Page 115 - Small Business Taxes
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                                    Claim a refund 53                                       Capitalized 16
         A                          Club dues 47               F                            Carrying charge 25
         A-Z Index for Business 50  Collection and enforcement   Federal Relay Service 50   Deductible 15
                                      actions 54
         Advertising 46             Commitment fees 16         Fees:                        Forgone 17
                                                                                            Life insurance policies 16
         Amortization:              Compensation in excess of $1   Commitment 16
            Anti-abuse rule 34        million 9                  Legal and professional 48  Limitation 15
                                                                                            Not deductible 16
            Anti-churning rules 33  Computer software 32         Regulatory 48
            Atmospheric pollution control   Constant-yield method, OID 16  Tax return preparation 48  Refunds of 17
              facilities 35         Contested liability 7      Filing past due tax returns 53  When to deduct 17
            Corporate organization costs 30  Contributions:    Fines 48                  Internet-related expenses 48
            Dispositions of section 197   Charitable 47        Forgone interest 17       Interview expenses 48
              intangibles 34                                   Form:                     IRS social media 51
            Experimental costs 36     Political 49               3115 34                 IRS Tax Professional
            Geological and geophysical   Copyrights 32           4562 29                    Partners 51
              costs 35              Cost depletion 37                                    IRS Video Portal 50
            How to deduct 29        Cost of getting lease 12, 31  5213 7
                                                                 8826 28, 29
            Incorrect amount deducted 34  Cost of goods sold 3   T 41                    K
            Partnership organization   Cost recovery 4         Franchise 32, 47          Key person 16
              costs 30              Covenant not to compete 32                           Kickbacks 47
            Pollution control facilities 35  Credit card convenience fees 47  Fringe benefits 9
            Reforestation costs 34
            Reforestation expenses 27  D                       G                         L
            Related person 33       De minimis OID 15          Gas wells 40              Leases:
            Research costs 36       Debt-financed distribution 15  Geological and geophysical   Canceling 11
            Section 197 intangibles   Definitions:               costs:                     Cost of getting 12, 31
              defined 31              Business bad debt 42       Development, oil and gas 35  Improvements by lessee 13
            Starting a businesscosts 29  Necessary expense 3     Exploration, oil and gas 35  Leveraged 12
            Startup costs 29          Ordinary expense 3       Geothermal wells 26, 40      Mineral 40
         Anticipated liabilities 47   Section 197 intangibles 31  Gifts, nominal value 9    Oil and gas 40
         Assistance (See Tax help)  Demolition expenses 47     Going into business 4, 29    Sales distinguished 11
         At-risk limits 6           Depletion:                 Goodwill 32                  Taxes on 12
         Attorney fees 48             Mineral property 37      Gross income, not-for-profit   Legal and professional fees 48
         Authorized IRS e-file                                   activity 7              Letter 5071C 53
            providers 51              Oil and gas wells 38                               Licenses 32, 48
         Awards 9                     Timber 41                H                         Life insurance coverage 10
                                      Who can claim 37                                   Limit on deductions 7
         B                          Depreciation (See Cost recovery)  Health plan 24     Line of credit 15
                                                               Heating equipment 5
                                    Development costs, miners 27
         Bad debts:                 Direct Pay 53              Home, business use of 5   Loans:
            Defined 42              Dirty Dozen 54                                          Below-market 17
            How to treat 43         Disabled, improvements for 28  I                        Discounted 17
            Recovery 43             Drilling and development                             Loans or advances 10
            Types of 42               costs 26                 Identity theft 52         Lobbying expenses 48
            When worthless 42       Dues, membership 47        Identity theft issues 52  Long-term care insurance 22
         Bonuses:                                              Impairment-related expenses 48 Losses 6, 7
            Employee 9              E                          Improvements 5               At-risk limits 6
            Royalties 40            e-File Form 940, 941, or 944 for   By lessee 13         Net operating 6
         Bribes 47                    Small Businesses 50        For disabled and elderly 28  Passive activities 6
         Business:                  e-News 51                  Income Taxes 19           Low Income Taxpayer Clinics
            Assets 4                Economic interest 37         Accrual of contested income   (LITCs) 55
                                                                   taxes 20
            Books and records 32    Economic performance 6       Federal income taxes 19
            Meal expenses 46        Education expenses 9, 47     Foreign income taxes 20  M
            Use of car 6, 47        Elderly, improvements for 28  State and local income taxes 19  Machinery parts 5
            Use of home 5           Electronic Federal Tax Payment   Incorrect amount of amortization   Making a tax payment 53
         Business Services Online 50  System (EFTPS®) 53         deducted 34             Meals 44
                                    Employee benefit programs 10  Independent Contractor   Meals and entertainment 46
         C                          Employer ID Numbers (EINs) 50  (Self-Employed) or    Meals and lodging 10
                                                                 Employee? 50
         Campaign contribution 49   Employment taxes 20        Information Return Filing   Methods of accounting 6
         Capital expenses 4, 5      Employment Taxes 50          Requirements 50         Mining:
         Capitalization of interest 16  Additional Medicare Tax 20  Insurance 24            Depletion 40
         Car allowance 45             Self-employment tax:       Capitalized premiums 24    Development costs 27
         Car and truck expenses 47       Additional Medicare Tax 20  Deductible premiums 21  Exploration costs 26
         Carrying charges 25          Unemployment fund 20       Nondeductible premiums 24  More than one health plan and
                                                                                            business 24
         Charitable contributions 47  Entertainment 46         Intangible drilling costs 26  Mortgage 15
         Checking amended return    Entertainment expenses 10  Intangibles, amortization 31
            status 53               Experimentation costs 25, 36                         Moving expenses, machinery 48
         Choosing a tax return      Exploration costs 26       Interest:
                                                                 Allocation of 14
            preparer 51                                                                  N
         Circulation costs, newspapers                           Below-market 17         Natural gas 40
            and periodicals 27                                   Business expense for 13
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