Page 77 - Small Business Taxes
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         lender  and  borrower  total  $100,000  or  less.  If   b. The amount of the items.  16:31 - 2-Feb-2023
         the borrower's net investment income is $1,000   c. The cost of complying with the be-
         or less, it is treated as zero. This limit does not   low-market loan provisions if they   5.
         apply to a loan if the avoidance of any federal   were to apply.
         tax is one of the main purposes of the interest
         arrangement.                             d. Any reasons, other than taxes, for
                                                    structuring the transaction as a be-  Taxes
         Treatment of term loans.  If you receive a be-  low-market loan.
         low-market  term  loan  other  than  a  gift  or  de-
         mand loan, you are treated as receiving an ad-  Exception for loans to qualified continuing
         ditional  cash  payment  (as  a  dividend,  etc.)  on   care  facilities.  The  below-market  interest   Introduction
         the  date  the  loan  is  made.  This  payment  is   rules do not apply to a loan owed by a qualified
         equal  to  the  loan  amount  minus  the  present   continuing care facility under a continuing care   You  can  deduct  various  federal,  state,  local,
         value,  at  the  AFR,  of  all  payments  due  under   contract if the lender or lender's spouse is age   and  foreign  taxes  directly  attributable  to  your
         the loan. The same amount is treated as OID on   62 or older by the end of the calendar year.  trade or business as business expenses.
         the loan. See Original issue discount (OID) un-                               You  cannot  deduct  federal  income
         der Interest You Can Deduct, earlier.  A qualified continuing care facility is one or
                                             more facilities (excluding nursing homes) meet-  !  taxes, estate and gift taxes, or state in-
         Exceptions  for  loans  of  $10,000  or  less.   ing the requirements listed below.  taxes.  heritance,  legacy,  and  succession
         The rules for below-market loans do not apply   1. Designed to provide services under con-
         to any day on which the total outstanding loans   tinuing care contracts (defined below).
         between the borrower and lender is $10,000 or                           Topics
         less. This exception applies only to the follow-  2. Includes an independent living unit, and   This chapter discusses:
         ing.                                    either an assisted living or nursing facility,
                                                 or both.
           1. Gift loans between individuals if the loan is                        • When to deduct taxes
             not directly used to buy or carry in-  3. Substantially all of the independent living   • Real estate taxes
             come-producing assets.              unit residents are covered by continuing   • Income taxes
                                                 care contracts.
           2. Compensation-related loans or corpora-                               • Employment taxes
                                                                                   • Other taxes
             tion-shareholder loans if the avoidance of   A “continuing care contract” is a written con-
             any federal tax is not a principal purpose   tract between an individual and a qualified con-
             of the interest arrangement.    tinuing  care  facility  that  includes  all  of  the  fol-  Useful Items
                                             lowing conditions.                  You may want to see:
         This  exception  does  not  apply  to  a  term  loan
         described in (2) above that was previously sub-  1. The individual or individual's spouse must   Publication
         ject to the below-market loan rules. Those rules   be entitled to use the facility for the rest of
         will  continue  to  apply  even  if  the  outstanding   their life or lives.    15  15 (Circular E), Employer's Tax Guide
         balance is reduced to $10,000 or less.  2. The individual or individual's spouse will     334  334 Tax Guide for Small Business
                                                 be provided with housing, as appropriate
         Exceptions for loans without significant tax   for the health of the individual or individu-    510  510 Excise Taxes
         effect.  The following loans are specifically ex-  al's spouse in an:        538  538 Accounting Periods and Methods
         empted  from  the  rules  for  below-market  loans
         because  their  interest  arrangements  do  not   a. Independent living unit (which has ad-    551  551 Basis of Assets
         have a significant effect on the federal tax liabil-  ditional available facilities outside the
         ity of the borrower or the lender.         unit for the provision of meals and   Form (and Instructions)
                                                    other personal care), and
           1. Loans made available by lenders to the                                  1040 or 1040-SR  1040 or 1040-SR U.S. Individual Income
             general public on the same terms and   b. Assisted living or nursing facility avail-  Tax Return
             conditions that are consistent with the   able in the continuing care facility.    Schedule A (Form 1040)  Schedule A (Form 1040) Itemized
             lender's customary business practices.  3. The individual or individual's spouse will   Deductions
           2. Loans subsidized by a federal, state, or   be provided with assisted living or nursing     Schedule SE (Form 1040)
             municipal government that are made avail-  care available in the continuing care fa-  Self-Employment Tax  Schedule SE (Form 1040)
             able under a program of general applica-  cility, as required for the health of the indi-
             tion to the public.                 vidual or the individual's spouse.    3115  3115 Application for Change in
           3. Certain employee-relocation loans.  For more information, see section 7872(h).  Accounting Method
           4. Certain loans to or from a foreign person,   Sale or exchange of property.  Different rules     8959  8959 Additional Medicare Tax
             unless the interest income would be effec-  generally  apply  to  a  loan  connected  with  the   See  chapter  12  for  information  about  getting
             tively connected with the conduct of a U.S.   sale  or  exchange  of  property.  If  the  loan  does   publications and forms.
             trade or business and not exempt from   not provide adequate stated interest, part of the
             U.S. tax under an income tax treaty.  principal  payment  may  be  considered  interest.
           5. Any other loan if the taxpayer can show   However, there are exceptions that may require  When To Deduct Taxes
             that the interest arrangement has no sig-  you  to  apply  the  below-market  interest  rate
             nificant effect on the federal tax liability of   rules to these loans. See Unstated Interest and   Generally,  you  can  only  deduct  taxes  in  the
             the lender or the borrower. Whether an in-  Original Issue Discount (OID) in Pub. 537.  year  you  pay  them.  This  applies  whether  you
             terest arrangement has a significant effect                         use  the  cash  method  or  an  accrual  method  of
             on the federal tax liability of the lender or   More  information.  For  more  information  on   accounting.
             the borrower will be determined by all the   below-market loans, see section 7872 and Reg-  Under an accrual method, you can deduct a
             facts and circumstances. Consider all the   ulations section 1.7872-5.  tax before you pay it if you meet the exception
             following factors.                                                  for  recurring  items  discussed  under  Economic
              a. Whether items of income and deduc-                              Performance in Pub. 538. You can also elect to
                tion generated by the loan offset each                           ratably  accrue  real  estate  taxes  as  discussed
                other.                                                           later under Real Estate Taxes. See also Foreign
                                                                                 income taxes, discussed later.
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