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             including the Tax Calendar desktop tool, to   formation  about  accessibility  services  can  call   choose direct deposit, which securely and elec-
             help you learn about business taxes on   833-690-0598.  The  Accessibility  Helpline  can   tronically transfers your refund directly into your
             your own time, and at your own pace.  answer questions related to current and future   financial account. Direct deposit also avoids the
           • Subscribe to e-News. A free electronic   accessibility products and services available in   possibility that your check could be lost, stolen,
             mail service keeping you up to date on tax   alternative media formats (for example, braille,   or returned undeliverable to the IRS. Eight in 10
             topics.                         large print, audio, etc.). The Accessibility Help-  taxpayers use direct deposit to receive their re-
                                             line does not have access to your IRS account.   funds. If you don't have a bank account, go to
         Requirements  for  filing.  If  you  made  or  re-  For help with tax law, refunds, or account-rela-  for  more  information  on
         ceived a payment during the calendar year as a   ted issues, go to  where  to  find  a  bank  or  credit  union  that  can
         small business or self-employed individual, you                         open an account online.
         are most likely required to file an information re-  Note.  Form 9000, Alternative Media Prefer-
         turn with the IRS. For more information, see Am   ence, or Form 9000(SP) allows you to elect to   Need someone to prepare your tax return?
         I  Required  To  File  a  Form  1099  or  Other   receive certain types of written correspondence   There are various types of tax return preparers,
         Information Return? on     in the following formats.           including enrolled agents, CPAs, attorneys, and
               Getting  answers  to  your  tax  ques-  • Standard Print.         many  others  who  don't  have  professional  cre-
                                                                                 dentials.  If  you  choose  to  have  someone  pre-
                                               • Large Print.
               tions.  On,  you  can  get                               pare  your  tax  return,  choose  that  preparer
               up-to-date  information  on  current   • Braille.
         events and changes in tax law.        • Audio (MP3).                    wisely. A paid tax preparer is:
                                               • Plain Text File (TXT).
                                                                                   • Primarily responsible for the overall sub-
           • A variety of tools to help you   • Braille Ready File (BRF).  stantive accuracy of your return,
             get answers to some of the most common                                • Required to sign the return, and
             tax questions.                  Disasters.    Go  to  Disaster  Assistance  and   • Required to include their preparer tax iden-
           • The Interactive Tax Assistant,   Emergency   Relief   for   Individuals   and   tification number (PTIN).
             a tool that will ask you questions and,   Businesses to review the available disaster tax   Although the tax preparer always signs the
             based on you input, provide answers on a   relief.                  return, you're ultimately responsible for provid-
             number of tax law topics.                                           ing all the information required for the preparer
           • Find forms, instructions,   Getting  tax  forms  and  publications.  Go  to   to accurately prepare your return. Anyone paid
             and publications. You will find details on to view, download, or print all of   to prepare tax returns for others should have a
             the most recent tax changes and interac-  the  forms,  instructions,  and  publications  you   thorough  understanding  of  tax  matters.  For
             tive links to help you find answers to your   may  need.  Or,  you  can  go  to  more information on how to choose a tax pre-
             questions.                      OrderForms  to  place  an  order  and  have  them   parer, go to Tips for Choosing a Tax Preparer
           • You may also be able to access tax law in-  mailed to you within 10 business days.  on
             formation in your electronic filing software.
                                             Getting tax publications and instructions in   For your convenience, the IRS provides an
                                             eBook  format.  You  can  also  download  and   online  database  for  all  Authorized  IRS  e-file
         IRS social media.  Go to   view  popular  tax  publications  and  instructions   Providers that choose to be included in the da-
         to  see  the  various  social  media  tools  the  IRS   (including  the  Instructions  for  Form  1040)  on   tabase.  You  can  locate  the  closest  Authorized
         uses  to  share  the  latest  information  on  tax   mobile devices as eBooks at  IRS e-file Providers in your area where you can
         changes, scam alerts, initiatives, products, and                        electronically file your tax return. For more infor-
         services.  At  the  IRS,  privacy  and  security  are   Note.  IRS  eBooks  have  been  tested  using   mation on finding a tax return preparer who pro-
         our highest priority. We use these tools to share   Apple's  iBooks  for  iPad.  Our  eBooks  haven't   vides  IRS  e-file,  see  Authorized  IRS  e-file
         public information with you. Don’t post your so-  been tested on other dedicated eBook readers,   Providers  for  Individuals  on,  or  go  to
         cial security number (SSN) or other confidential   and eBook functionality may not operate as in-
         information  on  social  media  sites.  Always  pro-  tended.           for-Individuals.  The  inclusion  in  this  database
         tect  your  identity  when  using  any  social  net-                    does  not  constitute  any  endorsement  by  the
         working site.                       Access your online account (individual tax-  IRS of the e-file Providers listed in this database
            The  following  IRS  YouTube  channels  pro-  payers  only).  Go  to  to  se-  or any of the products or services that they pro-
         vide short, informative videos on various tax-re-  curely access information about your federal tax   vide.  You  should  always  be  sure  to  conduct
         lated topics in English, Spanish, and ASL.  account.                    your own due diligence when selecting an e-file
                                                                                 Provider. In addition to the Authorized IRS e-file
           •            • View the amount you owe and a break-
           •   down by tax year.               Provider  locator  tool  above,  you  can  also  find
                                                                                 professional  help  through  the  IRS  Tax
           •         • See payment plan details or apply for a
                                                 new payment plan.               Professional  Partner  page  at
         Watching  IRS  videos.  The  IRS  Video  portal   • Make a payment or view 5 years of pay-  Professionals/IRSTaxProAssociationPartners.
         ( contains video and audio pre-  ment history and any pending or sched-  Choose  a  tax  return  preparer  you  will  be
         sentations  for  individuals,  small  businesses,   uled payments.      able to contact in case the IRS examines your
         and tax professionals.                • Access your tax records, including key   return  and  has  questions  regarding  how  your
                                                 data from your most recent tax return and   return  was  prepared.  You  can  designate  your
         Online  tax  information  in  other  languages.   transcripts.          paid tax return preparer or another third party to
         You  can  find  information  on  • View digital copies of select notices from   speak to the IRS concerning the preparation of
         MyLanguage  if  English  isn't  your  native  lan-  the IRS.            your return, payment/refund issues, and mathe-
         guage.                                • Approve or reject authorization requests   matical  errors.  The  third  party  authorization
                                                 from tax professionals.         checkbox on Form 1040 or 1040-SR gives the
         Free Over-the-Phone Interpreter (OPI) Serv-  • View your address on file or manage your   designated party the authority to receive and in-
         ice.   The IRS is committed to serving our multi-  communication preferences.  spect returns and return information for 1 year
         lingual customers by offering OPI services. The                         from the original due date of your return (without
         OPI Service is a federally funded program and   Tax Pro Account.   This tool lets your tax pro-  regard to extensions). You can extend the au-
         is  available  at  Taxpayer  Assistance  Centers   fessional submit an authorization request to ac-  thority to receive and inspect returns and return
         (TACs), other IRS offices, and every VITA/TCE   cess  your  individual  taxpayer  IRS  online   information  to  a  third  party  using  Form  8821,
         return  site.  The  OPI  Service  is  accessible  in   account.  For  more  information,  go  to  Tax Information Authorization.
         more than 350 languages.            TaxProAccount.

         Accessibility  Helpline  available  for  taxpay-  Using  direct  deposit.  The  fastest  way  to  re-
         ers with disabilities.   Taxpayers who need in-  ceive  a  tax  refund  is  to  file  electronically  and

                                                                                Chapter 12  How To Get Tax Help    Page 51
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