Page 58 - Small Business Taxes
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                                                Public official 26               Rent expense 36
         K                                      Real estate agent 26             Rental income 21
         Kickbacks 24, 39                       Securities dealer 26             Repayment of income 14
                                                Securities trader 26             Reportable transaction disclosure
         L                                   Office in the home 31                  statement 5
         Lease bonus 21                       (See also Business use of your     Reporting self-employment tax 44
         Lease cancellation payments 21         home)                            Restricted property 23
         Legal fees 35                       Optional methods, using both 43     Retirement plans (See Pension
         Like-kind exchanges 17, 25          Ordinary gain or loss 18               plans)
         Limited liability company 3         Orphan drug credit 19               S
         Listed property 24                  P
         Lobbying expense 39                                                     Salaries 33
         Local transportation expenses 31    Parking fees 32                     Sale of a business 17
         Lodging 37                          Partners, husband and wife 3        Sale of property 17
         Long-term capital gain or loss 18   Pay, kinds of 33                     (See also Disposition of property)
         Lost income payments 23             Paying:                             Sales of assets 16
         Low sulfur diesel fuel production      Business taxes 5                 Sales tax 37
            credit 19                           Income tax 8                     Schedule C 6
         Low-income housing credit 19        Payments to third parties 21        Schedule SE (Form 1040 or
                                                                                    1040-SR) 9
                                             Penalties and fines 39
         M                                   Penalty:                            Schedule SE, filing requirement 44
         Meals 37                               Failure to file Form 8300 12     SE tax:
         Methods for figuring net               Failure to file information returns 11  About 9
            earnings 41                         Failure to furnish correct payee    Aliens 40
         Mileage rate for vehicles 32             statements 11                     Child employed by parent 40
         Motor vehicle, alternative credit 18   Underpayment of tax 9               Church employee 40
                                                                                    Community property income 41
                                                Waiver of 11
         N                                   Pension plans 35                       Deduction for 36
         Net operating losses 40             Personal property tax 36               Earning credits 9
         Net profit or loss 39               Prepaid expense:                       Effects of using an optional
                                                                                      method 42
         New markets credit 19                  Extends useful life 35              Farm optional method 43
         Newspaper carrier or                   Rent 36                             Fiscal year filer 44
            distributor 26                   Professional fees 35
         Newspaper or magazine vendor 26     Promissory notes 23                    Fishing crew member 40
         Nonbusiness bad debt 31             Public official 26                     Gain or loss 41
         Nondeductible insurance             Publications (See Tax help)            Government employee 41
            premiums 34                      Punitive damages 24                    Joint return 44
         Nonemployee compensation 20                                                Lost income payments 41
         Nontaxable exchanges 17             Q                                      Maximum earnings:
         Not income:                         Qualified plug-in electric drive         For 2020 9
            Appreciation 24                     motor vehicle credit 19               Subject to 40
            Consignments 24                  Qualified railroad track               Methods for figuring net
            Constructions allowances 24         maintenance credit 19                 earnings 41
            Exchange of like-kind property 25  Qualified real property business     More than one business 41, 44
            Leasehold improvements 25           debt 23                             Nonfarm optional method 42
            Loans 25                         R                                      Notary public 41
            Sales tax 25                                                            Optional methods:
         Not-for-profit activities 40        Real estate:                             Farm 43
                                                                                      Nonfarm 42
         Notary public 26, 41                   Agent 26                            Rate 40
                                                Dealer 21
         O                                      Rent 21                             Regular method 42
         Occupations, selected:                 Taxes 36                            Residing abroad 41
            Administrator 25                 Recovery of items previously           Special rules and exceptions 40
                                                deducted 24
            Direct seller 25, 26             Refund:                                Tax rate 9
            Executor 25                                                             Time limit for posting income 9
            Fishing crew member 25              Inquiries 7                         Who must pay? 40
                                                Offsets against debts 7
            Insurance agent, former 25                                              Why use an optional method 41
            Insurance agent, retired 26      Related persons:                    Section 179:
                                                Unreasonable rent 36
            Newspaper carrier or distributor 26                                     Deduction 33
            Newspaper or magazine vendor 26  Renewable electricity, refined coal,   Property 24
                                                and Indian coal production
            Notary public 26                    credit 19                        Securities:
                                                                                    Dealer 26
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