  basis  by
         ral gas quantity, you choose to apply 360 bar-  produced from the property using a per-  the depletion allowed or allowable on the prop-
         rels of your 1,000-barrel depletable oil quantity.   centage depletion rate of 15% (0.15).  erty each year. The partner or shareholder must
         Your depletable natural gas quantity is 2.16 mil-                       use  that  reduced  adjusted  basis  to  figure  cost
         lion cubic feet of gas (360 × 6,000). You must   4. Multiply the result figured in (3) by a frac-  depletion, or its gain or loss, if the partnership
         reduce your depletable oil quantity to 640 bar-  tion, the numerator of which is the result   or S corporation disposes of the property.
         rels (1,000 – 360).                     figured in (2) and the denominator of
            If you have production from marginal wells,   which is the result figured in (1). This is
         see section 613A(c)(6) to figure your depletable   your depletion allowance for that property   Reporting  the  deduction.  Information  that
         oil  or  natural  gas  quantity.  See  also  Notice   for the year.     you, as a partner or shareholder, use to figure
                                                                                 your depletion deduction on oil and gas proper-
         2022-24, available at
                                             Taxable income limit.  If you are an independ-  ties is reported by the partnership or S corpora-
            Business  entities  and  family  members.   ent  producer  or  royalty  owner  of  oil  and  gas,   tion on Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) or on Sched-
         You  must  allocate  the  depletable  oil  or  gas                      ule  K-1  (Form  1120-S).  Deduct  oil  and  gas
                                                                                         Chapter 9  Depletion    Page 39
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