Page 76 - Small Business Taxes
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            Interest you paid or incurred during the pro-  Cash  method.  Under  the  cash  method,  you   arm's-length transaction in which you, the bor-
         duction period must be capitalized if the prop-  can  generally  deduct  only  the  interest  you  ac-  rower, are considered as having received both
         erty produced is designated property. Designa-  tually paid during the tax year. You cannot de-  of the following.
         ted property is any of the following.  duct  a  promissory  note  you  gave  as  payment   • A loan in exchange for a note that requires
           • Real property.                  because it is a promise to pay and not an actual   the payment of interest at the AFR.
           • Tangible personal property with a class life   payment.               • An additional payment in an amount equal
             of 20 years or more.                                                    to the forgone interest.
           • Tangible personal property with an estima-  Prepaid interest.  You generally cannot de-  The additional payment is treated as a gift, divi-
             ted production period of more than 2   duct any interest paid before the year it is due.   dend,  contribution  to  capital,  payment  of  com-
             years.                          Interest paid in advance can be deducted only   pensation, or other payment, depending on the
           • Tangible personal property with an estima-  in the tax year in which it is due.  substance of the transaction.
             ted production period of more than 1 year if   Discounted  loan.  If  interest  or  a  discount
             the estimated cost of production is more   is subtracted from your loan proceeds, it is not a   Forgone interest.  For any period, forgone in-
             than $1 million.                payment  of  interest  and  you  cannot  deduct  it   terest is:
                                             when  you  get  the  loan.  For  more  information,
         Property you produce.  You produce property   see Original issue discount (OID) under Interest   1. The interest that would be payable for that
         if you construct, build, install, manufacture, de-  You Can Deduct, earlier.  period if interest accrued on the loan at the
         velop,  improve,  create,  raise,  or  grow  it.  Treat                     AFR and was payable annually on De-
         property produced for you under a contract as   Refunds  of  interest.  If  you  pay  interest   cember 31, minus
         produced by you up to the amount you pay or   and then receive a refund in the same tax year   2. Any interest actually payable on the loan
         incur for the property.             of any part of the interest, reduce your interest   for the period.
                                             deduction by the refund. If you receive the re-
         Carrying  charges.  Carrying  charges  include   fund  in  a  later  tax  year,  include  the  refund  in   AFRs  are  published  by  the  IRS  each
         taxes you pay to carry or develop real estate or   your income to the extent the deduction for the   TIP  month in the Internal Revenue Bulletin
         to carry, transport, or install personal property.   interest reduced your tax.  (I.R.B.),  which  is  available  on  the  IRS
         You can choose to capitalize carrying charges                           website  at  You  can  also  contact
         not subject to the uniform capitalization rules if   Accrual  method.  Under  an  accrual  method,   an IRS office to get these rates.
         they  are  otherwise  deductible.  For  more  infor-  you  can  deduct  only  interest  that  has  accrued
         mation, see chapter 7.              during the tax year.                Loans subject to the rules.  The rules for be-
         Capitalized interest.  Treat capitalized interest   Prepaid interest.  You generally cannot de-  low-market loans apply to the following.
         as a cost of the property produced. You recover   duct any interest paid before the year it is due.   1. Gift loans (below-market loans where the
         your interest when you sell or use the property.   Interest paid in advance can be deducted only   forgone interest is in the nature of a gift).
         If the property is inventory, recover capitalized   in the tax year in which it is due.
         interest through cost of goods sold. If the prop-  Discounted  loan.  If  interest  or  a  discount   2. Compensation-related loans (below-mar-
                                                                                     ket loans between an employer and an
         erty is used in your trade or business, recover   is subtracted from your loan proceeds, it is not a
         capitalized  interest  through  an  adjustment  to   payment  of  interest  and  you  cannot  deduct  it   employee or between an independent
                                                                                     contractor and a person for whom the con-
         basis,  depreciation,  amortization,  or  other   when  you  get  the  loan.  For  more  information,
         method.                             see Original issue discount (OID) under Interest   tractor provides services).
                                             You Can Deduct, earlier.              3. Corporation-shareholder loans.
         Partnerships and S corporations.  The inter-
         est  capitalization  rules  are  applied  first  at  the   Tax deficiency.  If you contest a federal in-  4. Tax avoidance loans (below-market loans
         partnership or S corporation level. The rules are   come  tax  deficiency,  interest  does  not  accrue   where the avoidance of federal tax is one
         then  applied  at  the  partners'  or  shareholders'   until the tax year the final determination of liabil-  of the main purposes of the interest ar-
         level to the extent the partnership or S corpora-  ity is made. If you do not contest the deficiency,   rangement).
         tion has insufficient debt to support the produc-  then the interest accrues in the year the tax was   5. Loans to qualified continuing care facilities
         tion or construction costs.         asserted and agreed to by you.          under a continuing care contract (made af-
            If  you  are  a  partner  or  a  shareholder,  you   However,  if  you  contest  but  pay  the  pro-  ter October 11, 1985).
         may have to capitalize interest you incur during   posed  tax  deficiency  and  interest,  and  you  do
         the tax year for the production costs of the part-  not  designate  the  payment  as  a  cash  bond,   Except  as  noted  in  (5)  above,  these  rules
         nership or S corporation. You may also have to   then the interest is deductible in the year paid.  apply to demand loans (loans payable in full at
         capitalize interest incurred by the partnership or   Related  person.  If  you  use  an  accrual   any time upon the lender's demand) outstand-
         S corporation for your own production costs. To   method, you cannot deduct interest owed to a   ing after June 6, 1984, and to term loans (loans
         properly  capitalize  interest  under  these  rules,   related person who uses the cash method until   that  are  not  demand  loans)  made  after  that
         you  must  be  given  the  required  information  in   payment is made and the interest is includible in   date.
         an attachment to the Schedule K-1 you receive   the  gross  income  of  that  person.  The  relation-
         from the partnership or S corporation.  ship is determined as of the end of the tax year   Treatment of gift and demand loans.  If you
                                                                                 receive  a  below-market  gift  loan  or  demand
         Additional  information.  The  procedures  for   for  which  the  interest  would  otherwise  be  de-  loan, you are treated as receiving an additional
                                             ductible. See section 267 for more information.
         applying the uniform capitalization rules are be-                       payment (as a gift, dividend, etc.) equal to the
         yond the scope of this publication. For more in-                        forgone interest on the loan. You are then trea-
         formation,  see  Regulations  sections  1.263A-8   Below-Market Loans   ted  as  transferring  this  amount  back  to  the
         through  1.263A-15  and  Notice  88-99,  which  is                      lender as interest. These transfers are consid-
         in Cumulative Bulletin 1988-2.                                          ered to occur annually, generally on December
                                             If  you  receive  a  below-market  gift  or  demand   31. If you use the loan proceeds in your trade or
                                                                                 business,  you  can  deduct  the  forgone  interest
         When To Deduct Interest             loan and use the proceeds in your trade or busi-  each year as a business interest expense. The
                                             ness, you may be able to deduct the forgone in-
                                             terest. See Treatment of gift and demand loans,   lender must report it as interest income.
         If the uniform capitalization rules, discussed un-  later, in this discussion.  Limit on forgone interest for gift loans of
         der  Capitalization  of  Interest,  earlier,  and  the   A “below-market loan” is a loan on which no   $100,000 or less.  For gift loans between indi-
         business  interest  expense  deduction  limitation   interest  is  charged  or  on  which  interest  is   viduals,  forgone  interest  treated  as  transferred
         rules discussed under Interest Expense Limita-  charged at a rate below the applicable federal   back  to  the  lender  is  limited  to  the  borrower's
         tion, earlier, do not apply, deduct interest as fol-  rate (AFR). A gift or demand loan that is a be-  net  investment  income  for  the  year.  This  limit
         lows.                               low-market  loan  is  generally  considered  an   applies  if  the  outstanding  loans  between  the

                                                                                           Chapter 4  Interest    Page 17
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