Page 112 - Small Business Taxes
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         The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.
             represent your identity, such as your name   abuse.  The  FTC’s  website  provides  free  infor-  • Use the Offer in Compromise Pre-Qualifier
             or SSN. If the IRS suspects tax ID theft, the   mation on a variety of consumer topics, in Eng-  to see if you can settle your tax debt for
             agency will send a 5071C letter to your   lish and in Spanish.          less than the full amount you owe. For
             home address. If you receive this letter,   Consumer  complaints  regarding  interna-  more information on the Offer in Compro-
             verify your identity at or   tional  scams  can  be  reported  online  through   mise program, go to If you
             call the toll-free number listed in the letter.  These  are  also  entered  into   are a sole proprietor or independent con-
             If you did not receive an IRS notice but be-  Consumer  Sentinel,  the  complaint  database   tractor, apply for a payment agreement as
             lieve you’ve been the victim of ID theft,   maintained by the FTC, and are made available   an individual.
             contact the IRS Identity Protection Special-  to  enforcers  and  regulators  in  countries  with
             ized Unit at 800-908-4490 right away so   participating  agencies.  Those  agencies  may   Filing  an  amended  return.    Go  to
             we can take steps to secure your tax ac-  use  the  complaints  to  investigate  cross-border   Form1040X for information and updates.
             count and match your SSN or ITIN.  issues, uncover new scams, pursue regulatory
           • Also, fill out and submit the IRS Form   or  enforcement  actions,  and  spot  consumer   Checking the status of an amended return.
             14039, Identity Theft Affidavit. Please write   trends.             Go  to  to  track  the  status  of
             legibly and follow the directions on the                            Form 1040-X amended returns.
             back of the form that relate to your specific   Ways to check on the status of your refund.
             circumstances.                    • Go to             Note.    It  can  take  up  to  3  weeks  from  the
           • If you are a victim of state tax ID theft, con-  • Download the official IRS2Go app to your   date  you  filed  your  amended  return  for  it  to
             tact your state's taxation department or   mobile device to check your refund status.  show  up  in  our  system,  and  processing  it  can
             comptroller's office about the next steps   • Call the automated refund hotline at   take up to 16 weeks.
             you need to take.                   800-829-1954.
           • You should protect the information that you                         Filing  past  due  tax  returns.  File  all  tax  re-
             keep, and properly dispose of what you no   Note.    The  IRS  can’t  issue  refunds  before   turns that are due, regardless of whether or not
             longer need. And, of course, you should   mid-February for returns that claimed the EIC or   you can pay in full. File your past due return the
             create a plan to respond to security inci-  the additional child tax credit (ACTC). This ap-  same way and to the same location where you
             dents. As part of its long-standing efforts to   plies to the entire refund, not just the portion as-  would  file  an  on-time  return.  If  you  have  re-
             promote good data security practices, the   sociated with these credits.  ceived  a  notice,  make  sure  to  send  your  past
             Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has un-                              due return to the location indicated on the no-
             dertaken extensive efforts to educate busi-  Making  a  tax  payment.    Go  to  tice you received. If you have a past due return,
             nesses and has brought more than 50 law   Payments  for  information  on  how  to  make  a   filing your past due return now can help you do
             enforcement actions related to data secur-  payment using any of the following options.  the following.
             ity issues. For more information, see Pro-  • IRS Direct Pay: Pay your individual tax bill   • Avoid interest and penalties. File your
             tecting Personal Information: A Guide for   or estimated tax payment directly from   past due return and pay now to limit inter-
             Business, available at  your checking or savings account at no   est charges and late payment penalties.
             advice/business-center/guidance/    cost to you.                      • Claim a refund. You risk losing your re-
             protecting-personal-information-guide-  • Debit or Credit Card: Choose an approved   fund if you don't file your return. If you are
             business, for practical tips on creating and   payment processor to pay online or by   due a refund for withholding or estimated
             implementing a plan for safeguarding per-  phone.                       taxes, you must file your return to claim it
             sonal information used in your business.   • Electronic Funds Withdrawal: Schedule a   within 3 years of the return due date. The
             Most recently, the FTC released Start with   payment when filing your federal taxes us-  same rule applies to a right to claim tax
             Security: A Guide for Business, available   ing tax return preparation software or   credits such as the EIC. We hold income
             at  through a tax professional.    tax refunds in cases where our records
             guidance/start-security-guide-business?  • Electronic Federal Tax Payment System:  show that one or more income tax returns
             utm_source=govdelivery, which draws on   Best option for businesses. Enrollment is   are past due. We hold them until we get
             the lessons learned from the FTC's en-  required.                       the past due return or receive an accepta-
             forcement actions.                • Check or Money Order: Mail your payment   ble reason for not filing a past due return.
            The  IRS,  the  states,  and  the  tax  industry   to the address listed on the notice or in-  • Protect social security benefits. If you
                                                                                     are self-employed and do not file your fed-
         joined  together  to  enact  new  safeguards  and   structions.             eral income tax return, any self-employ-
         take  additional  actions  to  combat  tax-related   • Cash: You may be able to pay your taxes   ment income you earned will not be repor-
         identity theft. Many of these safeguards will be   with cash at a participating retail store.  ted to the SSA and you will not receive
         invisible  to  you,  but  invaluable  to  our  fight   • Same-Day Wire: You may be able to do   credits toward social security retirement or
         against  these  criminal  syndicates.  If  you  pre-  same-day wire from your financial institu-  disability benefits.
                                                 tion. Contact your financial institution for
         pare your own return with tax software, you will                          • Avoid issues obtaining loans. Loan ap-
         see  new  log-on  standards.  Some  states  also   availability, cost, and time frames.  provals may be delayed if you don't file
         have  taken  additional  steps.  See  your  state   Note.    The  IRS  uses  the  latest  encryption   your return. Copies of filed tax returns must
         revenue  agency’s  web  site  for  additional  de-  technology  to  ensure  that  the  electronic  pay-  be submitted to financial institutions, mort-
         tails.                              ments  you  make  online,  by  phone,  or  from  a   gage lenders/brokers, etc., whenever you
            The  FTC  works  for  consumers  to  prevent   mobile  device  using  the  IRS2Go  app  are  safe   want to buy or refinance a home, get a loan
         fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair business prac-  and secure. Paying electronically is quick, easy,   for a business, or apply for federal aid for
         tices  and  to  provide  information  to  help  spot,   and faster than mailing in a check or money or-  higher education.
         stop,  and  avoid  them.  To  file  a  complaint,  for   der.
         example, to report someone falsely claiming to                             For more information, go to Filing Past Due
         be from the government, a business, or a family   What  if  I  can’t  pay  now?  Go  to  Tax Returns on
         member,  visit  the  FTC’s  online  Report  Fraud   Payments for more information about your op-
         Assistant   or   call   877-FTC-HELP   tions.                           Substitute return.  If you fail to file voluntarily,
         (877-382-4357).  The  FTC  enters  complaints   • Apply for an online payment agreement   we may file a substitute return for you, based on
         into Consumer Sentinel, a secure, online data-  ( to meet your tax obligation   income  reported  to  the  IRS.  This  return  might
         base  available  to  more  than  2,000  civil  and   in monthly installments if you can’t pay   not give you credit for deductions and exemp-
         criminal law enforcement agencies in the United   your taxes in full today. Once you complete   tions  you  may  be  entitled  to  receive.  We  will
         States and abroad. Complaints from consumers   the online process, you will receive imme-  send  you  a  Notice  of  Deficiency  CP3219N
         help  the  FTC  detect  patterns  of  fraud  and   diate notification of whether your agree-  (90-day  letter)  proposing  a  tax  assessment.
                                                                                 You will have 90 days to file your past due tax
                                                 ment has been approved.         return  or  file  a  petition  in  Tax  Court.  If  you  do
                                                                                 neither,  we  will  proceed  with  our  proposed

                                                                                Chapter 12  How To Get Tax Help    Page 53
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