Page 66 - Small Business Taxes
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         insurance premiums, and any other prepaid ex-                              The benefit gained by making this election is
         pense  that  creates  an  intangible  asset.  If  you   Not-for-Profit Activities  that  the  IRS  will  not  immediately  question
         pay an amount that creates an intangible asset,                         whether  your  activity  is  engaged  in  for  profit.
         then you must capitalize the amounts paid and                           Accordingly, it will not restrict your deductions.
         begin to amortize the payment over the appro-  If you do not carry on your business or invest-  Rather, you will gain time to earn a profit in the
         priate period.                      ment activity to make a profit, you cannot use a   required number of years. If you show 3 (or 2)
            However,  you  do  not  have  to  capitalize   loss from the activity to offset other income. Ac-  years of profit at the end of this period, your de-
         amounts  for  creating  an  intangible  asset  if  the   tivities you do as a hobby, or mainly for sport or   ductions are not limited under these rules. If you
         right or benefit created does not extend beyond   recreation, are often not entered into for profit.  do not have 3 (or 2) years of profit, the limit can
         the earlier of 12 months after the date that you   The  limit  on  not-for-profit  losses  applies  to   be applied retroactively to any year with a loss
         first receive the right or benefit or the end of the   individuals, partnerships, estates, trusts, and S   in the 5-year (or 7-year) period.
         tax year following the year in which you made   corporations.  It  does  not  apply  to  corporations   Filing Form 5213 automatically extends the
         the advance payment. If you are a cash method   other than S corporations.  period  of  limitations  on  any  year  in  the  5-year
         taxpayer  and  your  advance  payment  qualifies                        (or 7-year) period to 2 years after the due date
         for  this  exception,  then  you  can  generally  de-  In determining whether you are carrying on   of the tax return for the last year of the period.
         duct  the  amount  when  paid.  If  you  are  an  ac-  an  activity  for  profit,  several  factors  are  taken   The  period  is  extended  only  for  deductions  of
         crual  method  taxpayer,  you  cannot  deduct  the   into  account.  No  one  factor  alone  is  decisive.   the  activity  and  any  related  deductions  that
         amount  until  the  all-events  test  has  been  met   Among the factors to consider are whether:  might be affected.
         and economic performance has occurred.  • You carry on the activity in a businesslike   You must file Form 5213 within 3 years
            Example  1.    In  2022,  you  sign  a  10-year   • The time and effort you put into the activity   TIP  after  the  due  date  of  your  tax  return
         lease and immediately pay your rent for the first   indicate you intend to make it profitable,  (determined without extensions) for the
         3  years.  Even  though  you  paid  the  rent  for   • You depend on the income for your liveli-  year in which you first carried on the activity, or,
         2022, 2023, and 2024, you can only deduct the   hood,                   if  earlier,  within  60  days  after  receiving  written
         rent for 2022 on your 2022 tax return. You can   • Your losses are due to circumstances be-  notice  from  the  IRS  proposing  to  disallow  de-
         deduct the rent for 2023 and 2024 on your tax   yond your control (or are normal in the   ductions attributable to the activity.
         returns for those years.                startup phase of your type of business),
                                               • You change your methods of operation in   Gross Income
            Example 2.   You are a cash method calen-  an attempt to improve profitability,
         dar year taxpayer. On December 1, 2022, you   • You (or your advisors) have the knowledge   Gross  income  from  a  not-for-profit  activity  in-
         sign a 12-month lease, effective beginning Jan-  needed to carry on the activity as a suc-
         uary 1, 2023, and immediately pay your rent for   cessful business,     cludes  the  total  of  all  gains  from  the  sale,  ex-
                                                                                 change, or other disposition of property, and all
         the entire 12-month period that begins on Janu-  • You were successful in making a profit in
         ary 1, 2023. The right or benefit attributable to   similar activities in the past,  other  gross  receipts  derived  from  the  activity.
                                                                                 Gross  income  from  the  activity  also  includes
         the  payment  neither  extends  more  than  12   • The activity makes a profit in some years,
         months  beyond  January  1,  2023  (the  first  day   and               capital gains and rents received for the use of
                                                                                 property that is held in connection with the ac-
         that you are entitled to use the property) nor be-  • You can expect to make a future profit from
         yond  the  tax  year  ending  December  31,  2023   the appreciation of the assets used in the   tivity.
         (the year following the year in which you made   activity.                 You  can  determine  gross  income  from  any
         the advance payment). Therefore, your prepay-                           not-for-profit  activity  by  subtracting  the  cost  of
         ment does not have to be capitalized, and you   Presumption  of  profit.    An  activity  is  pre-  goods sold from your gross receipts. However,
         can deduct the entire payment in the year you   sumed carried on for profit if it produced a profit   if  you  determine  gross  income  by  subtracting
         pay it.                             in at least 3 of the last 5 tax years, including the   cost  of  goods  sold  from  gross  receipts,  you
                                             current  year.  Activities  that  consist  primarily  of   must do  so consistently, and in  a  manner  that
         Contested  liability.  Under  the  cash  method,   breeding,  training,  showing,  or  racing  horses   follows generally accepted methods of account-
         you can deduct a contested liability only in the   are  presumed  carried  on  for  profit  if  they  pro-  ing.
         year  you  pay  the  liability.  Under  the  accrual   duced  a  profit  in  at  least  2  of  the  last  7  tax
         method,  you  can  deduct  contested  liabilities   years,  including  the  current  year.  The  activity   Limit on Deductions
         such  as  taxes  (except  foreign  or  U.S.  posses-  must  be  substantially  the  same  for  each  year
         sion  income,  war  profits,  and  excess  profits   within  this  period.  You  have  a  profit  when  the   You can no longer claim any miscella-
         taxes) either in the tax year you pay the liability   gross income from an activity exceeds the de-  !  neous  itemized  deductions.  Miscella-
         (or  transfer  money  or  other  property  to  satisfy   ductions.       CAUTION  neous  itemized  deductions  are  those
         the obligation) or in the tax year you settle the   If  a  taxpayer  dies  before  the  end  of  the   deductions that would have been subject to the
         contest. However, to take the deduction in the   5-year (or 7-year) period, the “test” period ends   2%-of-adjusted-gross-income  limitation.  You
         year of payment or transfer, you must meet cer-  on the date of the taxpayer's death.  can still claim certain expenses as itemized de-
         tain  conditions.  See  Regulations  section   If  your  business  or  investment  activity   ductions on Schedule A (Form 1040).
         1.461-2.                            passes  this  3-  (or  2-)  years-of-profit  test,  the
         Related person.  Under the accrual method of   IRS will presume it is carried on for profit. This   Deductions  you  can  take  for  personal  as
                                             means the limits discussed here will not apply.
         accounting,  you  generally  deduct  expenses   You can take all your business deductions from   well as for business activities are allowed in full.
                                                                                 For  individuals,  all  nonbusiness  deductions,
         when you incur them, even if you have not yet   the activity, even for the years that you have a
         paid them. However, if you and the person you   loss.  You  can  rely  on  this  presumption  unless   such  as  those  for  home  mortgage  interest,
                                                                                 taxes, and casualty losses, may also be deduc-
         owe are related and that person uses the cash   the IRS later shows it to be invalid.
         method  of  accounting,  you  must  pay  the  ex-                       ted.  Deduct  them  on  the  appropriate  lines  of
                                                                                 Schedule A (Form 1040).
         pense before you can deduct it. Your deduction   Using the presumption later.   If you are start-
         is allowed when the amount is includible in in-  ing  an  activity  and  do  not  have  3  (or  2)  years   For  the  limits  that  apply  to  home  mortgage
         come  by  the  related  cash  method  payee.  For   showing a profit, you can elect to have the pre-  interest, see Pub. 936.
         more information, see Related Persons in Pub.   sumption made after you have the 5 (or 7) years   Generally,  you  can  deduct  a  casualty  loss
         538.                                of experience allowed by the test.  on  property  you  own  for  personal  use  only  to
                                                You can elect to do this by filing Form 5213.   the  extent  each  casualty  loss  is  more  than
                                             Filing  this  form  postpones  any  determination   $100,  and  the  total  of  all  casualty  losses  ex-
                                             that your activity is not carried on for profit until   ceeds  10%  of  your  adjusted  gross  income
                                             5  (or  7)  years  have  passed  since  you  started   (AGI).  See  Pub.  547  for  more  information  on
                                             the activity.                       casualty losses.
                                                                          Chapter 1  Deducting Business Expenses    Page 7
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