Page 104 - Small Business Taxes
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           4. You give a periodic statement (at least   Table 11-1. Reporting Reimbursements  16:31 - 2-Feb-2023
             quarterly) to your employees that asks
             them to either return or adequately ac-  IF the type of reimbursement (or other expense
             count for outstanding advances and they   allowance) arrangement is under  THEN the employer reports on Form W-2
             comply within 120 days of the date of the
             statement.                       An accountable plan with:
                                              Actual expense reimbursement:       No amount.
         How to deduct.   You can claim a deduction for   Adequate accounting made and excess returned
         travel and non-entertainment-related meals ex-  Actual expense reimbursement:  The excess amount as wages in box 1.
         penses  if  you  reimburse  your  employees  for   Adequate accounting and return of excess both required
         these  expenses  under  an  accountable  plan.   but excess not returned
         Generally,  the  amount  you  can  deduct  for   Per diem or mileage allowance up to the federal rate:  No amount.
         non-entertainment-related meals is subject to a   Adequate accounting made and excess returned
         50% limit, discussed later. If you are a sole pro-  Per diem or mileage allowance up to the federal rate:  The excess amount as wages in box 1. The amount up to
         prietor, or are filing as a single member limited   Adequate accounting and return of excess both required   the federal rate is reported only in box 12—it isn’t
         liability  company,  deduct  the  travel  reimburse-  but excess not returned  reported in box 1.
         ment on line 24a and the deductible part of the   Per diem or mileage allowance exceeds the federal rate:  The excess amount as wages in box 1. The amount up to
         non-entertainment-related  meals  reimburse-  Adequate accounting made up to the federal rate only and   the federal rate is reported only in box 12—it isn’t
         ment on line 24b of Schedule C (Form 1040).  excess not returned         reported in box 1.
            If  you  are  filing  an  income  tax  return  for  a   A nonaccountable plan with:
         corporation,  include  the  reimbursement  on  the
         Other deductions line of Form 1120. If you are   Either adequate accounting or return of excess, or both, not   The entire amount as wages in box 1.
                                              required by plan
         filing  any  other  business  income  tax  return,
         such  as  a  partnership  or  S  corporation  return,   No reimbursement plan  The entire amount as wages in box 1.
         deduct  the  reimbursement  on  the  appropriate   fixed  costs  (such  as  depreciation,  insurance,   High-low  method.    This  is  a  simplified
         line of the return as provided in the instructions
         for that return.                    etc.). For information on using an FAVR allow-  method of figuring the federal per diem rate for
                                             ance, see Revenue Procedure 2019-46, availa-  travel  within  the  continental  United  States.  It
                                             ble  at,   eliminates the need to keep a current list of the
         Per Diem and Car Allowances         and  Notice  2022-03,  available  at  per diem rate for each city.
                                             2022-02_IRB.                           Under  the  high-low  method,  the  per  diem
         You  can  reimburse  your  employees  under  an                         amount for travel during January through Sep-
         accountable  plan  based  on  travel  days,  miles,   Per  diem  allowance.    If  your  employee  ac-  tember of 2022 is $296 ($74 for M&IE) for cer-
         or some other fixed allowance. In these cases,   tually  substantiates  to  you  the  other  elements   tain high-cost locations. All other areas have a
         your employee is considered to have accounted   (discussed earlier) of the expenses reimbursed   per diem amount of $202 ($64 for M&IE). The
         to  you  for  the  amount  of  the  expense  that   using  the  per  diem  allowance,  how  you  report   high-cost  localities  eligible  for  the  higher  per
         doesn’t  exceed  the  rates  established  by  the   and deduct the allowance depends on whether   diem amount under the high-low method are lis-
         federal  government.  Your  employee  must  ac-  the allowance is for lodging and meal expenses   ted in Notice 2021-52, available at
         tually substantiate to you the other elements of   or for meal expenses only and whether the al-  2021-38_IRB#NOT-2021-52.
         the expense, such as time, place, and business   lowance is more than the federal rate.  Effective October 1, 2023, the per diem rate
         purpose.                                                                for  high-cost  locations  will  increase  to  $297
                                                Regular federal per diem rate.   The regu-  ($74 for M&IE). The rate for all other locations
         Federal rate.   The federal rate can be figured   lar federal per diem rate is the highest amount   will increase to $204 ($64 for M&IE). For Octo-
         using any one of the following methods.  the  federal  government  will  pay  to  its  employ-  ber,  November,  and  December  2023,  you  can
           1. For car expenses:              ees while away from home on travel. It has the   either continue to use the rates described in the
                                             following two components.
              a. The standard mileage rate.    1. Lodging expense.               preceding  paragraph  or  change  to  the  new
                                                                                 rates. However, you must use the same rate for
              b. A fixed and variable rate (FAVR).  2. Meal and incidental expenses (M&IE).  all  employees  reimbursed  under  the  high-low
           2. For per diem amounts:          The  rates  are  different  for  different  locations.   method.
                                                                                    For  more  information  about  the  high-low
              a. The regular federal per diem rate.  See for the per diem rates in   method,  see  Notice  2022-44,  available  at
              b. The standard meal allowance.  the continental United States.  See
                                                                        for the current per diem rates
              c. The high-low rate.             Standard  meal  allowance.  The  federal   for all locations.
                                             rate  for  M&IE  is  the  standard  meal  allowance.
         Car  allowance.  Your  employee  is  considered   You  can  pay  only  an  M&IE  allowance  to  em-  Reporting  per  diem  and  car  allowances.
         to have accounted to you for car expenses that   ployees who travel away from home if:  The following discussion explains how to report
         don’t exceed the standard mileage rate. For tax   • You pay the employee for actual expenses   per  diem  and  car  allowances.  The  manner  in
         year 2022, the standard business mileage rate   for lodging based on receipts submitted to   which you report them depends on how the al-
         is:                                     you,                            lowance compares to the federal rate. See Ta-
           • 58.5 cents per mile for January 1, 2022,   • You provide for the lodging,  ble 11-1.
             through June 30, 2022; and        • You pay for the actual expense of the lodg-
                                                                                    Allowance less than or equal to the fed-
           • 62.5 cents per mile for July 1, 2022,   ing directly to the provider,  eral rate.   If your allowance for the employee is
             through December 31, 2022.        • You don’t have a reasonable belief that   less  than  or  equal  to  the  appropriate  federal
                                                 lodging expenses were incurred by the
            To find the standard mileage rate for 2023,   employee, or           rate, that allowance isn’t included as part of the
         go   to  • The allowance is figured on a basis similar   employee's  pay  in  box  1  of  the  employee's
         Mileage-Rates.                          to that used in figuring the employee's wa-  Form W-2. Deduct the allowance as travel ex-
            You can choose to reimburse your employ-  ges (that is, number of hours worked or   penses (including meals that may be subject to
         ees using an FAVR allowance. This is an allow-  miles traveled).        the 50% limit, discussed later). See How to de-
         ance  that  includes  a  combination  of  payments                      duct under Accountable Plans, earlier.
         covering  fixed  and  variable  costs,  such  as  a   Per  diem  rates  online.    You  can  access
         cents-per-mile  rate  to  cover  your  employees'   per diem rates at
         variable operating costs (such as gas, oil, etc.)
         plus  a  flat  amount  to  cover  your  employees'
                                                                                   Chapter 11  Other Expenses    Page 45
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