Page 70 - Small Business Taxes
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         Property            Fileid: … tions/p535/2022/a/xml/cycle01/source      may be able to deduct the rent you pay for that
                                             cation leave. You can deduct vacation pay only
                                             in  the  tax  year  in  which  the  employee  actually   part. You must meet the requirements for busi-
         If you transfer property (including your compa-  receives  it.  This  rule  applies  regardless  of   ness  use  of  your  home.  For  more  information,
         ny's stock) to an employee as payment for serv-  whether you use the cash or accrual method of   see Business use of your home in chapter 1.
         ices, you can generally deduct it as wages. The   accounting.
         amount  you  can  deduct  is  the  property's  fair                     Rent paid in advance.  Generally, rent paid for
         market value (FMV) on the date of the transfer                          use of property in your trade or business is de-
         less  any  amount  the  employee  paid  for  the                        ductible in the year paid or incurred. If you are
         property.                                                               an accrual method taxpayer and pay rent in ad-
            You can claim the deduction only for the tax                         vance, you can deduct only the amount of rent
                                                                                 that applies to your use of rented property dur-
         year in which your employee includes the prop-  3.                      ing the tax year. You can deduct the rest of the
         erty's  value  in  their  income.  Your  employee  is                   rent  payment  only  over  the  period  to  which  it
         deemed to have included the value in their in-                          applies. If you are a cash method taxpayer, you
         come  if  you  report  it  on  their  Form  W-2  in  a                  may deduct the entire amount of rent you paid
         timely manner.                      Rent Expense                        in  advance  in  the  year  of  payment  if  the  pay-
            You treat the deductible amount as received                          ment  applies  to  the  right  to  use  property  that
         in exchange for the property, and you must rec-                         does  not  extend  beyond  the  earlier  of  12
         ognize any gain or loss realized on the transfer,   Introduction        months after the first date you have the right to
         unless it is the company's stock transferred as                         use the property or the end of the tax year fol-
         payment  for  services.  Your  gain  or  loss  is  the   This chapter discusses the tax treatment of rent   lowing the year in which you paid the advance
         difference between the FMV of the property and   or  lease  payments  you  make  for  property  you   rent. If your payment applies to the right to use
         its adjusted basis on the date of transfer.  use in your business but do not own. It also dis-  property beyond this period, then you must cap-
            These rules also apply to property transfer-  cusses  how  to  treat  other  kinds  of  payments   italize the rent payment and deduct it over the
         red  to  an  independent  contractor  for  services,   you  make  that  are  related  to  your  use  of  this   period to which it applies.
         generally reported on Form 1099-NEC.  property. These include payments you make for
                                             taxes on the property.                 Example  1.    You  are  an  accrual  method
         Restricted  property.    If  the  property  you                         calendar year taxpayer and you lease a building
         transfer  for  services  is  subject  to  restrictions   Topics         at  a  monthly  rental  rate  of  $1,000  beginning
                                                                                 July  1,  2022.  On  June  30,  2022,  you  pay  ad-
         that affect its value, you generally can't deduct it   This chapter discusses:
         and don't report gain or loss until it is substan-                      vance rent of $12,000 for the last 6 months of
                                                                                 2022  and  the  first  6  months  of  2023.  You  can
         tially vested in the recipient. However, if the re-
         cipient  pays  for  the  property,  you  must  report   • The definition of rent  deduct only $6,000 for 2022, for the right to use
                                                                                 property in 2022. You deduct the other $6,000
         any  gain  at  the  time  of  the  transfer  up  to  the   • Taxes on leased property
         amount paid.                          • The cost of getting a lease     in 2023.
            “Substantially  vested”  means  the  property   • Improvements by the lessee  Example 2.   Assume the same facts as Ex-
         isn't  subject  to  a  substantial  risk  of  forfeiture.   • Capitalizing rent expenses  ample 1, except you are a cash method calen-
         This means that the recipient isn't likely to have                      dar  year  taxpayer.  You  may  deduct  the  entire
         to give up their rights in the property in the fu-  Useful Items        $12,000  payment  for  2022.  The  payment  ap-
         ture.                               You may want to see:                plies to your right to use the property that does
         Reimbursements for                    Publication                       not extend beyond 12 months after the date you
                                                                                 received this right. If you deduct the $12,000 in
         Business Expenses                        538   538 Accounting Periods and Methods  2022,  you  should  not  deduct  any  part  of  this
                                                  544   544 Sales and Other Dispositions of   payment in 2023.
         You can generally deduct the amount you pay   Assets
         or reimburse employees for business expenses                               Example  3.    You  are  either  a  cash  or  ac-
         incurred  for  your  business.  However,  your  de-    946   946 How To Depreciate Property  crual calendar year taxpayer. Last January, you
         duction may be limited.             See  chapter  12  for  information  about  getting   leased property for 3 years for $6,000 per year.
                                                                                 You pay the full $18,000 (3 x $6,000) during the
            If you make the payment under an account-  publications and forms.   first year of the lease. Because this amount is a
         able  plan,  deduct  it  in  the  category  of  the  ex-                prepaid expense that must be capitalized, you
         pense  paid.  For  example,  if  you  pay  an  em-  Rent                can deduct only $6,000 per year, the amount al-
         ployee  for  travel  expenses  incurred  on  your                       locable to your use of the property in each year.
         behalf,  deduct  this  payment  as  a  travel  ex-
         pense. If you make the payment under a nonac-  Rent is any amount you pay for the use of prop-  Canceling a lease.  You can generally deduct
         countable plan, deduct it as wages and include   erty you do not own. In general, you can deduct   as rent an amount you pay to cancel a business
         it on the employee's Form W-2.      rent as an expense only if the rent is for prop-  lease.
            See Reimbursement of Travel and Non-En-  erty  you  use  in  your  trade  or  business.  If  you
         tertainment  Related  Meals  in  chapter  11  for   have or will receive equity in or title to the prop-  Lease  or  purchase.  There  may  be  instances
                                             erty, the rent is not deductible.
         more  information  about  deducting  reimburse-                         in which you must determine whether your pay-
         ments  and  an  explanation  of  accountable  and   Unreasonable  rent.  You  can’t  take  a  rental   ments  are  for  rent  or  for  the  purchase  of  the
         nonaccountable plans.               deduction for unreasonable rent. Ordinarily, the   property. You must first determine whether your
                                                                                 agreement is a lease or a conditional sales con-
         Sick and Vacation Pay               issue of reasonableness arises only if you and   tract. Payments made under a conditional sales
                                             the  lessor  are  related.  Rent  paid  to  a  related
                                                                                 contract are not deductible as rent expense.
                                             person  is  reasonable  if  it  is  the  same  amount
         Sick pay.   You can deduct amounts you pay to   you would pay to a stranger for use of the same   Conditional  sales  contract.    Whether  an
         your employees for sickness and injury, includ-  property. Rent isn’t unreasonable just because   agreement  is  a  conditional  sales  contract  de-
         ing  lump-sum  amounts,  as  wages.  However,   it is figured as a percentage of gross sales. For   pends on the intent of the parties. Determine in-
         your  deduction  is  limited  to  amounts  not  com-  examples of related persons, see Related per-  tent based on the provisions of the agreement
         pensated by insurance or other means.  sons in chapter 2 of Pub. 544.   and  the  facts  and  circumstances  that  exist
                                                                                 when you make the agreement. No single test,
         Vacation  pay.    Vacation  pay  is  an  employee   Rent  on  your  home.    If  you  rent  your  home   or special combination of tests, always applies.
         benefit. It includes amounts paid for unused va-  and use part of it as your place of business, you   However,  in  general,  an  agreement  may  be
                                                                                      Chapter 3  Rent Expense    Page 11
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