Page 84 - Small Business Taxes
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         The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.
         information, see Recovery of amount deducted   • Retired asset removal costs  31, 2021, must be charged to a separate speci-
         (tax benefit rule) in chapter 1 under How Much   • Barrier removal costs  fied  research  or  experimental  capital  account
         Can I Deduct.                         • Film and television production costs  and amortized ratably over a 5-year period or a
                                               • Repair and maintenance costs    15-year period for foreign research. The expen-
                                                                                 ses  cannot  be  deducted  in  full  in  the  current
                                             Useful Items                        year.
                                             You may want to see:                   For  information  on  amortizing  these  costs,
                                                                                 see Research and Experimental Costs in chap-
         7.                                    Publication                       ter 8.
                                                  544  544 Sales and Other Dispositions of   Research  and  experimental  costs  defined.
                                                     Assets                      Research  or  experimental  expenditures,  as
         Costs You Can                         Form (and Instructions)           used in section 174, are research and develop-
                                                                                 ment costs, including costs incident to research
                                                  Schedule C (Form 1040)  Schedule C (Form 1040) Profit or Loss   in the experimental or laboratory sense, you in-
         Deduct or                                   From Business               cur in connection with your trade or business for
                                                  3468  3468 Investment Credit   activities  intended  to  provide  information  that
         Capitalize                               6765  6765 Credit for Increasing Research   would eliminate uncertainty about the develop-
                                                                                 ment or improvement of a product. Uncertainty
                                                     Activities                  exists  if  the  information  available  to  you  does
                                                  8826  8826 Disabled Access Credit  not establish how to develop or improve a prod-
         What’s New                               T (Timber)  T (Timber) Forest Activities Schedule  uct  or  the  appropriate  design  of  a  product.
                                                                                 Whether costs qualify as research and experi-
                                             See  chapter  12  for  information  about  getting   mental expenditures depends on the nature of
         Research  and  experimental  costs.  Begin-  publications and forms.    the activity to which the costs relate rather than
         ning January 1, 2022, research and experimen-                           on the nature of the product or improvement be-
         tal  expenditures,  generally,  have  to  be  amor-  Carrying Charges   ing developed or the level of technological ad-
         tized  over  a  5-year  period.  A  business  cannot                    vancement.
         elect to deduct their total research expenses in                           The costs of obtaining a patent, including at-
         the current year. See Research and Experimen-  Carrying charges include the taxes and interest   torneys'  fees  paid  or  incurred  in  making  and
         tal Costs in chapter 7 and chapter 8.  you pay to carry or develop real property or to   perfecting  a  patent  application,  are  research
                                             carry,  transport,  or  install  personal  property.   and experimental expenditures. However, costs
         Introduction                        Certain  carrying  charges  must  be  capitalized   paid  or  incurred  to  obtain  another's  patent  are
                                             under the uniform capitalization rules. (For infor-
                                                                                 not research and experimental expenditures.
         This  chapter  discusses  costs  you  can  elect  to   mation  on  capitalization  of  interest,  see  chap-  The costs related to developing software are
                                             ter  4.)  You  can  elect  to  capitalize  carrying
         deduct or capitalize.               charges not subject to the uniform capitalization   treated as research and experimental expendi-
            You  generally  deduct  a  cost  as  a  current   rules, but only if they are otherwise deductible.  tures.
         business expense by subtracting it from your in-
                                                                                    Product.  The  term  “product”  includes  any
         come in either the year you incur it or the year   You can elect to capitalize carrying charges   of the following items.
         you pay it.                         separately  for  each  project  you  have  and  for
            If you capitalize a cost, you may be able to   each  type  of  carrying  charge.  Your  election  is   • Formula.
         recover  it  over  a  period  of  years  through  peri-  good for only 1 year for unimproved and unpro-  • Invention.
         odic  deductions  for  amortization,  depletion,  or   ductive real property. You must decide whether   • Patent.
         depreciation.  When  you  capitalize  a  cost,  you   to  capitalize  carrying  charges  each  year  the   • Pilot model.
         add it to the basis of property to which it relates.  property  remains  unimproved  and  unproduc-  • Process.
            A  partnership,  corporation,  estate,  or  trust   tive.  For  other  real  property,  your  election  to   • Technique.
         makes  the  election  to  deduct  or  capitalize  the   capitalize carrying charges remains in effect un-  • Property similar to the items listed above.
         costs  discussed  in  this  chapter  except  for  ex-  til  construction  or  development  is  completed.   It  also  includes  products  used  by  you  in  your
         ploration costs for mineral deposits. Each indi-  For personal property, your election is effective   trade or business or held for sale, lease, or li-
         vidual  partner,  shareholder,  or  beneficiary   until the date you install or first use it, whichever   cense.
         elects whether to deduct or capitalize explora-  is later.
                                                                                    Costs not included.  Research and experi-
         tion costs.                         How to make the election.  To make the elec-  mental  expenditures  do  not  include  expenses
               Individuals, estates, and trusts may be   tion  to  capitalize  a  carrying  charge,  attach  a   for any of the following activities.
           !   subject  to  AMT  if  they  deduct  certain   statement to your original tax return for the year   • Advertising or promotions.
          CAUTION  research  and  experimental,  intangible   the  election  is  to  be  effective  indicating  which   • Consumer surveys.
         drilling, exploration, development, circulation, or   charges you are electing to capitalize. However,   • Efficiency surveys.
         business organizational costs.      if you timely filed your return for the year without   • Land, including acquisition and improve-
            For  more  information  on  the  AMT,  see  the   making the election, you can still make the elec-  ment costs for land.
         Instructions for Form 6251 and the Instructions   tion by filing an amended return within 6 months   • Acquisition and improvement costs of de-
         for Schedule I (Form 1041).         of the due date of the return (excluding exten-  preciable property.
                                             sions). Attach the statement to the amended re-  • Exploration costs for the purpose of ascer-
         Topics                              turn  and  write  “Filed  pursuant  to  section   taining the existence, location, extent, or
                                                                                     quality of any deposit of ore or other min-
                                             301.9100-2”  on  the  statement.  File  the  amen-
         This chapter discusses:             ded  return  at  the  same  address  you  filed  the   eral.
                                             original return.                      • Management studies.
           • Carrying charges                                                      • Quality control testing.
           • Research and experimental costs                                       • Research in connection with literary, his-
           • Intangible drilling costs       Research and                            torical, or similar projects.
           • Exploration costs               Experimental Costs                    • The acquisition of another's patent, model,
           • Development costs                                                       production, or process.
           • Circulation costs
           • Business startup and organizational costs  Research or experimental expenditures paid or   Research credit.  If you pay or incur costs that
           • Reforestation costs             incurred in tax years beginning after December   may  be  treated  as  research  or  experimental
                                                                     Chapter 7  Costs You Can Deduct or Capitalize    Page 25
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