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            You  can  find  a  list  of  your  rights  and  the   than necessary, and will respect all due   What Can TAS Do for You?
         IRS’s obligations to protect them in Pub. 1, Your   process rights, including search and seiz-
         Rights as a Taxpayer. It includes the following.  ure protections, and will provide, where   TAS  can  help  you  resolve  problems  that  you
           1. The Right To Be Informed. Taxpayers   applicable, a collection due process hear-  can’t resolve with the IRS. And their service is
             have the right to know what they need to   ing.                     free. If you qualify for their assistance, you will
             do to comply with the tax laws. They are   8. The Right to Confidentiality. Taxpayers   be assigned to one advocate who will work with
             entitled to clear explanations of the laws   have the right to expect that any informa-  you  throughout  the  process  and  will  do  every-
             and IRS procedures in all tax forms, in-  tion they provide to the IRS will not be dis-  thing  possible  to  resolve  your  issue.  TAS  can
             structions, publications, notices, and cor-  closed unless authorized by the taxpayer   help you if:
             respondence. They have the right to be in-  or by law. Taxpayers have the right to ex-  • Your problem is causing financial difficulty
             formed of IRS decisions about their tax   pect appropriate action will be taken   for you, your family, or your business;
             accounts and to receive clear explana-  against employees, return preparers, and   • You face (or your business is facing) an
             tions of the outcomes.              others who wrongfully use or disclose   immediate threat of adverse action; or
           2. The Right to Quality Service. Taxpayers   taxpayer return information.  • You’ve tried repeatedly to contact the IRS
                                                                                     but no one has responded, or the IRS
             have the right to receive prompt, courte-  9. The Right To Retain Representation.   hasn’t responded by the date promised.
             ous, and professional assistance in their   Taxpayers have the right to retain an au-
             dealings with the IRS, to be spoken to in a   thorized representative of their choice to
             way they can easily understand, to receive   represent them in their dealings with the   How Can You Reach TAS?
             clear and easily understandable communi-  IRS. Taxpayers have the right to seek as-
             cations from the IRS, and to speak to a su-  sistance from a Low Income Taxpayer   TAS  has  offices  in  every  state,  the  District  of
             pervisor about inadequate service.  Clinic if they cannot afford representation.  Columbia,  and  Puerto  Rico.  Your  local  advo-
           3. The Right To Pay No More Than the   10. The Right to a Fair and Just Tax Sys-  cate’s  number  is  in  your  local  directory  and  at
             Correct Amount of Tax. Taxpayers have   tem. Taxpayers have the right to expect
             the right to pay only the amount of tax le-  the tax system to consider facts and cir-  can also call them at 877-777-4778.
             gally due, including interest and penalties,   cumstances that might affect their underly-
             and to have the IRS apply all tax payments   ing liabilities, ability to pay, or ability to pro-  How Else Does TAS Help
             properly.                           vide information timely. Taxpayers have   Taxpayers?
           4. The Right To Challenge the IRS’s Posi-  the right to receive assistance from TAS if
             tion and Be Heard. Taxpayers have the   they are experiencing financial difficulty or   TAS works to resolve large-scale problems that
             right to raise objections and provide addi-  if the IRS has not resolved their tax issues   affect  many  taxpayers.  If  you  know  of  one  of
             tional documentation in response to formal   properly and timely through its normal   these broad issues, report it to them at
             IRS actions or proposed actions, to expect   channels.              SAMS.
             that the IRS will consider their timely ob-
             jections and documentation promptly and   The IRS is working to increase the number   TAS for Tax Professionals
             fairly, and to receive a response if the IRS   of  Americans  who  know  and  understand  their
             does not agree with their position.  rights under the tax law. To expand awareness,   TAS can provide a variety of information for tax
           5. The Right To Appeal an IRS Decision   the IRS makes Pub. 1 available in multiple lan-  professionals,  including  tax  law  updates  and
                                             guages  on  This  important  publication
             in an Independent Forum. Taxpayers                                  guidance, TAS programs, and ways to let TAS
             are entitled to a fair and impartial adminis-  is available in the following languages.  know about systemic problems you’ve seen in
                                               • English, Your Rights as a Taxpayer, at
             trative appeal of most IRS decisions, in-                           your practice.
             cluding many penalties, and have the right   • Chinese, Chinese- Your Rights as a
             to receive a written response regarding                             Low Income Taxpayer
                                                 Taxpayer (Pub 1), at
             the Office of Appeals’ decision. Taxpayers   • Korean, Korean- Your Rights as a   Clinics (LITCs)
             generally have the right to take their cases
                                                 Taxpayer (Pub 1), at
             to court.                         • Russian, Ваши права в качестве
           6. The Right to Finality. Taxpayers have   налогоплательщика (Публикацию № 1),   LITCs  are  independent  from  the  IRS.  LITCs
                                                                                 represent individuals whose income is below a
             the right to know the maximum amount of   at       certain level and need to resolve tax problems
             time they have to challenge the IRS’s posi-  • Spanish, Publicación 1SP, Derechos del   with the IRS, such as audits, appeals, and tax
             tion as well as the maximum amount of   Contribuyente, at  collection disputes. In addition, LITCs can pro-
             time the IRS has to audit a particular tax   • Vietnamese, Quyền Hạn của Người Đóng   vide  information  about  taxpayer  rights  and  re-
             year or collect a tax debt. Taxpayers have   Thuế, Your Rights as a Taxpayer (Pub 1),   sponsibilities in different languages for individu-
             the right to know when the IRS has fin-  at     als who  speak English as a second  language.
             ished an audit.                 The IRS will include Pub. 1 when sending noti-  Services are offered for free or a small fee for
           7. The Right to Privacy. Taxpayers have   ces to taxpayers on a range of issues, such as   eligible taxpayers. To find an LITC near you, go
             the right to expect that any IRS inquiry, ex-  an  audit  or  collection  matter.  All  IRS  facilities   to
             amination, or enforcement action will com-  will publicly display the rights for taxpayers and   Income-Taxpayer-Clinics-LITC or see IRS Pub.
             ply with the law and be no more intrusive   employees to see.       4134, Low Income Taxpayer Clinic List.

                                                                                Chapter 12  How To Get Tax Help    Page 55
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