Page 63 - Small Business Taxes
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         receipts of $27 million or less for the 3 prior tax   If  your  attempt  to  go  into  business  is  un-     – Amounts paid for property with an
         years, and (b) are not a tax shelter (as defined   successful.   If you are an individual and your   economic useful life of 12 months or
         in  section  448(d)(3)).  If  your  business  has  not   attempt  to  go  into  business  is  not  successful,   less;
         been in existence for all of the 3-tax-year period   the  expenses  you  had  in  trying  to  establish   • You treat the amount paid during the tax
         used  in  figuring  average  gross  receipts,  base   yourself in business fall into two categories.  year for which you make the election as an
         your average on the period it has existed, and if   1. The costs you had before making a deci-  expense on your applicable financial state-
         your business has a predecessor entity, include   sion to acquire or begin a specific busi-  ments in accordance with your written ac-
         the  gross  receipts  of  the  predecessor  entity   ness. These costs are personal and non-  counting procedures;
         from  the  3-tax-year  period  when  figuring  aver-  deductible. They include any costs   • The amount paid for the property does not
         age gross receipts. If your business (or prede-  incurred during a general search for, or   exceed $5,000 per invoice (or per item
         cessor entity) had short tax years for any of the   preliminary investigation of, a business or   substantiated by invoice); and
         3-tax-year  period,  annualize  your  business’   investment possibility.  • The uniform capitalization rules do not ap-
         gross  receipts  for  the  short  tax  years  that  are                     ply to the amount.
         part of the 3-tax-year period. See Pub. 538 for   2. The costs you had in your attempt to ac-
         more information.                       quire or begin a specific business. These   You  do  not  have  an  applicable  financial
                                                 costs are capital expenses and you can   statement.    If  you  elect  the  de  minimis  safe
            For  more  information,  see  the  following   deduct them as a capital loss.  harbor for the tax year, you can deduct amounts
         sources.                                                                paid to acquire or produce certain tangible busi-
           • Cost of goods sold—chapter 6 of Pub.   If you are a corporation and your attempt to   ness property if:
             334.                            go into a new trade or business is not success-  • You have a trade or business, partnership,
           • Inventories—Pub. 538.           ful, you may be able to deduct all investigatory   or S corporation that does not have an ap-
           • Uniform capitalization rules—Pub. 538 and   costs as a loss.            plicable financial statement;
             section 263A and the related regulations.  The  costs  of  any  assets  acquired  during   • You have, at the beginning of the tax year,
                                             your  unsuccessful  attempt  to  go  into  business   accounting procedures treating as an ex-
         Capital Expenses                    are a part of your basis in the assets. You can-  pense for nontax purposes:
                                             not take a deduction for these costs. You will re-     – Amounts paid for property costing
         You  must  capitalize,  rather  than  deduct,  some   cover the costs of these assets when you dis-  less than a certain dollar amount, or
         costs. These costs are a part of your investment   pose of them.                – Amounts paid for property with an
         in your business and are called “capital expen-                                economic useful life of 12 months or
         ses.”  Capital  expenses  are  considered  assets   Business Assets            less;
         in  your  business.  In  general,  you  capitalize                        • You treat the amounts paid for the property
         three types of costs.               There are many different kinds of business as-  as an expense on your books and records
           • Business startup costs (see Tip below).  sets,  for  example,  land,  buildings,  machinery,   in accordance with your accounting proce-
           • Business assets.                furniture,  trucks,  patents,  and  franchise  rights.   dures;
           • Improvements.                   You  must  fully  capitalize  the  cost  of  these  as-  • The amount paid for the property does not
               You  can  elect  to  deduct  or  amortize   sets, including freight and installation charges.  exceed $2,500 per invoice (or per item
                                                                                     substantiated by invoice); and
          TIP  certain  business  startup  costs.  See                             • The uniform capitalization rules do not ap-
               chapters 7 and 8.                Certain property you produce for use in your
                                             trade or business must be capitalized under the   ply to the amounts.
         Cost recovery.  Although you generally cannot   uniform  capitalization  rules.  See  Regulations   How  to  make  the  de  minimis  safe  harbor
                                             section 1.263A-2 for information on these rules.
         take a current deduction for a capital expense,                         election.   To elect the de minimis safe harbor
         you  may  be  able  to  recover  the  amount  you                       for the tax year, attach a statement to the tax-
         spend  through  depreciation,  amortization,  or   De Minimis Safe Harbor for   payer’s timely filed original tax return (including
         depletion. These recovery methods allow you to   Tangible Property      extensions)  for  the  tax  year  when  qualifying
         deduct part of your cost each year. In this way,                        amounts were paid. The statement must be ti-
         you  are  able  to  recover  your  capital  expense.   Although you must generally capitalize costs to   tled “Section 1.263(a)-1(f) de minimis safe har-
         See  Amortization  (chapter  8)  and  Depletion   acquire  or  produce  real  or  tangible  personal   bor election” and must include your name, ad-
         (chapter  9)  in  this  publication.  A  taxpayer  can   property  used  in  your  trade  or  business,  such   dress, taxpayer identification number (TIN), and
         elect to deduct a portion of the costs of certain   as  buildings,  equipment,  or  furniture,  you  can   a statement that you are making the de minimis
         depreciable  property  as  a  section  179  deduc-  elect to use a de minimis safe harbor to deduct   safe harbor election under section 1.263(a)-1(f).
         tion. A greater portion of these costs can be de-  the costs of some tangible property. Under the   In the case of a consolidated group filing a con-
         ducted if the property is qualified disaster assis-  de  minimis  safe  harbor  for  tangible  property,   solidated  income  tax  return,  the  election  is
         tance property. See Pub. 946 for details.  you can deduct de minimis amounts paid to ac-  made  for  each  member  of  the  consolidated
                                             quire or produce certain tangible business prop-  group.
         Going Into Business                 erty if these amounts are deducted by you for fi-  In the case of a consolidated group filing a
                                             nancial accounting purposes or in keeping your   consolidated  income  tax  return,  the  election  is
         The costs of getting started in business, before   books and records. See the following for the re-  made  for  each  member  of  the  consolidated
         you  actually  begin  business  operations,  are   quirements for the de minimis safe harbor.  group. In the case of an S corporation or a part-
         capital expenses. These costs may include ex-                           nership, the election is made by the S corpora-
         penses  for  advertising,  travel,  or  wages  for   You have an applicable financial statement.   tion  or  the  partnership  and  not  by  the  share-
         training employees.                 If  you  elect  the  de  minimis  safe  harbor  for  the   holders  or  partners.  The  election  applies  only
                                             tax  year,  you  can  deduct  amounts  paid  to  ac-  for the tax year for which it is made.
         If  you  go  into  business.    When  you  go  into   quire or produce certain tangible business prop-
         business,  treat  all  costs  you  had  to  get  your   erty if:           Example.   In 2022, you do not have an ap-
         business started as capital expenses.  • You have a trade or business or are a cor-  plicable  financial  statement  and  you  purchase
            Usually,  you  recover  costs  for  a  particular   poration, partnership, or S corporation that   five  laptop  computers  for  use  in  your  trade  or
         asset through depreciation. Generally, you can-  has an applicable financial statement;  business. You paid $2,000 each for a total cost
         not  recover  other  costs  until  you  sell  the  busi-  • You have, at the beginning of the tax year,   of  $10,000  and  these  amounts  are  substanti-
         ness or otherwise go out of business. However,   written accounting procedures treating as   ated in an invoice. You had an accounting pro-
         you  can  choose  to  amortize  certain  costs  for   an expense for nontax purposes:  cedure in place at the beginning of 2022 to ex-
         setting  up  your  business.  See  Starting  a  Busi-     – Amounts paid for property costing   pense  the  cost  of  tangible  property  if  the
         ness in chapter 8 for more information on busi-  less than a certain dollar amount, or  property  costs  $2,000  or  less.  You  treat  each
         ness startup costs.                                                     computer  as  an  expense  on  your  books  and
         Page 4    Chapter 1  Deducting Business Expenses
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