Page 97 - Small Business Taxes
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         gross income from the property is under Oil and   Independent Producers and    person to occupy any retail outlet
         Gas Wells, later. For other property, more infor-  Royalty Owners              owned, leased, or controlled by you or
         mation  about  the  definition  of  gross  income                              a related person.
         from the property is under Mines and Geother-  If  you  are  an  independent  producer  or  royalty   2. The combined gross receipts from sales
         mal Deposits, later.                owner, you figure percentage depletion using a   (not counting resales) of oil, natural gas, or
                                             rate of 15% of the gross income from the prop-
         Taxable income limit.  The percentage deple-  erty based on your average daily production of   their byproducts by all retail outlets taken
                                                                                     into account in (1) are more than $5 million
         tion  deduction  generally  cannot  be  more  than   domestic crude oil or domestic natural gas up to
         50% (100% for oil and gas property) of your tax-  your depletable oil or natural gas quantity. How-  for the tax year.
         able  income  from  the  property  figured  without   ever, an independent producer or royalty owner   For  the  purpose  of  determining  if  this  rule
         the depletion deduction, and any deduction un-  that also acts as a retailer or refiner may be ex-  applies, do not count the following.
         der section 199A.                   cluded from claiming percentage depletion. For   • Bulk sales (sales in very large quantities)
            Taxable  income  from  the  property  means   information on figuring the deduction, see Figur-  of oil or natural gas to commercial or indus-
         gross income from the property minus all allow-  ing percentage depletion, later.  trial users.
         able  deductions  (except  any  deduction  for  de-                       • Bulk sales of aviation fuels to the Depart-
         pletion  or  qualified  business  income)  attributa-  Refiners  who  cannot  claim  percentage  de-  ment of Defense.
         ble  to  mining  processes,  including  limited   pletion.  You  cannot  claim  percentage  deple-  • Sales of oil or natural gas or their byprod-
         mining  transportation.  These  deductible  items   tion if you or a related person refines crude oil   ucts outside the United States if none of
         include, but are not limited to, the following.  and  you  and  the  related  person  refined  more   your domestic production or that of a rela-
           • Operating expenses.             than  75,000  barrels  on  any  day  during  the  tax   ted person is exported during the tax year
           • Certain selling expenses.       year based on average (rather than actual) daily   or the prior tax year.
           • Administrative and financial overhead.  refinery runs for the tax year. The average daily
           • Depreciation.                   refinery  run  is  figured  by  dividing  total  refinery   Related  person.  To  determine  if  you  and
           • Intangible drilling and development costs.  runs for the tax year by the total number of days   another person are related persons, see Rela-
           • Exploration and development expendi-  in the tax year.              ted  person  under  Refiners  who  cannot  claim
             tures.                                                              percentage depletion, earlier.
           • Deductible taxes (see chapter 5), but not   Related  person.  You  and  another  person   Sales through a related person.  You are
             taxes that you capitalize or take as a credit.  are related persons if either of you holds a sig-  considered to be selling oil or natural gas (or a
           • Losses sustained.               nificant  ownership  interest  in  the  other  person   product  derived  therefrom)  through  a  related
                                             or if a third person holds a significant ownership
            The following rules apply when figuring your   interest in both of you.  person if any sale by the related person produ-
         taxable income from the property for purposes                           ces gross income from which you may benefit
         of the taxable income limit.           For example, a corporation, partnership, es-  because of your direct or indirect ownership in-
           • Do not deduct any net operating loss   tate, or trust and anyone who holds a significant   terest in the related person.
             (NOL) deduction from the gross income   ownership  interest  in  it  are  related  persons.  A   You are  not considered to be selling oil or
             from the property.              partnership  and  a  trust  are  related  persons  if   natural  gas  (or  a  product  derived  therefrom)
           • Corporations do not deduct charitable con-  one person holds a significant ownership inter-  through a related person who is a retailer if all of
             tributions from the gross income from the   est in each of them.    the following apply.
             property.                                                             • You do not own a significant ownership in-
           • If, during the year, you dispose of an item   For  purposes  of  the  related  person  rules,   terest in the retailer.
             of section 1245 property that was used in   significant  ownership  interest  means  direct  or   • You sell your production to persons who
             connection with mineral property, reduce   indirect ownership of 5% or more in any one of   are not related to either you or the retailer.
             any allowable deduction for mining expen-  the following.             • The retailer does not buy oil or natural gas
             ses by the part of any gain you must report                             from your customers or persons related to
             as ordinary income that is allocable to the   • The value of the outstanding stock of a   your customers.
             mineral property. See Regulations section   corporation.              • There are no arrangements for the retailer
             1.613-5(b)(1) for information on how to fig-  • The interest in the profits or capital of a   to acquire oil or natural gas you produced
             ure the ordinary gain allocable to the prop-  partnership.              for resale or made available for purchase
             erty.                             • The beneficial interests in an estate or   by the retailer.
                                                 trust.                            • Neither you nor the retailer knows of, or
         Oil and Gas Wells                      Any interest owned by or for a corporation,   controls, the final disposition of the oil or
                                                                                     natural gas you sold or the original source
                                             partnership, trust, or estate is considered to be   of the petroleum products the retailer ac-
         You  cannot  claim  percentage  depletion  for  an   owned directly both by itself and proportionately   quired for resale.
         oil or gas well unless at least one of the follow-  by its shareholders, partners, or beneficiaries.
         ing applies.                                                            Transferees  who  cannot  claim  percentage
           • You are either an independent producer or   Retailers who cannot claim percentage de-  depletion.  You  cannot  claim  percentage  de-
             a royalty owner.                pletion.  You  cannot  claim  percentage  deple-  pletion if you received your interest in a proven
           • The well produces one of the following:   tion if both the following apply.  oil  or  gas  property  by  transfer  after  1974  and
             regulated natural gas, natural gas sold un-                         before October 12, 1990. For a definition of the
             der a fixed contract, or natural gas from ge-  1. You sell oil or natural gas or their byprod-  term  “transfer,”  see  Regulations  section
             opressured brine.                   ucts directly or through a related person in   1.613A-7(n). For a definition of the term “inter-
                                                 any of the following situations.
            If you are an independent producer or roy-                           est in proven oil or gas property,” see Regula-
         alty  owner,  see  Independent  Producers  and   a. Through a retail outlet operated by   tions section 1.613A-7(p).
         Royalty Owners next.                       you or a related person.     Figuring  percentage  depletion.  Generally,
            For  information  on  the  depletion  deduction   b. To any person who is required under   as  an  independent  producer  or  royalty  owner,
         for  wells  that  produce  regulated  natural  gas,   an agreement with you or a related   you figure your percentage depletion by figuring
         natural gas sold under a fixed contract, or natu-  person to use a trademark, trade   your average daily production of domestic oil or
         ral  gas  from  geopressured  brine,  see  Natural   name, or service mark or name   gas  and  comparing  it  to  your  depletable  oil  or
         Gas Wells, later.                          owned by you or a related person in   gas  quantity.  If  your  average  daily  production
                                                    marketing or distributing oil, natural   does  not  exceed  your  depletable  oil  or  gas
                                                    gas, or their byproducts.    quantity,  you  figure  your  percentage  depletion
                                                  c. To any person given authority under   by multiplying the gross income from the oil or
                                                    an agreement with you or a related   gas  property  (as  defined  under  Gross  income
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