Page 106 - Small Business Taxes
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         more  information,  see  Lobbying  expenses,   are deductible on your income tax return in re-  Damages  recovered.    Special  rules  apply  to
         later.                              gards  to  information  reporting.  See  Form   compensation  you  receive  for  damages  sus-
            You  can  usually  deduct  as  a  business  ex-  1099-MISC for more information.  tained as a result of patent infringement, breach
         pense the cost of institutional or goodwill adver-                      of  contract  or  fiduciary  duty,  or  antitrust  viola-
         tising to keep your name before the public if it   Car and truck expenses.  The costs of operat-  tions.  You  must  include  this  compensation  in
         relates  to  business  you  reasonably  expect  to   ing  a  car,  truck,  or  other  vehicle  in  your  busi-  your income. However, you may be able to take
         gain in the future. For example, the cost of ad-  ness may be deductible. For more information   a special deduction. The deduction applies only
         vertising  that  encourages  people  to  contribute   on how to figure your deduction, see Pub. 463.  to  amounts  recovered  for  actual  economic  in-
         to the Red Cross, to buy U.S. savings bonds, or                         jury, not any additional amount. The deduction
         to participate in similar causes is usually deduc-  Charitable  contributions.  Cash  payments  to   is the smaller of the following.
         tible.                              an  organization,  charitable  or  otherwise,  may   • The amount you received or accrued for
                                             be deductible as business expenses if the pay-  damages in the tax year reduced by the
         Anticipated liabilities.  Anticipated liabilities or   ments  aren’t  charitable  contributions  or  gifts   amount you paid or incurred in the year to
         reserves for anticipated liabilities aren’t deducti-  and are directly related to your business. If the   recover that amount.
         ble.  For  example,  assume  you  sold  1-year  TV   payments  are  charitable  contributions  or  gifts,   • Your losses from the injury you haven’t de-
         service  contracts  this  year  totaling  $50,000.   you  can’t  deduct  them  as  business  expenses.   ducted.
         From  experience,  you  know  you  will  have  ex-  However,  corporations  (other  than  S  corpora-
         penses of about $15,000 in the coming year for   tions)  can  deduct  charitable  contributions  on   Demolition  expenses  or  losses.  Amounts
         these  contracts.  You  can’t  deduct  any  of  the   their  income  tax  returns,  subject  to  limitations.   paid  or  incurred  to  demolish  a  structure  aren’t
         $15,000 this year by charging expenses to a re-  See the Instructions for Form 1120 for more in-  deductible.  These  amounts  are  added  to  the
         serve or liability account. You can deduct your   formation.  Sole  proprietors,  partners  in  a  part-  basis  of  the  land  where  the  demolished  struc-
         expenses only when you actually pay or accrue   nership,  or  shareholders  in  an  S  corporation   ture was located. Any loss for the remaining un-
         them, depending on your accounting method.  may be able to deduct charitable contributions   depreciated  basis  of  a  demolished  structure
                                             made by their businesses on Schedule A (Form   wouldn’t be recognized until the property is dis-
         Bribes  and  kickbacks.  Engaging  in  the  pay-  1040).                posed of.
         ment of bribes or kickbacks is a serious criminal
         matter.  Such  activity  could  result  in  criminal   Example.    You  paid  $15  to  a  local  church   Education  expenses.  Ordinary  and  neces-
         prosecution. Any payments that appear to have   for a half-page ad in a program for a concert it is   sary expenses paid for the cost of the education
         been made, either directly or indirectly, to an of-  sponsoring. The purpose of the ad was to en-  and training of your employees are deductible.
         ficial  or  employee  of  any  government  or  an   courage  readers  to  buy  your  products.  Your   See Education Expenses in chapter 2.
         agency  or  instrumentality  of  any  government   payment isn’t a charitable contribution. You can   You  can  also  deduct  the  cost  of  your  own
         aren’t deductible for tax purposes and are in vi-  deduct it as an advertising expense.  education (including certain related travel) rela-
         olation of the law.                                                     ted to your trade or business. You must be able
            Payments paid directly or indirectly to a per-  Example.   You made a $100,000 donation   to  show  the  education  maintains  or  improves
         son in violation of any federal or state law (but   to a committee organized by the local Chamber   skills required in your trade or business, or that
         only if that state law is generally enforced, de-  of Commerce to bring a convention to your city,   it is required by law or regulations, for keeping
         fined below) that provides for a criminal penalty   intended to increase business activity, including   your license to practice, status, or job. For ex-
         or for the loss of a license or privilege to engage   yours. Your payment isn’t a charitable contribu-  ample,  an  attorney  can  deduct  the  cost  of  at-
         in  a  trade  or  business  aren’t  allowed  as  a  de-  tion. You can deduct it as a business expense.  tending  Continuing  Legal  Education  (CLE)
         duction for tax purposes.              See Pub. 526 for a discussion of donated in-  classes that are required by the state bar asso-
            Meaning of “generally enforced.”  A state   ventory, including capital gain property.  ciation to maintain their license to practice law.
                                                                                    Education  expenses  you  incur  to  meet  the
         law is considered generally enforced unless it is                       minimum requirements of your present trade or
         never  enforced  or  enforced  only  for  infamous   Club dues and membership fees.  Generally,   business,  or  those  that  qualify  you  for  a  new
         persons or persons whose violations are extra-  you  can’t  deduct  amounts  paid  or  incurred  for   trade or business, aren’t deductible. This is true
         ordinarily  flagrant.  For  example,  a  state  law  is   membership in any club organized for business,   even  if  the  education  maintains  or  improves
         generally enforced unless proper reporting of a   pleasure,  recreation,  or  any  other  social  pur-  skills  presently  required  in  your  business.  For
         violation of the law results in enforcement only   pose. This includes country clubs, golf and ath-  more  information  on  education  expenses,  see
         under unusual circumstances.        letic  clubs,  hotel  clubs,  sporting  clubs,  airline
                                             clubs, and clubs operated to provide meals un-  Pub. 970.
            Kickbacks.   A kickback is a payment for re-  der  circumstances  generally  considered  to  be
         ferring a client, patient, or customer. The com-  conducive to business discussions.  Franchise,  trademark,  trade  name.  If  you
         mon kickback situation occurs when money or                             buy a franchise, trademark, or trade name, you
         property is given to someone as payment for in-  Exception.    The  following  organizations   can  deduct  the  amount  you  pay  or  incur  as  a
         fluencing a third party to purchase from, use the   aren’t treated as clubs organized for business,   business  expense  only  if  your  payments  are
         services  of,  or  otherwise  deal  with  the  person   pleasure,  recreation,  or  other  social  purpose   part of a series of payments that are:
         who pays the kickback. In many cases, the per-  unless one of the main purposes is to conduct   1. Contingent on productivity, use, or dispo-
         son whose business is being sought or enjoyed   entertainment  activities  for  members  or  their   sition of the item;
         by  the  person  who  pays  the  kickback  isn’t   guests  or  to  provide  members  or  their  guests
         aware of the payment.               with access to entertainment facilities.  2. Payable at least annually for the entire
            For example, the Yard Corporation is in the   • Boards of trade.         term of the transfer agreement; and
         business  of  repairing  ships.  It  returns  10%  of   • Business leagues.  3. Substantially equal in amount (or payable
         the repair bills as kickbacks to the captains and   • Chambers of commerce.  under a fixed formula).
         chief officers of the vessels it repairs. Although   • Civic or public service organizations.
         this practice is considered an ordinary and nec-  • Professional organizations such as bar as-  When  determining  the  term  of  the  transfer
         essary expense of getting business, it is clearly   sociations and medical associations.  agreement, include all renewal options and any
         a  violation  of  a  state  law  that  is  generally  en-  • Real estate boards.  other  period  for  which  you  and  the  transferor
         forced.  These  expenditures  aren’t  deductible   • Trade associations.  reasonably  expect  the  agreement  to  be  re-
         for tax purposes, whether or not the owners of                          newed.
         the shipyard are subsequently prosecuted.  Credit  card  convenience  fees.  Credit  card   A  franchise  includes  an  agreement  that
                                             companies charge a fee to businesses who ac-
            Form  1099-MISC.    It  doesn’t  matter   cept their cards. This fee when paid or incurred   gives  one  of  the  parties  to  the  agreement  the
                                                                                 right to distribute, sell, or provide goods, serv-
         whether any kickbacks paid during the tax year   by the business can be deducted as a business   ices, or facilities within a specified area.

                                                                                   Chapter 11  Other Expenses    Page 47
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