Page 116 - Small Business Taxes
P. 116

16:31 - 2-Feb-2023
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         The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.
         Nonqualifying intangibles 32  Prepayment 15           Regulatory fees 48        Tax information in other
         Not-for-profit activities 7  Per diem and car allowances 45  Reimbursements 44     languages 51
         Not-for-profit activity, gross   Percentage depletion 37  Business expenses 11  Tax preparation 50
            income 7                Political contributions 49   Mileage 45              Tax preparation fees 48
         Notice of Deficiency       Pollution control facilities 35  Nonaccountable plan 46  Tax questions 51
            CP3219N 53              Prepaid expense 6            Per diem 45             Tax scams 54
                                      Extends useful life 24   Related persons:          Taxes 12, 18
         O                            Interest 17                Anti-churning rules 33     Carrying charge 25
         Office in home 5             Rent 11                    Coal or iron ore 40        Leased property 12
         Oil and gas wells:         Prepayment penalty 15        Payments to 7, 17          When To Deduct Taxes 18
            Depletion 38            Presumption of profit 7      Refiners 38             Taxpayer Advocate Service
                                                                                            (TAS) 54
            Drilling costs 26       Publication 1, Your Rights as a   Unreasonable rent 11  Taxpayer Assistance Center
            Partnerships 39           Taxpayer 54, 55          Reminder:                    (TAC) locator 54
            S corporations 39       Publications (See Tax help)  Premium tax credit 21   Telephone 50
         Online payment agreement 53                           Removal 28                Timber 34, 41
         Online Tools & Educational   Q                        Rent expense, capitalizing 13  Tools 5
            Products 50             Qualified long-term care   Repairs 49
         Optional safe harbor method 6  insurance:             Repayments (claim of right) 49  Trademark, trade name 32, 47
         Optional write-off method:   Benefits received 23     Reporting abusive tax     transcript or copy of a return 52
                                                                                         Transportation (commuting)
            Circulation costs 36      Chronically ill individual 23  preparers 52           benefits 10
            Experimental costs 36     Qualified long-term care   Research costs 25, 36   Travel 44
            Intangible drilling and      insurance contract 22
              development costs 36    Qualified long-term care   S
            Mining exploration and       services 22                                     U
              development costs 36                             Scammers 54               Understanding an IRS notice or
            Research costs 36       R                          Section 179 expense deduction   letter 54
                                                                 (See Cost recovery)
         Organization costs:                                   Self-employed health insurance   Unpaid expenses, related
            Corporate 30            Real Estate Taxes 19         deduction 21               person 17
            Partnership 30            Assessments Local 19     Self-Employed Health Insurance   Utilities 50
         Organizational costs 27      Charges for services 19    Deduction Worksheet 23
         Original issue discount 15   Electing to ratably accrue to a   Self-Employed Individuals Tax   V
                                         definite period 19
         Other coverage 23            Form 3115 19               Center 50               Vacation pay 11
         Other Taxes 20               Making the election to ratably   Self-insurance, reserve for 24
            Excise taxes 20              accrue the taxes 19   Sick pay 11               W
            Franchise taxes 20        Purchase or sale of real   Small Business Events 50
            Fuel taxes 20                estate 19             Small Business Forms and   Wages:
            Occupational taxes 20     Separate elections to ratably   Publications 50       Property 11
            Personal property taxes 20   accrue for each separate   Standard meal allowance 45  Tests for deducting pay 8
            Sales taxes 20               trade or business and for   Standard mileage rate 45  Welfare benefit funds 10
         Outplacement services 48        nonbusiness activities 19  Standby charges 16   When To Deduct Premiums 24
                                    Recapture:                 startup costs 27          When To Deduct Taxes:
         P                            Exploration expenses 26  Startup costs 29             Carrying charges 19
                                      Timber property 35
                                                                                            Limitation on acceleration of
         Passive activities 6       Recordkeeping 39           Substitute return 53           accrual of taxes 19
                                                               Supplies and materials 50
         Payments in kind 6         Recovery of amount deducted 6                           Refunds of taxes 19
         Penalties 15               Refiners who cannot claim   T                           Uniform capitalization rules 19
            Deductible 48             percentage depletion 38
            Nondeductible 48        Reforestation costs 27, 34  Tax help 50

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