Page 113 - Small Business Taxes
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         The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.
         assessment.  If  you  have  received  a  Notice  of   multi-year  timeline  that  is  scheduled  to  begin   • Require you to use a specific payment
         Deficiency CP3219N, you can't request an ex-  providing translations in 2023. You will continue   method for your taxes, such as a prepaid
         tension to file. Call us if you think you don't have   to  receive  communications,  including  notices   debit card.
         to file.                            and letters, in English until they are translated to   • Ask for credit or debit card numbers over
            If any of the income listed is incorrect, you   your preferred language.  the phone.
         may do the following.                                                     • Threaten to bring in local police or other
           • Contact us toll free at 866-681-4271 to let   Collection  and  enforcement  actions.  The   law-enforcement groups to have you arres-
             us know.                        return  we  prepare  for  you  (our  proposed  as-  ted for not paying.
           • Contact the payer (source) of the income   sessment) will lead to a tax bill, which, if unpaid,   If you get a phone call from someone claim-
             to request a corrected Form W-2 or 1099.  will  trigger  the  collection  process.  This  can  in-  ing to be from the IRS and asking for money, do
           • Attach the corrected forms when you send   clude such actions as a levy on your wages or   not  disclose  your  personal  information.  You
             us your completed tax returns.  bank account or the filing of a notice of federal   should make notes of all information regarding
            If the IRS files a substitute return, it is still in   tax lien. If you repeatedly do not file, you could   the call and/or the caller, for example, any caller
                                             be subject to additional enforcement measures,
         your best interest to file your own tax return to   such  as  additional  penalties  and/or  criminal   ID  information,  then  hang  up  immediately  and
         take advantage of any exemptions, credits, and   prosecution.           do the following.
         deductions you are entitled to receive. The IRS                           • If you know you owe taxes or think you
         will generally adjust your account to reflect the   Contacting  your  local  IRS  office.    Keep  in   might owe, call the IRS toll free at
         correct figures. If you filed a past due return and   mind,  many  questions  can  be  answered  on   800-829-1040. The IRS assistors can help
         have  received  a  notice,  you  should  send  us  a  without  visiting  an  IRS  TAC.  Go  to   you with a payment issue.
         copy of the past due return to the address con-  for  the  topics  people  ask   • If you know you don’t owe taxes or have no
         tained  in  the  notice.  It  takes  approximately  6   about  most.  If  you  still  need  help,  IRS  TACs   reason to believe that you do, report the in-
         weeks for us to process an accurately comple-  provide tax help when a tax issue can’t be han-  cident to the Treasury Inspector General
         ted past due tax return.            dled online or by phone. All TACs now provide   for Tax Administration (TIGTA) toll free at
                                                                                     800-366-4484 or at
         Understanding an IRS notice or letter.  Go to   service  by  appointment,  so  you’ll  know  in  ad-  • If you’ve been targeted by this scam, also
                                             vance  that  you  can  get  the  service  you  need  to  find  additional  information   without long wait times. Before you visit, go to   contact the FTC and use their Report
         about responding to an IRS notice or letter. We  to  find  the  nearest  TAC   Fraud Assistant at Please add
         will send you a notice or letter if any of the fol-  and to check hours, available services, and ap-  “IRS Telephone Scam” to the comments of
         lowing apply.                       pointment options. Or, on the IRS2Go app, un-  your complaint.
           • You have a balance due.         der  the  Stay  Connected  tab,  choose  the  Con-  Remember,  too,  the  IRS  does  not  use
           • You are due a larger or smaller refund.  tact Us option and click on “Local Offices.”  email,  text  messages,  or  any  social  media  to
           • We have a question about your tax return.                           discuss your personal tax issue involving bills or
           • We need to verify your identity.  Recognizing  and  reporting  tax  scams.  The   refunds. If you get a phone call from someone
           • We need additional information.  Dirty  Dozen  is  compiled  annually  by  the  IRS   claiming to be from the IRS regarding a refund
           • We changed your return.         and lists a variety of common scams taxpayers   owed to you and asking you for your SSN and
           • We are notifying you of delays in process-  may encounter any time during the year. Many   bank account information, do not give them this
             ing your return.                of  these  con  games  peak  during  filing  season   information. You should make notes of all infor-
            When you receive correspondence from us,   as  people  prepare  their  tax  returns  or  hire   mation  regarding  the  call  and/or  the  caller,  for
         read  the  entire  notice  or  letter  carefully.  Typi-  someone to do so. Aggressive and threatening   example,  any  caller  ID  information,  and  report
         cally,  we  only  need  a  response  if  you  don’t   phone  calls  by  criminals  impersonating  IRS   this scam. For more information on reporting tax
         agree with the information, we need additional   agents remain near the top of the annual Dirty   scams,  go  to  and  type  “scam”  in  the
         information,  or  you  have  a  balance  due.  If  we   Dozen list of tax scams for the filing season.  search  box.  You  can  verify  any  potential  re-
         changed your tax return, compare the informa-  Scammers are able to alter caller identifica-  funds  owed  to  you  by  contacting  the  IRS  di-
         tion we provided in the notice or letter with the   tion (caller ID) numbers to make it look like the   rectly.
         information in your original return. If we receive   IRS is calling. They use fake names and bogus
         a return that we suspect is ID theft, we will ask   IRS identification or badge numbers. They often
         you  to  verify  your  identity  using  the  web  ad-  leave “urgent” callback requests. They prey on  The Taxpayer Advocate
         dress provided in the letter.       the most vulnerable people, such as the elderly,   Service (TAS) Is Here To
            If  we  ask  for  a  response  within  a  specific   newly arrived immigrants, and those whose first
         time frame, you must respond on time to mini-  language is not English. Scammers have been   Help You
         mize additional interest and penalty charges or   known  to  impersonate  agents  of  IRS  Criminal
         to  preserve  your  appeal  rights  if  you  don’t   Investigation as well.
         agree.  Pay  as  much  as  you  can,  even  if  you   Be cautious when receiving suspicious calls  What Is TAS?
         can’t pay the full amount you owe. You can pay   at home or at work from sources claiming to be
         online or apply for an OPA or OIC. See What if I   from  the  IRS,  other  agencies,  or  outside  sour-  TAS is an independent organization within the
         can’t  pay  now,  earlier,  or  visit  our  Payments   ces asking for money or credit card information,   IRS that helps taxpayers and protects taxpayer
         page,, for more information.  or threatening to have you arrested for not pay-  rights. Their job is to ensure that every taxpayer
            We  provide  our  contact  phone  number  on   ing. These callers may demand money or may   is  treated  fairly  and  that  you  know  and  under-
         the  top  right-hand  corner  of  our  correspond-  say you have a refund due and try to trick you   stand  your  rights  under  the  Taxpayer  Bill  of
         ence. Be sure you have your tax return and any   into sharing private information. These con ar-  Rights.
         related documentation available when you call.   tists can sound convincing when they call. They
         You can also write to us at the address in the   may know a lot about you.  How Can You Learn About Your
         correspondence to explain why you disagree. If   Here are five things the scammers often do   Taxpayer Rights?
         you  write,  allow  at  least  30  days  for  our  re-  but  the  IRS  will  not  do.  Any  one  of  these  five
         sponse.  Keep  a  copy  of  all  correspondence   things is a tell-tale sign of a scam.  The Taxpayer Bill of Rights describes 10 basic
         with your tax records.                 The IRS will never do any of the follow-  rights that all taxpayers have when dealing with
                                             ing.                                the  IRS.  Go  to  to
            Note.  You  can  use  Schedule  LEP  (Form   • Call to demand immediate payment, nor   help you understand what these rights mean to
         1040), Request for Change in Language Prefer-  will the agency call about taxes owed with-  you and how they apply. These are your rights.
         ence, to state a preference to receive notices,   out first having mailed you a bill.  Know them. Use them.
         letters,  or  other  written  communications  from   • Demand that you pay taxes without giving
         the  IRS  in  an  alternative  language.  The  IRS's   you the opportunity to question or appeal
         commitment  to  LEP  taxpayers  is  part  of  a   the amount they say you owe.

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