Page 107 - Small Business Taxes
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         Impairment-related expenses.  If you are dis-  trade or business, may be deductible on Sched-  with a notice on the part of dues that is allocable
         abled, you can deduct expenses necessary for   ule  A  (Form  1040)  if  you  itemize  deductions.   to  nondeductible  lobbying  and  political  expen-
         you to be able to work (impairment-related ex-  For more information, see Pub. 529.  ses, you can’t deduct that part of the dues.
         penses) as a business expense, rather than as
         a medical expense.                     Certain  payments  made  in  sexual  har-  Covered  executive  branch  official.    For
            You are disabled if you have either of the fol-  assment  or  sexual  abuse  cases.    For   purposes of this discussion, a “covered execu-
         lowing.                             amounts  paid  or  incurred  after  December  22,   tive branch official” is any of the following.
                                             2017, new section 162(q) provides that no de-
           • A physical or mental disability (for exam-  duction  is  allowed  under  section  162  for  any   1. The President.
             ple, blindness or deafness) that function-
             ally limits your being employed.  settlement or payment related to sexual harass-  2. The Vice President.
           • A physical or mental impairment that sub-  ment or sexual abuse if it is subject to a nondi-  3. Any officer or employee of the White
             stantially limits one or more of your major   sclosure agreement. In addition, attorney’s fees   House Office of the Executive Office of the
                                             related to such a settlement or payment aren’t
             life activities.                allowed as a deduction.                 President and the two most senior level of-
            The  expense  qualifies  as  a  business  ex-                            ficers of each of the other agencies in the
         pense if all the following apply.      Tax preparation fees.  The cost of hiring a   Executive Office.
           • Your work clearly requires the expense for   tax  professional,  such  as  a  certified  public  ac-  4. Any individual who:
             you to satisfactorily perform that work.  countant (CPA), to prepare that part of your tax
           • The goods or services purchased are   return  relating  to  your  business  as  a  sole  pro-  a. Is serving in a position in Level I of the
             clearly not needed or used, other than inci-  prietor  is  deductible  on  Schedule  C  (Form   Executive Schedule under section
             dentally, in your personal activities.  1040). You can deduct the expenses of prepar-  5312 of title 5, United States Code;
           • Their treatment isn’t specifically provided   ing  tax  schedules  relating  to  rental  properties   b. Has been designated by the Presi-
             for under other tax law provisions.  on  Schedule  E  or  farm  income  and  expenses   dent as having Cabinet-level status;
                                             on Schedule F. Expenses for completing the re-  or
            Example.    You  are  blind.  You  must  use  a   mainder of the return are miscellaneous deduc-
         reader to do your work, both at and away from   tions and are no longer deductible.  c. Is an immediate deputy of an individ-
         your  place  of  work.  The  reader's  services  are   You can also claim a business deduction for   ual listed in item (a) or (b).
         only for your work. You can deduct your expen-  amounts paid or incurred in resolving asserted   Exceptions to denial of deduction.   The
         ses for the reader as a business expense.  tax deficiencies for your business operated as a   general denial of the deduction doesn’t apply to
                                             sole proprietor.                    the following.
         Internet-related  expenses.  Generally,  you                              • Any in-house expenses for influencing leg-
         can deduct Internet-related expenses including   Licenses and regulatory fees.  Licenses and   islation and communicating directly with a
         domain  registration  fees  and  webmaster  con-  regulatory fees for your trade or business paid   covered executive branch official if those
         sulting costs. If you are starting a business, you   annually to state or local governments are gen-  expenses for the tax year don’t exceed
         may  have  to  amortize  these  expenses  as   erally deductible. Some licenses and fees may   $2,000 (excluding overhead expenses).
         startup costs. For more information about amor-  have to be amortized. See  chapter 8 for more   • Expenses incurred by taxpayers engaged
         tizing  startup  and  organizational  costs,  see   information.            in the trade or business of lobbying (pro-
         chapter 8.                                                                  fessional lobbyists) on behalf of another
                                             Lobbying  expenses.  Generally,  lobbying  ex-
         Interview  expense  allowances.  Reimburse-  penses  aren’t  deductible.  Lobbying  expenses   person (but does apply to payments by the
                                                                                     other person to the lobbyist for lobbying
         ments you make to job candidates for transpor-  include amounts paid or incurred for any of the   activities).
         tation  or  other  expenses  related  to  interviews   following activities.
         for possible employment aren’t wages. You can   • Influencing legislation.  Moving  machinery.  Generally,  the  cost  of
         deduct  the  reimbursements  as  a  business  ex-  • Participating in or intervening in any politi-  moving machinery from one city to another is a
         pense. However, expenses for food and bever-  cal campaign for, or against, any candidate   deductible  expense.  So  is  the  cost  of  moving
         ages are subject to the 50% limit discussed ear-  for public office.    machinery  from  one  plant  to  another,  or  from
         lier under Meals.                     • Attempting to influence the general public,   one part of your plant to another. You can de-
                                                 or segments of the public, about elections,
         Legal  and  professional  fees.  Fees  charged   legislative matters, or referendums.  duct the cost of installing the machinery in the
                                                                                 new location. However, you must capitalize the
         by accountants and attorneys that are ordinary   • Communicating directly with covered ex-  costs  of  installing  or  moving  newly  purchased
         and necessary expenses directly related to op-  ecutive branch officials (defined later) in   machinery.
         erating  your  business  are  deductible  as  busi-  any attempt to influence the official actions
         ness expenses. However, legal fees you pay to   or positions of those officials.  Outplacement  services.  The  costs  of  out-
         acquire business assets usually aren’t deducti-  • Researching, preparing, planning, or coor-  placement services you provide to your employ-
         ble. These costs are added to the basis of the   dinating any of the preceding activities.  ees to help them find new employment, such as
         property.                              Your  expenses  for  influencing  legislation   career counseling, resume assistance, skills as-
            Fees  that  include  payments  for  work  of  a   and communicating directly with a covered ex-  sessment, etc., are deductible.
         personal nature (such as drafting a will or dam-  ecutive branch official include a portion of your   The  costs  of  outplacement  services  may
         ages  arising  from  a  personal  injury)  aren’t  al-  labor  costs  and  general  and  administrative   cover  more  than  one  deduction  category.  For
         lowed as a business deduction on Schedule C   costs of your business. For information on mak-  example, deduct as a utilities expense the cost
         (Form 1040). If the invoice includes both busi-  ing this allocation, see section 1.162-28 of the   of telephone calls made under this service and
         ness and personal charges, figure the business   regulations.           deduct as a rental expense the cost of renting
         portion  as  follows:  multiply  the  total  amount  of   You can’t claim a charitable or business ex-  machinery and equipment for this service.
         the bill by a fraction, the numerator of which is   pense deduction for amounts paid to an organi-  For information on whether the value of out-
         the  amount  attributable  to  business  matters,   zation if both of the following apply.  placement services is includible in your employ-
         and  the  denominator  of  which  is  the  total   • The organization conducts lobbying activi-  ees' income, see Pub. 15-B.
         amount paid. The result is the portion of the in-  ties on matters of direct financial interest to
         voice  attributable  to  business  expenses.  The   your business.      Penalties  and  fines.  Penalties  paid  for  late
         portion  attributable  to  personal  matters  is  the   • A principal purpose of your contribution is   performance  or  nonperformance  of  a  contract
         difference  between  the  total  amount  and  the   to avoid the rules discussed earlier that   are generally deductible. For instance, you own
         business portion (figured above).       prohibit a business deduction for lobbying   and  operate  a  construction  company.  Under  a
            Legal fees related to doing or keeping your   expenses.              contract,  you  are  to  finish  construction  of  a
         job, such as those you paid to defend yourself                          building by a certain date. Due to construction
         against  criminal  charges  arising  out  of  your   If  a  tax-exempt  organization,  other  than  a
                                             section  501(c)(3)  organization,  provides  you   delays,  the  building  isn’t  completed  and  ready
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