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            The following points will assist you when se-  paper form mailed to you, go to  after the beginning of the calendar year prior to
         lecting a tax return preparer.          OrderForms to order online. For more in-  filing your current-year return. For the list of the
           • Check the preparer’s qualifications. All   formation, go to How Do You Report   various types of transcripts available for you to
             paid tax return preparers are required to   Suspected Tax Fraud Activity? on  order, see Transcript Types and Ways to Order
             have a PTIN.                                                        Them   at
           • Check the preparer’s history. You can   Using online tools to help prepare your re-  Transcript-Types-and-Ways-to-Order-Them. To
             check with the Better Business Bureau to   turn.   Go to for the following.  order your transcript, you can choose from one
             find out if a preparer has a questionable   • The Earned Income Tax Credit Assistant   of the following convenient options.
             history. Check for disciplinary actions and   ( determines if   • Request a return or account transcript us-
             the license status for credentialed prepar-  you’re eligible for the earned income credit   ing Get Transcript at
             ers. For CPAs, check with the State Board   (EIC).                      Get-Transcript.
             of Accountancy. For attorneys, check with   • The Online EIN Application (   • Download the free IRS2Go app to your
             the State Bar Association. For Enrolled   helps you get an employer identification   mobile device and use it to order tran-
             Agents (EAs), go to    number (EIN) at no cost.            scripts of your tax returns or tax account.
             Professionals/Verify-the-Status-of-an-  • The Tax Withholding Estimator (  • Call the automated transcript toll-free line
             Enrolled-Agent and follow the instructions   W4app) makes it easier for you to estimate   at 800-908-9946 to receive your transcript
             for requesting EA status verification.  the federal income tax you want your em-  by mail.
           • Ask about service fees. Avoid preparers   ployer to withhold from your paycheck.   • Go to Get Transcript at
             who base their fee on a percentage of your   This is tax withholding. See how your with-  Individuals/Get-Transcript, and click on
             refund or those who say they can get   holding affects your refund, take-home   “Get Transcript by Mail.” You will need
             larger refunds than others can. Always   pay, or tax due.               your SSN or your individual taxpayer iden-
             make sure any refund due is sent directly   • The First-Time Homebuyer Credit Account   tification number (ITIN), date of birth, and
             to you or deposited into your bank ac-  Look-up ( tool pro-  address from your latest tax return. Tran-
             count. You should not have your refund   vides information on your repayments and   scripts arrive in 5 to 10 calendar days at
             deposited into a preparer’s bank account.  account balance.             the address we have on file for you.
           • Ask to e-file your return. Make sure your   • The Sales Tax Deduction Calculator   • Mail Form 4506-T, Request for Transcript
             preparer offers IRS e-file. Any paid pre-  ( figures the amount you   of Tax Return, or Form 4506T-EZ, Short
             parer who prepares and files more than 10   can claim if you itemize deductions on   Form Request for Individual Tax Return
             returns must generally e-file their clients’   Schedule A (Form 1040).  Transcript (both available on
             returns. The IRS has safely processed   • Go to to get Pub. 17, Your   The IRS never sends email requesting that
             more than 1.3 billion e-filed tax returns.  Federal Income Tax for Individuals, which   you obtain or access your transcripts. Report all
           • Make sure the preparer is available.   features details on tax-saving opportuni-  unsolicited email claiming to be from the IRS or
             You need to ensure that you can contact   ties, 2022 tax changes, and thousands of   an IRS-related function to
             the tax preparer after you file your return.   interactive links to help you find answers to   A transcript isn’t a photocopy of your return.
             That’s true even after the April 17, 2023,   your questions. View it online in HTML or
             due date for individual returns. The due   as a PDF or, better yet, download it to your   If you need a photocopy of your original return,
                                                                                 complete  and  mail  Form  4506,  Request  for
             date for partnerships and S corporations   mobile device to enjoy eBook features.
             using a calendar year is March 15, 2023.   • You may also be able to access tax law in-  Copy of Tax Return, available at
                                                                                 irs-pdf/F4506.pdf, along with the applicable fee.
             You may need to contact the preparer if   formation in your electronic filing software.
             questions come up about your tax return at   • Go to and click on the Help & Re-  Reporting  and  resolving  your  tax-related
             a later time.                       sources tab for more information.  identity theft issues.
           • Provide tax records. A good preparer will                             • Tax-related identity theft happens when
             ask to see your records and receipts. They   Getting a transcript or copy of a return.  Tax   someone steals your personal information
             ask you questions to report your total in-  transcripts  are  summaries  of  tax  returns.  IRS   to commit tax fraud. Your taxes can be af-
             come and the tax benefits you’re entitled to   transcripts are best and most often used to vali-  fected if your SSN is used to file a fraudu-
             claim. These may include tax deductions,   date past income and tax filing status for mort-  lent return or to claim a refund or credit.
             tax credits, and other items. Do not use a   gage, student, and small business loan applica-
             preparer who is willing to e-file your return   tions,  and  to  help  with  tax  preparation.   • The IRS doesn't initiate contact with tax-
                                                                                     payers by email, text messages (including
             using your last pay stub instead of your   Taxpayers  can  also  use  transcripts  to  obtain   shortened links), telephone calls, or social
             Form W-2. This is against IRS e-file rules.  their  prior-year  adjusted  gross  income  (AGI),
           • Never sign a blank tax return. Do not   which  they  need  in  order  to  e-file  their  tax  re-  media channels to request or verify per-
                                                                                     sonal or financial information. This in-
             use a tax preparer who asks you to sign a   turns. You can get a transcript by mail to view   cludes requests for personal identification
             blank tax form.                 your tax account transactions or line-by-line tax   numbers (PINs), passwords, or similar in-
           • Review your return before signing. Be-  return  information  for  a  specific  tax  year.  The   formation for credit cards, banks, or other
             fore you sign your tax return, review it thor-  method you used to file your return and whether   financial accounts.
             oughly. Ask questions if something is not   you have a refund or balance due affects your   • Go to, the IRS Iden-
             clear to you. Make sure you’re comfortable   current  tax  year  transcript  availability.  Gener-  tity Theft Central webpage, for information
             with the information on the return before   ally, these transcript types are available for the   on identity theft and data security protec-
             you sign it.                    current tax year and 3 prior years. The quickest   tion for taxpayers, tax professionals, and
           • Preparer must sign returns and include   way to get a copy of your tax transcript is to go   businesses. If your SSN has been lost or
             their PTIN. A paid preparer must sign re-  to  Click  on  either  "Get   stolen or you suspect you're a victim of
             turns and include his or her PTIN as re-  Transcript Online" or "Get Transcript by Mail" to   tax-related identity theft, you can learn
             quired by law. The preparer must also give   order a free copy of your transcript. If you need   what steps you should take.
             you a copy of the return.       an  account  transcript  for  an  older  tax  year,  a
           • Report abusive tax preparers to the   wage and income transcript, or a verification of   • Get an Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN). IP
                                                                                     PINs are six-digit numbers assigned to tax-
             IRS. You can report abusive tax preparers   nonfiling  letter,  you’ll  need  to  complete  Form   payers to help prevent the misuse of their
             and suspected tax fraud to the IRS. Use   4506-T,  Request  for  Transcript  of  Tax  Return,   SSNs on fraudulent federal income tax re-
             Form 14157, Complaint: Tax Return   available   at  turns. When you have an IP PIN, it pre-
             Preparer. If you suspect a return preparer   Form-4506-T, and send it to us as instructed on   vents someone else from filing a tax return
             filed or changed the return without your   the form. If you made estimated tax payments   with your SSN. To learn more, go to
             consent, you should also file Form 14157-  and/or  applied  your  overpayment  from  a
             A, Return Preparer Fraud or Misconduct   prior-year tax return to your current-year tax re-  • The IRS stops and flags suspicious or du-
             Affidavit. You can download and print   turn, you can request a tax account transcript to   plicate federal tax returns that falsely
             these forms from If you need a   confirm these payments or credits a few weeks

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