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         The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.
         calculation. However, for oil, gas, or geothermal   3. Figure the number of timber units to take   sale  or  exchange,  or  make  an  outright  sale  of
         property, gross income does not include lease   into account by adding the number of tim-  timber.
         bonuses, advanced royalties, or other amounts   ber units acquired during the year to the
         payable  without  regard  to  production  from  the   number of timber units on hand in the ac-
         property.                               count at the beginning of the year and
                                                 then adding (or subtracting) any correction
            Ending  the  lease.  If  you  receive  a  bonus   to the estimate of the number of timber
         on  a  lease  that  ends  or  is  abandoned  before   units remaining in the account.
         you derive any income from mineral extraction                           10.
         or  the  cutting  of  timber,  include  in  income  the   4. Divide the result of (2) by the result of (3).
         depletion deduction you took on the bonus. Do   This is your depletion unit.
         this  for  the  year  the  lease  ends  or  is  aban-
         doned. Also, increase your adjusted basis in the   Example.  You  bought  a  timber  tract  for   Business Bad
         property to restore the depletion deduction you   $160,000 and the land was worth as much as
                                             Based  on  an  estimated  1  million  feet  board  Debts
         previously subtracted.              the timber. Your basis for the timber is $80,000.
            For  advanced  royalties,  include  in  income
         the depletion claimed on minerals or timber for   measure (FBM) or 1,000 “thousand board feet”
         which  the  advanced  royalties  were  paid,  if  the   (MFBM) of standing timber, you figure your de-
                                             1,000). If you cut 500 MFBM of timber, your de- Introduction
         minerals  were  not  produced  or  timber  not  cut   pletion  unit  to  be  $80  per  MFBM  ($80,000  ÷
         before the lease ended. Include this amount in
         income  for  the  year  the  lease  ends.  Increase   pletion  allowance  would  be  $40,000  (500   You  have  a  bad  debt  if  you  cannot  collect
         your  adjusted  basis  in  the  property  by  the   MFBM × $80).        money owed to you. A bad debt is either a busi-
         amount you include in income.
                                             When  to  claim  depletion.  Claim  your  deple-  ness bad debt or a nonbusiness bad debt. This
         Delay rentals.  These are payments for defer-  tion allowance as a deduction in the year of sale   chapter discusses only business bad debts.
                                                                                    Generally,  a  business  bad  debt  is  one  that
         ring  development  of  the  property.  Since  delay   or other disposition of the products cut from the   comes  from  operating  your  trade  or  business.
         rentals  are  ordinary  rent,  they  are  ordinary  in-  timber, unless you choose to treat the cutting of   You can deduct business bad debts on Sched-
         come to the payee that is not subject to deple-  timber as a sale or exchange (explained below).   ule C (Form 1040) or your applicable business
         tion.  These  rentals  can  be  avoided  by  either   Include allowable depletion for timber products   income tax return.
         abandoning  the  lease,  beginning  development   not sold during the tax year the timber is cut as   All  other  bad  debts  are  nonbusiness  bad
         operations, or obtaining production.  a  cost  item  in  the  closing  inventory  of  timber
                                             products for the year. The inventory is your ba-  debts  and  are  deductible  only  as  short-term
                                             sis for determining gain or loss in the tax year   capital losses. For more information on nonbus-
         Timber                              you sell the timber products.       iness bad debts, see Pub. 550.
                                                Example.  The facts are the same as in the
         You can figure timber depletion only by the cost   previous  example,  except  that  you  sold  only   Topics
                                                                                 This chapter discusses:
         method.  Percentage  depletion  does  not  apply   half  of  the  timber  products  in  the  cutting  year.
         to timber. Base your depletion on your cost or   You would deduct $20,000 of the $40,000 de-
         other basis in the timber. Your cost does not in-  pletion that year. You would add the remaining   • Definition of business bad debt
         clude the cost of land or any amounts recovera-  $20,000  depletion  to  your  closing  inventory  of   • When a debt becomes worthless
         ble through depreciation.           timber products.                      • How to claim a business bad debt
            Depletion  takes  place  when  you  cut  stand-                        • Recovery of a bad debt
         ing  timber.  You  can  figure  your  depletion  de-  Electing to treat the cutting of timber as a
         duction  when  the  quantity  of  cut  timber  is  first   sale  or  exchange.  You  can  elect,  under  cer-  Useful Items
         accurately measured in the process of exploita-  tain circumstances, to treat the cutting of timber   You may want to see:
         tion.                               held  for  more  than  1  year  as  a  sale  or  ex-
                                             change. You must make the election on your in-  Publication
         Figuring  cost  depletion.  To  figure  your  cost   come tax return for the tax year to which it ap-    525   525 Taxable and Nontaxable Income
         depletion allowance, you multiply the number of   plies.  The  election  can’t  be  made  on  an
         timber units cut by your depletion unit.  amended return. If you make this election, sub-    536   536 Net Operating Losses (NOLs) for
            Timber  units.  When  you  acquire  timber   tract  the  adjusted  basis  for  depletion  from  the   Individuals, Estates, and Trusts
                                             fair market value (FMV) of the timber on the first
         property,  you  must  make  an  estimate  of  the   day of the tax year in which you cut it to figure     544   544 Sales and Other Dispositions of
         quantity  of  marketable  timber  reasonably   the gain or loss on the cutting. You generally re-  Assets
         known,  or  on  good  evidence  believed  to  exist   port  the  gain  as  long-term  capital  gain.  The
         on the property. You measure the timber using   FMV then becomes your basis for figuring your     550   550 Investment Income and Expenses
         feet board measure (FBM), log scale, cords, or   ordinary gain or loss on the sale or other dispo-    556   556 Examination of Returns, Appeal
         other units. If you later determine that you have   sition  of  the  products  cut  from  the  timber.  For   Rights, and Claims for Refund
         more or less units of timber, you must adjust the   more  information,  see  Timber  in  chapter  2  of
         original estimate.                  Pub. 544.                             Form (and Instructions)
            The term “timber property” means your eco-
         nomic interest in standing timber in each tract or   You may revoke an election to treat the cut-    Schedule C (Form 1040)   Schedule C (Form 1040) Profit or Loss
         block representing a separate timber account.  ting of timber as a sale or exchange, without the   From Business
                                             IRS's consent, by the due date (including exten-
            Depletion  unit.  You  figure  your  depletion   sions) for the return. The prior election (and rev-    1040-X   1040-X Amended U.S. Individual Income
         unit each year by taking the following steps.  ocation) is disregarded for purposes of making   Tax Return
           1. Determine your cost or adjusted basis of   a  subsequent  election.  See  Form  T  (Timber,     1045  1045 Application for Tentative Refund
                                             Forest  Activities  Schedule)  for  more  informa-
             the timber on hand at the beginning of the   tion.                       1065  1065 U.S. Return of Partnership Income
             year. Adjusted basis is defined under Cost
             Depletion in the discussion on Mineral   Form  T  (Timber,  Forest  Activities  Sched-    1065-X  1065-X Amended Return or
             Property, earlier.              ule).  Complete  and  attach  Form  T  (Timber,   Administrative Adjustment Request
           2. Add to the amount determined in (1) the   Forest  Activities  Schedule)  to  your  income  tax   (AAR)
             cost of any timber units acquired during   return if you claim a deduction for timber deple-    1120-S  1120-S U.S. Income Tax Return for an S
             the year and any additions to capital.  tion, choose to treat the cutting of timber as a   Corporation
                                                                                Chapter 10  Business Bad Debts    Page 41
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