Page 103 - Small Business Taxes
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         Travel,  meals,  and  entertainment.  In  gen-    8995  8995 Qualified Business Income   Accountable Plans
         eral, entertainment expenses are no longer de-  Deduction Simplified Computation
         ductible.  For  more  information  on  travel  and                      An  accountable  plan  requires  your  employees
         non-entertainment-related  meals,  including  de-    8995-A  8995-A Qualified Business Income   to meet all of the following requirements. Each
         ductibility, see Pub. 463.                  Deduction                   employee must:
         Certain  payments  made  in  sexual  harass-    W-2  W-2 Wage and Tax Statement  1. Have paid or incurred deductible expen-
         ment  or  sexual  abuse  cases.  For  amounts                               ses while performing services as your em-
         paid or incurred after December 22, 2017, new   See  chapter  12  for  information  about  getting   ployee,
         section 162(q) provides that no deduction is al-  publications and forms.
         lowed under section 162 for any settlement or                             2. Adequately account to you for these ex-
         payment related to sexual harassment or sexual                              penses within a reasonable period of time,
         abuse if it is subject to a nondisclosure agree-  Reimbursement of          and
         ment. In addition, attorney’s fees related to such                        3. Return any excess reimbursement or al-
         a settlement or payment aren’t allowed as a de- Travel and                  lowance within a reasonable period of
         duction.                            Non-Entertainment-Relat                 time.

                                                                                    An  arrangement  under  which  you  advance
         Introduction                        ed Meals                            money to employees is treated as meeting (3)
         This  chapter  covers  business  expenses  that   The  following  discussion  explains  how  to  han-  above  only  if  the  following  requirements  are
         may not have been explained to you, as a busi-  dle any reimbursements or allowances you may   also met.
         ness owner, in previous chapters of this publi-  provide to your employees under a reimburse-  • The advance is reasonably calculated not
         cation.                             ment  or  allowance  arrangement  for  travel  and   to exceed the amount of anticipated ex-
                                             non-entertainment-related  meals  expenses.  If   penses.
         Topics                              you are self-employed and report your income   • You make the advance within a reasonable
                                                                                     period of time of your employee paying or
                                             and expenses on Schedule C (Form 1040), see
         This chapter discusses:             Pub. 463.                               incurring the expense.
           • Travel and non-entertainment-related   To  be  deductible  for  tax  purposes,  expen-  If  any  expenses  reimbursed  under  this  ar-
             meals                           ses  incurred  for  travel  and  non-entertain-  rangement  aren’t  substantiated,  or  an  excess
           • Bribes and kickbacks            ment-related meals must be ordinary and nec-  reimbursement isn’t returned within a reasona-
           • Charitable contributions        essary  expenses  incurred  while  carrying  on   ble  period  of  time  by  an  employee,  you  can’t
           • Education expenses              your trade or business. For more information on   treat  these  expenses  as  reimbursed  under  an
           • Lobbying expenses               travel and non-entertainment-related meals, in-  accountable plan. Instead, treat the reimbursed
           • Penalties and fines             cluding deductibility, see Pub. 463.  expenses  as  paid  under  a  nonaccountable
           • Repayments (claim of right)                                         plan, discussed later.
           • Other miscellaneous expenses    Reimbursements
                                                                                 Adequate accounting.   Your employees must
         Useful Items                        A  “reimbursement  or  allowance  arrangement”   adequately  account  to  you  for  their  travel  and
         You may want to see:                provides  for  payment  of  advances,  reimburse-  non-entertainment-related  meals  expenses.
                                             ments, and allowances for travel and non-enter-  They  must  give  you  documentary  evidence  of
                                                                                 their travel, mileage, and other employee busi-
           Publication                       tainment-related  meals  expenses  incurred  by   ness  expenses.  This  evidence  should  include
              15-B   15-B Employer's Tax Guide to Fringe   your  employees  during  the  ordinary  course  of   items  such  as  receipts,  along  with  either  a
                 Benefits                    business.  If  the  expenses  are  substantiated,   statement of expenses, an account book, a day
                                             you  can  deduct  the  allowable  amount  on  your   planner, or similar record in which the employee
              463   463 Travel, Gift, and Car Expenses  tax return. Because of differences between ac-  entered  each  expense  at  or  near  the  time  the
                                             counting methods and tax law, the amount you   expense was incurred.
              526   526 Charitable Contributions  can  deduct  for  tax  purposes  may  not  be  the
              529   529 Miscellaneous Deductions  same as the amount you deduct on your busi-  Excess  reimbursement  or  allowance.    An
                                             ness books and records. For example, you can   excess  reimbursement  or  allowance  is  any
              544   544 Sales and Other Dispositions of   deduct 100% of the cost of meals on your busi-  amount  you  pay  to  an  employee  that  is  more
                 Assets                      ness books and records. However, only 50% of   than  the  business-related  expenses  for  which
                                             these costs are allowed by law as a tax deduc-
              946   946 How To Depreciate Property  tion.                        the  employee  adequately  accounted.  The  em-
                                                                                 ployee must return any excess reimbursement
              970   970 Tax Benefits for Education                               or other expense allowance to you within a rea-
                                                How you deduct a business expense under   sonable period of time.
           Form (and Instructions)           a reimbursement or allowance arrangement de-
                                             pends on whether you have:          Reasonable  period  of  time.    A  reasonable
              Schedule A (Form 1040)  Schedule A (Form 1040) Itemized   • An accountable plan, or  period of time depends on the facts and circum-
                 Deductions                    • A nonaccountable plan.          stances.  Generally,  actions  that  take  place
              Schedule C (Form 1040)  Schedule C (Form 1040) Profit or Loss   If you reimburse these expenses under an ac-  within the times specified in the following list will
                 From Business               countable  plan,  deduct  them  as  travel  and   be treated as taking place within a reasonable
                                                                                 period of time.
              Schedule F (Form 1040)  Schedule F (Form 1040) Profit or Loss   non-entertainment-related meals expenses.
                 From Farming                   If  you  reimburse  these  expenses  under  a   1. You give an advance within 30 days of the
                                                                                     time the employee pays or incurs the ex-
              1099-MISC   1099-MISC Miscellaneous Information  nonaccountable  plan,  report  the  reimburse-  pense.
                                             ments  as  wages  on  Form  W-2,  and  deduct
              1120   1120 U.S. Corporation Income Tax   them as wages on the appropriate line of your   2. Your employees adequately account for
                 Return                      tax return. If you make a single payment to your   their expenses within 60 days after the ex-
                                             employees and it includes both wages and an   penses were paid or incurred.
              4562   4562 Depreciation and Amortization  expense  reimbursement,  you  must  specify  the   3. Your employees return any excess reim-
              8949  8949 Sales and Other Dispositions of   amount of the reimbursement and report it ac-  bursement within 120 days after the ex-
                 Capital Assets              cordingly. See Table 11-1.              penses were paid or incurred.
         Page 44    Chapter 11  Other Expenses
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