Page 102 - Small Business Taxes
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         Property  received  for  debt.    If  you  receive   rules the debt is only partly worthless, you will   amount deducted that did not reduce your tax.
         property in partial settlement of a debt, reduce   not be allowed a deduction for the debt in that   Report  the  recovery  as  “Other  income”  on  the
         the debt by the property's FMV, which becomes   tax year because a deduction of a partly worth-  appropriate business form or schedule.
         the  property's  basis.  You  can  deduct  the  re-  less bad debt is limited to the amount actually
         maining debt as a bad debt if and when it be-  charged off. See Partly worthless debts, earlier.  See Recoveries in Pub. 525 for more infor-
         comes worthless.                                                        mation.
            If you later sell the property for more than its   Filing a claim for refund.   If you didn’t deduct   NOL carryover.   If a bad debt deduction in-
         basis, any gain on the sale is due to the appre-  a bad debt on your original return for the year it   creases an NOL carryover that has not expired
         ciation  of  the  property.  It  isn’t  a  recovery  of  a   became  worthless,  you  can  file  a  claim  for  a   before the beginning of the tax year in which the
         bad debt. For information on the sale of an as-  credit  or  refund.  If  the  bad  debt  was  totally   recovery takes place, you treat the deduction as
         set, see Pub. 544.                  worthless, you must file the claim by the later of   having reduced your tax. A bad debt deduction
                                             the following dates.                that contributes to an NOL helps lower taxes in
         How To Claim a                        • 7 years from the date your original return   the year to which you carry the NOL. For more
                                                 was due (not including extensions).
                                                                                 information  about  NOLs  for  individuals,  see
         Business Bad Debt                     • 2 years from the date you paid the tax.  Pub.  536.  Also,  see  the  Instructions  for  Form
                                                If the claim is for a partly worthless bad debt,
                                                                                 1045, and the Instructions for Form 1139.
                                             you must file the claim by the later of the follow-
         There are two methods to claim a business bad   ing dates.
         debt.                                 • 3 years from the date you filed your original
           • The specific charge-off method.     return.
           • The nonaccrual-experience method.  • 2 years from the date you paid the tax.
         Generally, you must use the specific charge-off   You  may  have  longer  to  file  the  claim  if  you
         method.  However,  you  may  use  the  nonac-  were  unable  to  manage  your  financial  affairs  11.
         crual-experience  method  if  you  meet  the  re-  due  to  a  physical  or  mental  impairment.  Such
         quirements  discussed  later  under  Nonac-  an impairment requires proof of existence.
         crual-Experience Method.               For details and more information about filing   Other Expenses
                                             a claim, see Pub. 556. Use one of the following
         Specific Charge-off Method          forms to file a claim. For more information, see
                                             the instructions for the applicable form.
         If  you  use  the  specific  charge-off  method,  you                   What's New
         can deduct specific business bad debts that be-  Table 10-1. Forms Used To File a
         come either partly or totally worthless during the   Claim              Standard mileage rate.  For tax year 2022, the
         tax year. However, with respect to partly worth-                        standard mileage rate for the cost of operating
         less bad debts, your deduction is limited to the   IF you filed as   THEN file...  your  car,  van,  pickup,  or  panel  truck  for  busi-
         amount  you  charged  off  on  your  books  during   a...               ness use is:
         the year.                                                                 • 58.5 cents per mile from January 1, 2022,
                                              sole proprietor   Form 1040-X.         through June 30, 2022; and
         Partly worthless debts.   You can deduct spe-  or farmer                  • 62.5 cents per mile from July 1, 2022,
         cific bad debts that become partly uncollectible   corporation  Form 1120-X.  through December 31, 2022.
         during the tax year. Your tax deduction is limi-
         ted to the amount you charge off on your books   S corporation  Form 1120-S and check   For more information, see Car and truck ex-
         during  the  year.  You  don’t  have  to  charge  off   box H(4).       penses under Miscellaneous Expenses, later.
         and  deduct  your  partly  worthless  debts  annu-  partnership  Form 1065-X if filing on
         ally.  You  can  delay  the  charge-off  until  a  later   paper or     Reminders
         year. However, you can’t deduct any part of a     Form 1065 and check box
         debt after the year it becomes totally worthless.  G(5) if filing electronically.
            Significantly  modified  debt.    An  excep-                         No  miscellaneous  itemized  deductions  al-
                                                                                 lowed.  You can no longer claim any miscella-
         tion  to  the  charge-off  rule  exists  for  debt  that                neous  itemized  deductions,  including  the  de-
         has  been  significantly  modified  and  on  which  Nonaccrual-Experience   duction  for  repayments  (claim  of  right).
         the  holder  recognized  gain.  For  more  informa-  Method             Miscellaneous  itemized  deductions  are  those
         tion, see Regulations section 1.166-3(a)(3).                            deductions that would have been subject to the
                                             Generally,  a  person  using  accrual  accounting   2%-of-adjusted-gross-income limitation.
            Deduction  disallowed.    Generally,  you   isn’t  required  to  accrue  a  service-provided  re-
         can  claim  a  partial  bad  debt  deduction  only  in   ceivable that experience shows won't be collec-  Qualified  business  income  deduction.  For
         the  year  you  make  the  charge-off  on  your   ted if:               tax  years  beginning  after  2017,  individual  tax-
         books.  If,  under  audit,  the  IRS  doesn’t  allow   • The service provided is health, law, engi-  payers and some trusts and estates may be en-
         your  deduction  and  the  debt  becomes  partly   neering, architecture, accounting, actuarial   titled to a deduction of up to 20% of their quali-
         worthless in a later tax year, you can deduct the   science, performing arts, or consulting; or  fied  business  income  (QBI)  from  a  trade  or
         amount  you  charged  off  in  that  year  plus  the   • The person's average annual gross re-  business, including income from a pass-through
         disallowed  amount  charged  off  in  the  earlier   ceipts for all previous 3‐tax‐year periods   entity, but not from a C corporation, plus 20% of
         year. The charge-off in the earlier year, unless   don’t exceed $27 million.  qualified real estate investment trust (REIT) div-
         reversed  on  your  books,  fulfills  the  charge-off                   idends and qualified publicly traded partnership
         requirement for the later year.        See section 448 for details and exceptions.  (PTP) income. The deduction is subject to mul-
                                                                                 tiple  limitations,  such  as  the  type  of  trade  or
         Totally  worthless  debts.   If a debt becomes                          business,  the  taxpayer’s  taxable  income,  the
         totally worthless in the current tax year, you can  Recovery of a Bad Debt  amount of W-2 wages paid in the trade or busi-
         deduct the entire amount minus any amount de-                           ness, and the unadjusted basis immediately af-
         ducted in an earlier tax year when the debt was   If you claim a deduction for a bad debt on your   ter acquisition (UBIA) of qualified property held
         only partly worthless.              income tax return and later recover (collect) all   by the trade or business. The deduction can be
            You don’t have to make an actual charge-off   or part of it, you may have to include all or part   taken in addition to the standard or itemized de-
         on your books to claim a bad debt deduction for   of  the  recovery  in  gross  income.  The  amount   ductions.  See  the  Instructions  for  Form  8995
         a  totally  worthless  debt.  However,  you  may   you include is limited to the amount you actually   and the Instructions for Form 8995-A for more
         want  to  do  so.  If  you  don’t  and  the  IRS  later   deducted.  However,  you  can  exclude  the   information.
                                                                                   Chapter 11  Other Expenses    Page 43
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