Page 79 - Small Business Taxes
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           1. State and local income taxes or general   see Pub. 54. For information on the foreign tax   Deduction  for  one-half  of  self-employment  tax
             sales taxes. See the Schedule A (Form   credit, see Pub. 514.       line of Schedule SE (Form 1040).
             1040) instructions.                Accrual of foreign income taxes.   If you   For  more  information  on  self-employment
           2. State and local real estate taxes. See the   use  an  accrual  method  and  choose  to  take  a   tax, see Pub. 334.
             Schedule A (Form 1040) instructions. See   deduction  (rather  than  a  credit)  for  foreign  in-  Additional Medicare Tax.   You may be re-
             also Real Estate Taxes, earlier.  come  taxes,  you  can  deduct  the  taxes  in  the   quired  to  pay  Additional  Medicare  Tax  on
           3. State and local personal property taxes.  year  in  which  the  fact  of  the  liability  becomes   self-employment  income.  See  Form  8959  and
                                             fixed and the amount of the liability can be de-  the Instructions for Form 8959 for more informa-
            However,  an  individual  can  deduct  a  state   termined  with  reasonable  accuracy.  Generally,   tion on the Additional Medicare Tax.
         tax on gross income (as distinguished from net   this is the year with or within which the tax year
         income) directly attributable to a trade or busi-  that applies for foreign tax purposes ends or, in
         ness as a business expense.         the case of a contested tax, the year in which   Other Taxes
            Accrual  of  contested  income  taxes.  If   the contest is resolved. Different rules may ap-
                                             ply  to  determine  when  a  foreign  income  tax  is
         you use an accrual method, and you contest a   considered  to  accrue  for  purposes  of  the  for-  The following are other taxes you can deduct if
         state or local income tax liability, you must ac-  eign tax credit. For more information on the for-  you  incur  them  in  the  ordinary  course  of  your
         crue  and  deduct  any  contested  amount  in  the   eign tax credit, see Pub. 514.  trade or business.
         tax  year  in  which  the  liability  is  finally  deter-
         mined.                                                                  Excise taxes.  Generally, you can deduct as a
            If additional state or local income taxes for a   Employment Taxes   business expense all excise taxes that are ordi-
         prior year are assessed in a later year, you can                        nary  and  necessary  expenses  of  carrying  on
         deduct the taxes in the year in which they were                         your  trade  or  business.  However,  see  Fuel
         originally imposed (the prior year) if the tax lia-  If you have employees, you must withhold vari-  taxes, later.
         bility is not contested. You cannot deduct them   ous taxes from your employees' pay. Most em-  For  more  information  on  excise  taxes,  see
         in the year in which the liability is finally deter-  ployers must withhold their employees' share of   Pub. 510.
         mined.                              social security, Medicare taxes, and Additional   Franchise  taxes.  You  can  deduct  corporate
                                             Medicare  Tax  (if  applicable),  along  with  state
               The filing of an income tax return is not   and federal income taxes. You may also need   franchise taxes as a business expense.
          TIP  considered  a  contest  and,  in  the  ab-  to pay certain employment taxes from your own
               sence  of  an  overt  act  of  protest,  you   funds. These include your share of social secur-  Fuel taxes.  Generally, taxes on gasoline, die-
         can deduct the tax in the prior year. Also, you   ity  and  Medicare  taxes  as  an  employer,  along   sel  fuel,  and  other  motor  fuels  that  you  use  in
         can deduct any additional taxes in the prior year   with unemployment taxes.  your business are included as part of the cost of
         if you do not show some affirmative evidence of                         the fuel. Do not deduct these taxes as a sepa-
         denial of the liability.               Your  deduction  for  wages  paid  is  not  re-  rate item.
            However,  if  you  consistently  deduct  addi-  duced  by  the  social  security  and  Medicare   You may be entitled to a credit or refund for
         tional assessments in the year they are paid or   taxes,  Additional  Medicare  Tax,  and  income   federal  excise  tax  you  paid  on  fuels  used  for
         finally  determined  (including  those  for  which   taxes  you  withhold  from  your  employees.  You   certain  purposes.  For  more  information,  see
         there was no contest), you must continue to do   can deduct the employment taxes you must pay   Pub. 510.
         so.  You  cannot  take  a  deduction  in  the  earlier   from your own funds as taxes.
         year  unless  you  receive  permission  to  change   Example.  You pay your employee $18,000   Occupational  taxes.  You  can  deduct  as  a
         your  method  of  accounting.  For  more  informa-                      business expense an occupational tax charged
         tion  on  accounting  methods,  see  When  Can  I   a  year.  However,  after  you  withhold  various   at  a  flat  rate  by  a  locality  for  the  privilege  of
                                             taxes,  your  employee  receives  $14,500.  You
         Deduct an Expense in chapter 1.                                         working or conducting a business in the locality.
            If you contest a state or local tax liability, and   also  pay  an  additional  $1,500  in  employment
         you transfer money or other property as a provi-  taxes.  You  should  deduct  the  full  $18,000  as   Personal  property  tax.  You  can  deduct  any
         sional payment of the contested tax liability, you   wages.  You  can  deduct  the  $1,500  you  pay   tax imposed by a state or local government on
                                             from your own funds as taxes.
         can accrue and deduct the amount of the con-                            personal  property  used  in  your  trade  or  busi-
         tested tax liability for which you made the provi-  Additional Medicare Tax.  You must withhold   ness.
         sional payment in the year in which you made   a  0.9%  Additional  Medicare  Tax  from  wages
         the payment, even though the liability is not de-  you pay to an employee in excess of $200,000   Sales tax.  Any sales tax you pay on a service
         termined until a later year.        in a calendar year. The Additional Medicare Tax   for your business, or on the purchase or use of
            If any portion of the contested amount which                         property  in  your  business  is  treated  as  part  of
         was  deducted  in  the  year  the  provisional  pay-  is only imposed on the employee. There is no   the cost of the service or property. If the service
                                             employer share of Additional Medicare Tax.
         ment was made is later refunded when the con-                           or the cost or use of the property is a deductible
         test is settled, you must include such portion in   For more information on the Additional Med-  business  expense,  you  can  deduct  the  tax  as
         your gross income in the year the refund is re-  icare Tax, see Form 8959 and its instructions.  part  of  that  service  or  cost.  If  the  property  is
         ceived.                                   For  more  information  on  employment   merchandise bought for resale, the sales tax is
            Notwithstanding  the  exception  that  allows   TIP  taxes, see Pub. 15 (Circular E).  part of the cost of the merchandise. If the prop-
         accrual and deduction of contested state or lo-                         erty is depreciable, add the sales tax to the ba-
         cal  income  tax  liability  upon  payment,  current                    sis  for  depreciation.  For  more  information  on
         accrual  and  deduction  is  not  allowed  for  in-  Unemployment fund taxes.  As an employer,   basis, see Pub. 551.
         come, war profits, and excess profits taxes im-  you may have to make payments to a state un-  Do  not  deduct  state  and  local  sales
         posed by a foreign country or possession of the   employment  compensation  fund  or  to  a  state   taxes  imposed  on  the  buyer  that  you
         United States.                      disability  benefit  fund.  Deduct  these  payments   CAUTION  must collect and pay over to the state
                                             as taxes.                           or local government. Also, do not include these
         Foreign  income  taxes.  Generally,  you  can                           taxes in gross receipts or sales.
         take  either  a  deduction  or  a  credit  for  income   Self-employment tax.  You can deduct part of
         taxes imposed on you by a foreign country or a   your  self-employment  tax  as  a  business  ex-
         U.S.  possession,  subject  to  limitations.  How-  pense  in  figuring  your  adjusted  gross  income.
         ever,  an  individual  cannot  take  a  deduction  or   This deduction only affects your income tax. It
         credit for foreign income taxes paid on income   does not affect your net earnings from self-em-
         that is exempt from U.S. tax under the foreign   ployment or your self-employment tax.
         earned income exclusion or the foreign housing   To  deduct  the  tax,  enter  on  Schedule  1
         exclusion. For information on these exclusions,   (Form 1040), line 15, the amount shown on the

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