Page 95 - Small Business Taxes
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         More  information.    For  more  information  on   115-97)—10 years. Amortization for these   amended section 55 to impose a corporate al-
         the  amortization  of  pollution  control  facilities,   costs should be reported on line 43 of   ternative minimum tax. The amendment applies
         see  sections  169  and  291(c)  and  the  related   Form 4562.         to tax years beginning after 2022.
         regulations.                                                            Excise tax to fund Black Lung Benefits.  P.L.
                                             How to make the election.   To elect to amor-  117-169  also  amended  section  4121  to  elimi-
         Research and                        tize qualifying costs over the optional recovery   nate the reduction in tax on coal from mines lo-
                                             period, complete Part VI of Form 4562 and at-
                                                                                 cated in the United States sold by the producer.
         Experimental Costs                  tach a statement containing the following infor-  The  amendment  applies  to  sales  in  calendar
                                             mation to your return for the tax year in which
                                             the election begins.                quarters beginning after August 17, 2022.
         You must amortize specified research or experi-  • Your name, address, and taxpayer identifi-
         mental costs paid or incurred in tax years begin-  cation number.       Reminders
         ning after 2021.                      • The type of cost and the specific amount of
            You must amortize specified research or ex-  the cost for which you are making the elec-  Domestic  production  activities  deduction
         perimental  costs  ratably  over  a  5-year  period                     repealed.  P.L.  115-97,  December  22,  2017,
         beginning  with  the  midpoint  of  the  tax  year  in   Generally, the election must be made on a   repealed section 199, which provided a deduc-
         which  the  expenditures  were  paid  or  incurred.   timely filed return (including extensions) for the   tion for income attributable to domestic produc-
         Research or experimental expenditures attribut-  tax year in which you incurred the costs. How-  tion  activities.  The  amendment  applies  to  tax
         able to foreign research conducted outside the   ever, if you timely filed your return for the year   years beginning after 2017.
         United States, Puerto Rico, or any possession   without making the election, you can still make   Qualified business income deduction enac-
         of the United States must be amortized ratably   the election by filing an amended return within 6   ted.  P.L.  115-97  also  added  section  199A,
         over  a  15-year  period  beginning  with  the  mid-  months of the due date of the return (excluding   which  provides  a  deduction  for  qualified  busi-
         point of the tax year in which the expenditures   extensions). Attach Form 4562 to the amended   ness  income.  The  amendment  applies  to  tax
         were  paid  or  incurred.  This  includes  any   return  and  write  “Filed  pursuant  to  section   years beginning after 2017. Section 199A does
         amounts paid or incurred in connection with the   301.9100-2”  on  Form  4562.  File  the  amended   not apply to tax years beginning after 2025.
         development  of  software  which  are  not  other-  return at the same address you filed the original
         wise excluded expenditures under Internal Rev-  return.
         enue  Code  section  174  and  Treasury  Regula-  Note.  The  amortization  deduction  and  re- Introduction
         tions  section  1.174-2.  For  a  definition  of
         “research  and  experimental  costs,”  see  chap-  search  and  experimental  expenditures  under   Depletion  is  the  using  up  of  natural  resources
         ter 7.                              former section 174(b) or the dollar amount of re-  extracted  from  a  mineral  property  by  mining,
                                             search  and  experimental  expenditures  for   drilling,  quarrying  stone,  or  cutting  timber.  The
         How to make the election.   To change to the   which you elected to amortize over the 10-year   depletion deduction allows an owner or opera-
         required method of accounting for specified re-  period under section 59(e) must be reported on   tor  to  account  for  the  reduction  of  the  mineral
         search or experimental expenditures in the first   line  43  of  Form  4562.  Attach  a  statement  that   property’s value or basis as a result of the ex-
         tax year beginning after December 31, 2021, at-  shows  (a)  a  description  of  the  costs,  (b)  the   traction of the natural resource.
         tach the statement in lieu of Form 3115 as de-  date  amortization  began,  (c)  the  amortizable   There  are  two  ways  of  figuring  depletion:
         scribed  in  section  7.02(5)  of  Revenue   amount, (d) the applicable Code section, (e) the   cost depletion and percentage depletion. For oil
         Procedure  2023-11  to  your  income  tax  return.   amortization period, (f) the accumulated amorti-  and gas wells, mines, other natural deposits (in-
         You must also complete Part VI of Form 4562   zation, and (g) the amortization amount for this   cluding  geothermal  deposits),  and  mineral
         and attach it to your income tax return. Gener-  year.                  property,  you  must  generally  use  the  method
         ally, you must file the return by due date (includ-                     that gives you the larger deduction. For stand-
         ing  extensions).  However,  if  you  timely  filed   Revoking the election.   You must obtain con-  ing timber, you must use cost depletion.
         your  return  for  the  year  without  attaching  the   sent from the IRS to revoke your section 59(e)
         statement  in  lieu  of  Form  3115  or  completed   election.  Your  request  to  revoke  the  election   Topics
         Part VI of Form 4562, you can make the elec-  must  be  submitted  to  the  IRS  in  the  form  of  a
         tion by filing an amended return within 6 months   letter  ruling  before  the  end  of  the  tax  year  in   This chapter discusses:
         of  the  due  date  of  the  return  (including  exten-  which  the  optional  recovery  period  ends.  The
         sions). Attach the required statement and com-  request must contain all of the information nec-  • Who can claim depletion
         pleted  Form  4562  to  the  amended  return  and   essary to demonstrate the rare and unusual cir-  • Mineral property
         write “Filed pursuant to section 301.9100-2” on   cumstances that would justify granting revoca-  • Timber
         Form  4562.  File  the  amended  return  at  the   tion.  If  the  request  for  revocation  is  approved,
         same address you filed the original return.  any  unamortized  costs  are  deductible  in  the   Useful Items
                                             year the revocation is effective.   You may want to see:
         Optional Write-off of                                                     Publication
         Certain Tax Preferences                                                      544  544 Sales and Other Dispositions of
         You can elect to amortize certain tax preference
         items  over  an  optional  period  beginning  in  the  9.                    551  551 Basis of Assets
         tax year in which you incurred the costs. If you
         make this election, there is no alternative mini-                         Form (and Instructions)
         mum tax adjustment. The applicable costs and   Depletion                     Schedule E (Form 1040)  Schedule E (Form 1040) Supplemental
         the optional recovery periods are as follows.                                   Income and Loss
           • Circulation costs—3 years.
           • Intangible drilling and development                                      Schedule K-1 (Form 1065)  Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) Partner’s
             costs—60 months.                What’s New                                  Share of Income, Deductions,
           • Mining exploration and development                                          Credits, etc.
             costs—10 years.                                                          Schedule K-1 (Form 1120-S)
           • Research and experimental expenditures   Corporate alternative minimum tax reinsta-  Shareholder's Share of Income,
                                                                                                           Schedule K-1 (Form 1120-S)
             paid or incurred in tax years beginning be-  ted  in  2023.  P.L.  117-169,  August  16,  2022,   Deductions, Credits, etc.
             fore January 1, 2022 (section 174(a) prior
             to amendment by section 13206(a) of P.L.                                 6198  6198 At-Risk Limitations
         Page 36    Chapter 9  Depletion
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