Page 85 - Small Business Taxes
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         costs,  you  may  be  able  to  take  the  research   How  to  make  the  election.  You  elect  to  de-  Partnerships  and  S  corporations.  Each
         credit.  For  more  information,  see  Form  6765   duct  IDCs  as  a  current  business  expense  by   partner,  not  the  partnership,  elects  whether  to
         and its instructions.               taking the deduction on your income tax return   capitalize  or  to  deduct  that  partner's  share  of
                                             for the first tax year you have eligible costs. No   exploration costs. Each shareholder, not the S
         Payroll tax credit.   The payroll tax credit is an   formal statement is required. If you file Sched-  corporation,  elects  whether  to  capitalize  or  to
         annual election made by a qualified small busi-  ule  C  (Form  1040),  enter  these  costs  under   deduct  that  shareholder's  share  of  exploration
         ness specifying the amount of research credit,   “Other expenses.”      costs.
         not  to  exceed  $250,000,  that  may  be  used   For oil and gas wells, your election is bind-
         against  the  employer  portion  of  social  security   ing for the year it is made and for all later years.   Reduced corporate deductions for explora-
         liability. The credit is the smallest of the current   For geothermal wells, your election can be re-  tion costs.  A corporation (other than an S cor-
         year research credit, an elected amount not to   voked  by  the  filing  of  an  amended  return  on   poration) can deduct only 70% of its domestic
         exceed  $250,000,  or  the  general  business   which you do not take the deduction. You can   exploration costs. It must capitalize the remain-
         credit carryforward for the tax year (before the   file  the  amended  return  for  the  year  up  to  the   ing  30%  of  costs  and  amortize  them  over  the
         application of the payroll tax credit election for   normal  time  of  expiration  for  filing  a  claim  for   60-month period starting with the month the ex-
         the tax year). The election must be made on or   credit or refund, generally, within 3 years after   ploration costs are paid or incurred. A corpora-
         before the due date of the originally filed return   the date you filed the original return or within 2   tion  may  also  elect  to  capitalize  and  amortize
         (including  extensions).  An  election  cannot  be   years after the date you paid the tax, whichever   mining exploration costs over a 10-year period.
         made for a tax year if an election was made for   is later.             For more information on this method of amorti-
         5  or  more  preceding  tax  years.  The  election                      zation, see section 59(e).
         made by a partnership or S corporation is made   Energy credit for costs of geothermal wells.   The  30%  that  the  corporation  capitalizes
         at the entity level.                If  you  capitalize  the  drilling  and  development   cannot be added to its basis in the property to
            A  qualified  small  business  that  elects  to   costs of geothermal wells that you place in serv-  figure  cost  depletion.  However,  the  amount
         claim the payroll tax credit will claim the payroll   ice  during  the  tax  year,  you  may  be  able  to   amortized  is  treated  as  additional  depreciation
         tax credit against the employer's portion of so-  claim a business energy credit. See the Instruc-  and is subject to recapture as ordinary income
         cial security tax on its employment tax return for   tions for Form 3468 for more information.  on  a  disposition  of  the  property.  See  Section
         the first quarter that begins after it files the re-                    1250 Property under Depreciation Recapture in
         turn reflecting the payroll tax election. For more   Nonproductive  well.  If  you  capitalize  your   chapter 3 of Pub. 544.
         information, see the Instructions for Form 6765.  IDCs, you have another option if the well is non-  These  rules  also  apply  to  the  deduction  of
                                             productive.  You  can  deduct  the  IDCs  of  the   development costs by corporations. See Devel-
         Intangible Drilling Costs           nonproductive  well  as  an  ordinary  loss.  You   opment Costs, later.
                                             must indicate and clearly state your election on
                                             your tax return for the year the well is comple-  Recapture  of  exploration  expenses.  When
         The costs of developing oil, gas, or geothermal   ted.  Once  made,  the  election  for  oil  and  gas   your  mine  reaches  the  producing  stage,  you
         wells  are  ordinarily  capital  expenditures.  You   wells is binding for all later years. You can re-  must recapture any exploration costs you elec-
         can usually recover them through depreciation   voke your election for a geothermal well by filing   ted to deduct. Use either of the following meth-
         or depletion. However, you can elect to deduct   an amended return that does not claim the loss.  ods.
         intangible drilling costs (IDCs) as a current busi-                         Method 1—Include the deducted costs in
         ness  expense.  These  are  certain  drilling  and   Costs  incurred  outside  the  United  States.   gross income for the tax year the mine rea-
         development  costs  for  wells  in  the  United   You  cannot  deduct  as  a  current  business  ex-  ches the producing stage. Your election
         States in which you hold an operating or work-  pense  all  the  IDCs  paid  or  incurred  for  an  oil,   must be clearly indicated on the return. In-
         ing interest. You can deduct only costs for drill-  gas, or geothermal well located outside the Uni-  crease your adjusted basis in the mine by
         ing or preparing a well for the production of oil,   ted  States.  However,  you  can  elect  to  include   the amount included in income. Generally,
         gas, or geothermal steam or hot water.  the costs in the adjusted basis of the well to fig-  you must elect this recapture method by
                                             ure  depletion  or  depreciation.  If  you  do  not   the due date (including extensions) of your
            You  can  elect  to  deduct  only  the  costs  of   make  this  election,  you  can  deduct  the  costs   return. However, if you timely filed your re-
         items with no salvage value. These include wa-  over the 10-year period beginning with the tax   turn for the year without making the elec-
         ges, fuel, repairs, hauling, and supplies related   year in which you paid or incurred them. These   tion, you can still make the election by filing
         to drilling wells and preparing them for produc-  rules do not apply to a nonproductive well.  an amended return within 6 months of the
         tion.  Your  cost  for  any  drilling  or  development                      due date of the return (excluding exten-
         work  done  by  contractors  under  any  form  of                           sions). Make the election on your amended
         contract is also an IDC. However, see Amounts  Exploration Costs
         paid  to  contractor  that  must  be  capitalized,                          return and write “Filed pursuant to section
                                                                                     301.9100-2” on the form where you are in-
         later.                              The  costs  of  determining  the  existence,  loca-  cluding the income. File the amended re-
            You can also elect to deduct the cost of drill-  tion, extent, or quality of any mineral deposit are   turn at the same address you filed the origi-
         ing exploratory bore holes to determine the lo-  ordinarily capital expenditures if the costs lead   nal return.
                                             to  the  development  of  a  mine.  You  recover
         cation and delineation of offshore hydrocarbon   these costs through depletion as the mineral is      Method 2—Do not claim any depletion de-
         deposits  if  the  shaft  is  capable  of  conducting   removed  from  the  ground.  However,  you  can   duction for the tax year the mine reaches
         hydrocarbons  to  the  surface  on  completion.  It   elect to deduct domestic exploration costs paid   the producing stage and any later tax years
         does  not  matter  whether  there  is  any  intent  to   or incurred before the beginning of the develop-  until the depletion you would have deduc-
         produce hydrocarbons.               ment stage of the mine (except those for oil and   ted equals the exploration costs you de-
            If you do not elect to deduct your IDCs as a   gas wells).              You must also recapture deducted explora-
         current business expense, you can elect to de-                          tion costs if you receive a bonus or royalty from
         duct them over the 60-month period beginning   How  to  make  the  election.  You  elect  to  de-  mine  property  before  it  reaches  the  producing
         with the month they were paid or incurred.  duct  exploration  costs  by  taking  the  deduction   stage. Do not claim any depletion deduction for
                                             on  your  income  tax  return,  or  on  an  amended   the  tax  year  you  receive  the  bonus  or  royalty
         Amounts  paid  to  contractor  that  must  be   income tax return, for the first tax year for which   and  any  later  tax  years  until  the  depletion  you
         capitalized.  Amounts  paid  to  a  contractor   you  wish  to  deduct  the  costs  paid  or  incurred   would  have  deducted  equals  the  exploration
         must be capitalized if they are either:  during  the  tax  year.  Your  return  must  ade-  costs you deducted.
           • Amounts properly allocable to the cost of   quately  describe  and  identify  each  property  or   Generally, if you dispose of the mine before
             depreciable property, or        mine, and clearly state how much is being de-  you have fully recaptured the exploration costs
           • Amounts paid only out of production or   ducted for each one. The election applies to the   you deducted, recapture the balance by treating
             proceeds from production if these amounts   tax year you make this election and all later tax   all  or  part  of  your  gain  as  ordinary  income.
             are depletable income to the recipient.  years.
         Page 26    Chapter 7  Costs You Can Deduct or Capitalize
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