Page 99 - Small Business Taxes
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         depletion for your partnership or S corporation   Corporate  deduction  for  iron  ore  and   Disposal of coal or iron ore.  You cannot take
         interest on Schedule E (Form 1040). The deple-  coal.  The percentage depletion deduction of a   a  percentage  depletion  deduction  for  coal  (in-
         tion deducted on Schedule E is included in fig-  corporation for iron ore and coal (including lig-  cluding lignite) or iron ore mined in the United
         uring  income  or  loss  from  rental  real  estate  or   nite) is reduced by 20% (0.20) of:  States if both of the following apply.
         royalty  properties.  The  Instructions  for  Sched-  • The percentage depletion deduction for   • You disposed of it after holding it for more
         ule E (Form 1040) explain where to report this   the tax year (figured without this reduc-  than 1 year.
         income or loss and whether you need to file ei-  tion), minus             • You disposed of it under a contract under
         ther of the following forms.          • The adjusted basis of the property at the   which you retain an economic interest in
           • Form 6198.                          close of the tax year (figured without the   the coal or iron ore.
           • Form 8582.                          depletion deduction for the tax year).  Treat any gain on the disposition as a capital

         Natural Gas Wells                   Gross  income  from  the  property.  For  prop-  gain.
                                             erty other than a geothermal deposit or an oil or   Disposal  to  related  person.  This  rule
         You  can  use  percentage  depletion  for  a  well   gas  well,  gross  income  from  the  property   does not apply if you dispose of the coal or iron
         that produces natural gas that is either:  means  the  gross  income  from  mining.  Mining   ore to one of the following persons.
           • Regulated natural gas,          includes all of the following.        • A related person (as listed in chapter 2 of
           • Sold under a fixed contract, or   • Extracting ores or minerals from the   Pub. 544).
           • Produced from geopressured brine.   ground.                           • A person owned or controlled by the same
                                               • Applying certain treatment processes de-  interests that own or control you.
         Regulated natural gas.  Regulated natural gas   scribed below.
         qualifies for a percentage depletion rate of 22%.   • Transporting ores or minerals (generally,   Geothermal  deposits.  Geothermal  deposits
         Regulated  natural  gas  is  domestic  natural  gas   not more than 50 miles) from the point of   located in the United States or its possessions
         produced and sold by the producer before July   extraction to the plants or mills in which the   qualify for a percentage depletion rate of 15%.
         1, 1976, and is regulated by the Federal Power   treatment processes are applied.  A geothermal deposit is a geothermal reservoir
         Commission.  The  price  for  regulated  gas  can-  Excise  tax.  Gross  income  from  mining  in-  of natural heat stored in rocks or in a watery liq-
         not  be  adjusted  to  reflect  any  increase  in  the   cludes  the  separately  stated  excise  tax  re-  uid  or  vapor  (whether  or  not  under  pressure).
         seller’s tax liability because of the repeal of per-  ceived by a mine operator from the sale of coal   For percentage depletion purposes, a geother-
         centage depletion for gas. Price increases after   to  compensate  the  operator  for  the  excise  tax   mal deposit is not considered a gas well.
         February 1, 1975, are presumed to take the in-  the mine operator must pay to finance the bene-  Figure gross income from the property for a
         crease in tax liability into account unless dem-  fits  provided  under  the  Black  Lung  Benefits   geothermal steam well in the same way as for
         onstrated  otherwise  by  clear  and  convincing   Revenue Act of 1977.  oil  and  gas  wells.  See  Gross  income  from  the
         evidence.                                                               property, earlier, under Oil and Gas Wells. Per-
                                                Extraction.  Extracting  ores  or  minerals   centage depletion on a geothermal deposit can-
         Natural  gas  sold  under  a  fixed  contract.   from  the  ground  includes  extraction  by  mine   not be more than 50% of your taxable income
         Natural gas sold under a fixed contract qualifies   owners  or  operators  of  ores  or  minerals  from   from the property.
         for a percentage depletion rate of 22%. Natural   the waste or residue of prior mining. This does
         gas sold under a fixed contract is domestic nat-  not apply to extraction from waste or residue of   Lessor's Gross Income
         ural gas sold by the producer under a contract   prior  mining  by  the  purchaser  of  the  waste  or
         that does not provide for a price increase to re-  residue or the purchaser of the rights to extract   In the case of leased property, the depletion de-
         flect any increase in the seller's tax liability be-  ores or minerals from the waste or residue.  duction  is  divided  between  the  lessor  and  the
         cause of the repeal of percentage depletion for                         lessee.
         gas. The contract must have been in effect from   Treatment  processes.  The  processes  in-
         February  1,  1975,  until  the  date  of  sale  of  the   cluded as mining depend on the ore or mineral   A  lessor's  gross  income  from  the  property
         gas. Price increases after February 1, 1975, are   mined. To qualify as mining, the treatment pro-  that qualifies for percentage depletion is usually
         presumed to take the increase in tax liability into   cesses  must  be  applied  by  the  mine  owner  or   the total of the royalties received from the lease.
         account  unless  demonstrated  otherwise  by   operator.  For  a  listing  of  treatment  processes
         clear and convincing evidence.      considered  as  mining,  see  section  613(c)(4)   Bonuses  and  advanced  royalties.  Bonuses
                                             and the related regulations.        and advanced royalties are payments a lessee
         Natural  gas  from  geopressured  brine.   Transportation of more than 50 miles.  If   makes  before  production  to  a  lessor  for  the
         Qualified  natural  gas  from  geopressured  brine   ore  or  mineral  must  be  transported  more  than   grant of rights in a lease or for minerals, gas, or
         is  eligible  for  a  percentage  depletion  rate  of   50 miles to plants or mills to be treated because   oil to be extracted from leased property. If you
         10%. This is natural gas that meets both of the   of  physical  and  other  requirements,  the  addi-  are the lessor, your income from bonuses and
         following conditions.               tional authorized transportation may be consid-  advanced royalties received is subject to an al-
           • Produced from a well you began to drill af-  ered  mining  and  included  in  the  calculation  of   lowance for depletion, as explained in the next
             ter September 1978 and before 1984.  gross  income  from  mining  if  authorized  by  the   two paragraphs.
           • Determined in accordance with section   IRS.
             503 of the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978                              Figuring  cost  depletion.  To  figure  cost
             to be produced from geopressured brine.  If you wish to include transportation of   depletion on a bonus, multiply your adjusted ba-
                                                   more than 50 miles in the calculation of   sis in the property by a fraction, the numerator
                                                   gross income from mining, request an
         Mines and Geothermal                advance ruling from the IRS. Include in the re-  of  which  is  the  bonus  and  the  denominator  of
                                                                                 which is the total bonus and royalties expected
         Deposits                            quest the facts about the physical and other re-  to be received. To figure cost depletion on ad-
                                             quirements that prevented the construction and   vanced royalties, use the calculation explained
         Certain mines, oil and gas wells, and other nat-  operation  of  the  plant  (in  which  mining  pro-  earlier under Cost Depletion, treating the num-
         ural  deposits,  including  geothermal  deposits,   cesses are applied) within 50 miles of the point   ber of units for which the advanced royalty is re-
         qualify for percentage depletion.   of  extraction.  For  more  information  about  re-  ceived as the number of units sold.
                                             questing  an  advance  ruling,  see  Rev.  Proc.
         Mines, oil and gas wells, and other natural   2022-1,  available  at,   Figuring  percentage  depletion.  In  the
         deposits.  The  percentage  of  your  gross  in-  modified  by  Rev.  Proc.  2022-10,  available  at   case of mines, wells, and other natural deposits
         come from the property that you can deduct as,  AND  superseded  by   other than gas, oil, or geothermal property, you
         depletion depends on the type of deposit.  Rev.  Proc.  2023-1,  available  at  may use the percentage rates discussed earlier
            See  section  613(b)  for  the  percentage  de-  2023-01_IRB.        under Mines and Geothermal Deposits. Any bo-
         pletion rates.                                                          nus  or  advanced  royalty  payments  are  gener-
                                                                                 ally part of the gross income from the property
                                                                                 to  which  the  rates  are  applied  in  making  the
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