Page 67 - Small Business Taxes
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            Disaster tax relief.   For personal casualty   qualified  sick  and  family  leave  wages  in  2022   You may be able to claim employment
         losses  resulting  from  federally  declared  disas-  for  leave  taken  after  March  31,  2020,  and  be-  TIP  credits,  such  as  the  credits  listed  be-
         ters that occurred before 2018, you may be en-  fore  October  1,  2021,  are  eligible  to  claim  a   low,  if  you  meet  certain  requirements.
         titled to disaster tax relief. As a result, you may   credit for qualified sick and family leave wages   You must reduce your deduction for employee
         be  required  to  figure  your  casualty  loss  differ-  in 2022. For more information about the credit   wages  by  the  amount  of  employment  credits
         ently. For tax years beginning after 2017, casu-  for qualified sick and family leave wages, go to   that  you  claim.  For  more  information  about
         alty and theft losses are allowed only to the ex-         these  credits,  see  the  instructions  for  the  form
         tent  it  is  attributable  to  a  federally  declared                  on which the credit is claimed.
         disaster.  For  more  information,  see  Pub.  976,   The  COVID-19  related  employee  retention
         Disaster Relief.                    credit  has  expired.  The  employee  retention   • Work opportunity credit (Form 5884).
                                             credit enacted under the Coronavirus Aid, Re-  • Empowerment zone employment credit
         Partnerships and S corporations.   If a part-  lief,  and  Economic  Security  (CARES)  Act  and   (Form 8844).
         nership  or  S  corporation  carries  on  a   amended  and  extended  by  the  Taxpayer  Cer-  • Credit for employer differential wage pay-
         not-for-profit  activity,  these  limits  apply  at  the   tainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020 was   ments (Form 8932).
         partnership or S corporation level. They are re-  limited to qualified wages paid after March 12,   • Employer credit for paid family and medi-
         flected  in  the  individual  shareholder's  or  part-  2020,  and  before  July  1,  2021.  The  employee   cal leave (Form 8994).
         ner's distributive shares.          retention credit under section 3134 of the Inter-
                                             nal Revenue Code, as enacted by the ARP and
         More  than  one  activity.    If  you  have  several   amended  by  the  Infrastructure  Investment  and   Topics
         undertakings,  each  may  be  a  separate  activity   Jobs Act, was limited to wages paid after June   This chapter discusses:
         or several undertakings may be combined. The   30,  2021,  and  before  October  1,  2021,  unless
         following are the most significant facts and cir-  the employer was a recovery startup business.   • Tests for deducting pay
         cumstances in making this determination.  An employer that was a recovery startup busi-  • Kinds of pay
           • The degree of organizational and eco-  ness  could  also  claim  the  employee  retention
             nomic interrelationship of various under-  credit for wages paid after September 30, 2021,   Useful Items
             takings.                        and before January 1, 2022.         You may want to see:
           • The business purpose that is (or might be)   Credit for COBRA premium assistance pay-
             served by carrying on the various under-  ments is limited to periods of coverage be-
             takings separately or together in a busi-  ginning  on  or  after  April  1,  2021,  through   Publication
             ness or investment setting.     periods of coverage beginning on or before     15   15 Employer's Tax Guide
           • The similarity of the undertakings.  September  30,  2021.    Section  9501  of  the     15-A   15-A Employer's Supplemental Tax Guide
            The  IRS  will  generally  accept  your  charac-  ARP provides for COBRA premium assistance
         terization if it is supported by facts and circum-  in  the  form  of  a  full  reduction  in  the  premium     15-B   15-B Employer's Tax Guide to Fringe
         stances.                            otherwise  payable  by  certain  individuals  and   Benefits
               If you are carrying on two or more dif-  their  families  who  elect  COBRA  continuation   Form (and Instructions)
                                             coverage due to a loss of coverage as the result
          TIP  ferent  activities,  keep  the  deductions   of a reduction in hours or an involuntary termi-
               and  income  from  each  one  separate.   nation of employment (assistance eligible indi-    1099-NEC  1099-NEC Nonemployee Compensation
         Figure   separately   whether   each   is   a   viduals).  This  COBRA  premium  assistance  is     W-2   W-2 Wage and Tax Statement
         not-for-profit activity. Then figure the limit on de-  available for periods of coverage beginning on
         ductions and losses separately for each activity   or after April 1, 2021, through periods of cover-  See  chapter  12  for  information  about  getting
         that is not for profit.             age  beginning  on  or  before  September  30,   publications and forms.
                                             2021.  A  premium  payee  is  entitled  to  the  CO-
                                             BRA premium assistance credit at the time an   Tests for Deducting Pay
                                             eligible  individual  elects  coverage.  Therefore,
                                             due  to  the  COBRA  notice  and  election  period
                                             requirements  (generally,  employers  have  60   To be deductible, your employees' pay must be
                                                                                 an  ordinary  and  necessary  business  expense
         2.                                  days  to  provide  notice  and  assistance  eligible   and you must pay or incur it. These and other
                                             individuals  have  60  days  to  elect  coverage),
                                             some  employers  may  be  eligible  to  claim  the   requirements that apply to all business expen-
                                             COBRA premium assistance credit on employ-  ses are explained in chapter 1.
         Employees' Pay                      ment tax returns for the first quarter of 2022.  In  addition,  the  pay  must  meet  both  of  the
                                             Advance  payment  of  COVID-19  credits   following tests.
                                             ended.  Although  you  may  pay  qualified  sick   • Test 1. It must be reasonable.
                                                                                   • Test 2. It must be for services performed.
         What's New                          and family leave wages in 2022 for leave taken   The form or method of figuring the pay doesn't
                                             after  March  31,  2020,  and  before  October  1,
                                             2021,  or  provide  COBRA  premium  assistance   affect  its  deductibility.  For  example,  bonuses
         The  COVID-19  related  credit  for  qualified   payments in 2022, you may no longer request   and  commissions  based  on  sales  or  earnings,
         sick  and  family  leave  wages  is  limited  to   an  advance  payment  of  any  credit  on  Form   and paid under an agreement made before the
         leave  taken  after  March  31,  2020,  and  be-  7200,  Advance  Payment  of  Employer  Credits   services were performed, are both deductible.
         fore  October  1,  2021.    Generally,  the  credit   Due to COVID-19.
         for  qualified  sick  and  family  leave  wages,  as                    Test 1—Reasonableness
         enacted  under  the  Families  First  Coronavirus
         Response Act (FFCRA) and amended and ex- Introduction                   You must be able to prove that the pay is rea-
         tended by the COVID-related Tax Relief Act of                           sonable.  Whether  the  pay  is  reasonable  de-
         2020, for leave taken after March 31, 2020, and   You can generally deduct the amount you pay   pends on the circumstances that existed when
         before April 1, 2021, and the credit for qualified   your  employees  for  the  services  they  perform.   you contracted for the services, not those that
         sick  and  family  leave  wages  under  sections   The pay may be in cash, property, or services. It   exist when reasonableness is questioned. If the
         3131, 3132, and 3133 of the Internal Revenue   may include wages, salaries, bonuses, commis-  pay is excessive, the excess pay is disallowed
         Code, as enacted under the American Rescue   sions, or other noncash compensation such as   as a deduction.
         Plan Act of 2021 (the ARP), for leave taken after   vacation allowances and fringe benefits. For in-
         March  31,  2021,  and  before  October  1,  2021,   formation  about  deducting  employment  taxes,   Factors to consider.   Determine the reasona-
         have  expired.  However,  employers  that  pay   see chapter 5.         bleness of pay by the facts and circumstances.
         Page 8    Chapter 2  Employees' Pay
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