Page 65 - Small Business Taxes
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           • You have no other fixed location where   For  more  information  on  car  expenses  and   In addition, passive activity credits can only off-
             you conduct substantial administrative or   the  rules  for  using  the  standard  mileage  rate,   set the tax on net passive income. Any excess
             management activities of your trade or   see Pub. 463.              loss  or  credits  are  carried  over  to  later  years.
             business.                                                           Suspended passive losses are fully deductible
            If  you  have  more  than  one  business  loca-  How Much Can I      in the year you completely dispose of the activ-
         tion, determine your principal place of business                        ity. For more information, see Pub. 925.
         based on the following factors.     Deduct?                                Net  operating  loss  (NOL).  If  your  deduc-
           • The relative importance of the activities                           tions  are  more  than  your  income  for  the  year,
             performed at each location.                                         you may have an NOL. You can use an NOL to
           • If the relative importance factor does not   Generally, you can deduct the full amount of a   lower your taxes in other years. See Pub. 536
                                             business expense if it meets the criteria of ordi-
             determine your principal place of business,                         for more information.
             consider the time spent at each location.  nary  and  necessary  and  it  is  not  a  capital  ex-  See Pub. 542 for information about NOLs of
            Optional  safe  harbor  method.  Individual                          corporations.
         taxpayers  can  use  the  optional  safe  harbor   Recovery  of  amount  deducted  (tax  benefit
                                             same tax year in which you would have claimed  When Can I
         method to determine the amount of deductible   rule).  If you recover part of an expense in the
         expenses attributable to certain business use of
         a residence during the tax year. This method is   a deduction, reduce your current year expense   Deduct an Expense?
         an alternative to the calculation, allocation, and   by the amount of the recovery. If you have a re-
         substantiation of actual expenses.  covery  in  a  later  year,  include  the  recovered
            The deduction under the optional method is   amount in income in that year. However, if part   When you can deduct an expense depends on
         limited  to  $1,500  per  year  based  on  $5  per   of the deduction for the expense did not reduce   your  accounting  method.  An  accounting
         square foot for up to 300 square feet. Under this   your tax, you do not have to include that part of   method is a set of rules used to determine when
                                                                                 and  how  income  and  expenses  are  reported.
         method, you claim your allowable mortgage in-  the recovered amount in income.
         terest, real estate taxes, and casualty losses on   For more information on recoveries and the   The  two  basic  methods  are  the  cash  method
                                                                                 and  the  accrual  method.  Whichever  method
         the  home  as  itemized  deductions  on  Sched-  tax benefit rule, see Pub. 525.
         ule A (Form 1040). You are not required to allo-                        you choose must clearly reflect income.
         cate  these  deductions  between  personal  and   Payments  in  kind.  If  you  provide  services  to   For  more  information  on  accounting  meth-
         business use, as is required under the regular   pay  a  business  expense,  the  amount  you  can   ods, see Pub. 538.
         method.  If  you  use  the  optional  method,  you   deduct  is  limited  to  your  out-of-pocket  costs.
         cannot  depreciate  the  portion  of  your  home   You cannot deduct the cost of your own labor.  Cash method.   Under the cash method of ac-
         used in a trade or business.           Similarly, if you pay a business expense in   counting, you generally deduct business expen-
            Business  expenses  unrelated  to  the  home,   goods  or  other  property,  you  can  deduct  only   ses in the tax year you pay them.
         such as advertising, supplies, and wages paid   what the property costs you. If these costs are
         to employees, are still fully deductible. All of the   included  in  the  cost  of  goods  sold,  do  not  de-  Accrual  method.    Under  the  accrual  method
         requirements discussed earlier under Business   duct them again as a business expense.  of  accounting,  you  generally  deduct  business
         use of your home still apply.                                           expenses when both of the following apply.
            For  more  information  on  the  deduction  for   Limits on losses.  If your deductions for an in-  1. The all-events test has been met. The test
         business  use  of  your  home,  including  the  op-  vestment or business activity are more than the   is met when:
         tional safe harbor method, see Pub. 587.  income it brings in, you have a loss. There may
               If you were entitled to deduct deprecia-  be limits on how much of the loss you can de-  a. All events have occurred that fix the
                                                                                        fact of liability, and
           !   tion on the part of your home used for
          CAUTION  business, you cannot exclude the part   Not-for-profit  limits.    If  you  carry  on  your   b. The liability can be determined with
         of  the  gain  from  the  sale  of  your  home  that   business activity without the intention of making   reasonable accuracy.
         equals any depreciation you deducted (or could   a profit, you cannot use a loss from it to offset   2. Economic performance has occurred.
         have deducted) for periods after May 6, 1997.  other  income.  For  more  information,  see
                                             Not-for-Profit Activities, later.      Economic  performance.  You  generally
         Business use of your car.  If you use your car   At-risk limits.  Generally, a deductible loss   cannot deduct or capitalize a business expense
         exclusively  in  your  business,  you  can  deduct   from  a  trade  or  business  or  other  income-pro-  until economic performance occurs. If your ex-
         car expenses. If you use your car for both busi-  ducing activity is limited to the investment you   pense  is  for  property  or  services  provided  to
         ness  and  personal  purposes,  you  must  divide   have  “at  risk”  in  the  activity.  You  are  at  risk  in   you, or for your use of property, economic per-
         your expenses based on actual mileage. Gen-  any activity for the following.  formance occurs as the property or services are
         erally,  commuting  expenses  between  your                             provided,  or  the  property  is  used.  If  your  ex-
         home  and  your  business  location,  within  the   1. The money and adjusted basis of property   pense is for property or services you provide to
         area of your tax home, are not deductible.  you contribute to the activity.  others,  economic  performance  occurs  as  you
                                                                                 provide the property or services.
            You can deduct actual car expenses, which   2. Amounts you borrow for use in the activity
         include  depreciation  (or  lease  payments),  gas   if:                   Example.    Your  tax  year  is  the  calendar
         and oil, tires, repairs, tune-ups, insurance, and                       year.  In  December  2022,  the  Field  Plumbing
         registration  fees.  Or,  instead  of  figuring  the   a. You are personally liable for repay-  Company did some repair work at your place of
         business  part  of  these  actual  expenses,  you   ment, or            business and sent you a bill for $600. You paid
         may be able to use the standard mileage rate to   b. You pledge property (other than prop-  it by check in January 2023. If you use the ac-
         figure  your  deduction.  For  2022,  the  standard   erty used in the activity) as security for   crual method of accounting, deduct the $600 on
         mileage rate is 58.5 cents per mile before July   the loan.             your  tax  return  for  2022  because  all  events
         1, 2022, and 62.5 cents per mile on or after July                       have occurred to “fix” the fact of liability (in this
         1,  2022.  To  find  the  standard  mileage  rate  for   For more information, see Pub. 925.  case, the work was completed), the liability can
         2023,   go   to  Passive activities.  Generally, you are in a   be determined, and economic performance oc-
         Standard-Mileage-Rates.             passive activity if you have a trade or business   curred in that year.
            If  you  are  self-employed,  you  can  also  de-  activity  in  which  you  do  not  materially  partici-  If  you  use  the  cash  method  of  accounting,
         duct  the  business  part  of  interest  on  your  car   pate, or a rental activity. In general, deductions   deduct the expense on your 2023 tax return.
         loan,  state  and  local  personal  property  tax  on   for losses from passive activities only offset in-
         the car, parking fees, and tolls, whether or not   come  from  passive  activities.  You  cannot  use   Prepayment.  You generally cannot deduct ex-
         you claim the standard mileage rate.  any excess deductions to offset other income.   penses in advance, even if you pay them in ad-
                                                                                 vance. This applies to prepaid interest, prepaid
         Page 6    Chapter 1  Deducting Business Expenses
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