Page 68 - Small Business Taxes
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         Generally, reasonable pay is the amount that a   • It is awarded as part of a meaningful pre-  You may not owe employment taxes on
         similar business would pay for the same or simi-  sentation.             TIP  the value of some achievement awards
         lar services.                         • It is awarded under conditions and circum-  you provide to an employee. See Pub.
            To determine if pay is reasonable, also con-  stances that don't create a significant likeli-  15-B.
         sider the following items and any other pertinent   hood of disguised pay.
         facts.                                 Tangible  personal  property.    An  award
           • The duties performed by the employee.  isn't an item of tangible personal property if it is   Bonuses
           • The volume of business handled.  an award of cash, cash equivalents, gift cards,
           • The character and amount of responsibil-                            You  can  generally  deduct  a  bonus  paid  to  an
             ity.                            gift  coupons,  or  gift  certificates  (other  than  ar-  employee  if  you  intended  the  bonus  as  addi-
           • The complexities of your business.  rangements granting only the right to select and   tional  pay  for  services,  not  as  a  gift,  and  the
                                             receive  tangible  personal  property  from  a  limi-
           • The amount of time required.    ted  assortment  of  items  preselected  or  preap-  services  were  performed.  However,  the  total
           • The cost of living in the locality.  proved  by  you).  Also,  tangible  personal  prop-  bonuses, salaries, and other pay must be rea-
           • The ability and achievements of the indi-  erty  doesn't  include  vacations,  meals,  lodging,   sonable for the services performed. If the bonus
             vidual employee performing the service.                             is paid in property, see Property, later.
           • The pay compared with the gross and net   tickets  to  theater  or  sporting  events,  stocks,
                                             bonds, other securities, and other similar items.
             income of the business, as well as with dis-                        Gifts  of  nominal  value.  If,  to  promote  em-
             tributions to shareholders if the business is   Length-of-service  award.  An  award  will   ployee goodwill, you distribute merchandise of
             a corporation.                  qualify  as  a  length-of-service  award  only  if  ei-  nominal value or other de minimis items to your
           • Your policy regarding pay for all your em-  ther of the following applies.  employees at holidays, you can deduct the cost
             ployees.                          • The employee receives the award after   of  these  items  as  a  nonwage  business  ex-
           • The history of pay for each employee.  their first 5 years of employment.  pense. See Pub. 15-B for additional information
                                               • The employee didn't receive another   on  de  minimis  fringe  benefits.  If  you  provide
         Compensation in excess of $1 million.  Pub-  length-of-service award (other than one of   food to your employees, your business deduc-
         licly held corporations can't deduct compensa-  very small value) during the same year or   tion  may  be  limited;  see  Meals  and  lodging,
         tion to a “covered employee” to the extent that   in any of the prior 4 years.  later.
         the compensation for the tax year exceeds $1
         million. For more information, including the defi-  Safety achievement award.  An award for   Education Expenses
         nition of a “covered employee,” see the Instruc-  safety  achievement  will  qualify  as  an  achieve-
         tions for Form 1125-E and Regulations section   ment award unless one of the following applies.  If you pay or reimburse education expenses for
         1.162-33.                             1. It is given to a manager, administrator,   an  employee,  you  can  deduct  the  payments  if
                                                 clerical employee, or other professional   they  are  part  of  a  qualified  educational  assis-
         Test 2—For Services                     employee.                       tance program. Deduct them on the “Employee
         Performed                             2. During the tax year, more than 10% of   benefit  programs”  or  other  appropriate  line  of
                                                 your employees, excluding those listed in   your tax return. For information on educational
         You  must  be  able  to  prove  the  payment  was   (1), have already received a safety ach-  assistance  programs,  see  Educational  Assis-
                                                                                 tance in section 2 of Pub. 15-B.
         made for services actually performed.   ievement award (other than one of very
                                                 small value).                         Section  2206  of  the  CARES  Act  ex-
         Employee-shareholder  salaries.  If  a  corpo-  Deduction  limit.  Your  deduction  for  the   TIP  pands the definition of educational as-
         ration  pays  an  employee  who  is  also  a  share-  cost of employee achievement awards given to   sistance  to  include  certain  employer
         holder  a  salary  that  is  unreasonably  high  con-  any one employee during the tax year is limited   payments of student loans paid after March 27,
         sidering  the  services  actually  performed,  the   to the following.  2020. The exclusion applies to the payment by
         excessive part of the salary may be treated as a                        an employer, whether paid to the employee or
         constructive  dividend  to  the  employee-share-  • $400 for awards that aren't qualified plan   to a lender, of principal or interest on any quali-
         holder.  The  excessive  part  of  the  salary                          fied  education  loan  incurred  by  the  employee
         wouldn't  be  allowed  as  a  salary  deduction  by   • $1,600 for all awards, whether or not quali-  for the education of the employee. Qualified ed-
                                                 fied plan awards.
         the corporation. For more information on corpo-                         ucation loans are defined in chapter 10 of Pub.
         rate distributions to shareholders, see Pub. 542.  A  qualified  plan  award  is  an  achievement   970.  This  exclusion  expires  January  1,  2026,
                                             award  given  as  part  of  an  established  written   unless extended by future legislation.
         Kinds of Pay                        plan or program that doesn't favor highly com-
                                             pensated employees as to eligibility or benefits.
                                                A highly compensated employee is an em-  Fringe Benefits
         Some of the ways you may provide pay to your   ployee who meets either of the following tests.
         employees in addition to regular wages or salar-  1. The employee was a 5% owner at any   A fringe benefit is a form of pay for the perform-
         ies are discussed next. For specialized and de-  time during the year or the preceding year.  ance of services. You can generally deduct the
         tailed  information  on  employees'  pay  and  the                      cost of fringe benefits.
         employment  tax  treatment  of  employees'  pay,   2. The employee received more than   You may be able to exclude all or part of the
         see Pubs. 15, 15-A, and 15-B.           $130,000 in pay for the preceding year.  value of some fringe benefits from your employ-
                                             You  can  choose  to  ignore  test  (2)  if  the  em-  ees'  pay.  You  also  may  not  owe  employment
         Awards                              ployee wasn't also in the top 20% of employees   taxes  on  the  value  of  the  fringe  benefits.  See
                                             when ranked by pay for the preceding year.  Table 2-1 in Pub. 15-B for details.
                                                An award isn't a qualified plan award if the
         You can generally deduct amounts you pay to   average  cost  of  all  the  employee  achievement   Generally, no deduction is allowed for activi-
         your  employees  as  awards,  whether  paid  in   awards given during the tax year (that would be   ties   generally   considered   entertainment,
         cash or property. If you give property to an em-  qualified  plan  awards  except  for  this  limit)  is   amusement, or recreation, or for a facility used
         ployee  as  an  employee  achievement  award,   more than $400. To figure this average cost, ig-  in connection with such activity. However, you
         your deduction may be limited.
                                             nore awards of nominal value.       may deduct these expenses if the goods, serv-
         Achievement awards.  An achievement award   Deduct achievement awards, up to the max-  ices, or facilities are treated as compensation to
                                                                                 the recipient and reported on Form W-2 for an
         is  an  item  of  tangible  personal  property  that   imum  amounts  listed  earlier,  as  a  nonwage   employee  or  on  Form  1099-NEC  for  an  inde-
         meets all the following requirements.  business  expense  on  your  return  or  business   pendent contractor. If the recipient is an officer,
           • It is given to an employee for length of   schedule.                director, beneficial owner (directly or indirectly),
             service or safety achievement.                                      or  other  “specified  individual”  (as  defined  in

                                                                                     Chapter 2  Employees' Pay    Page 9
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