Page 231 - Internal Auditing Standards
P. 231

Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1—Core Concepts

            Paragraph #           Relevant Extracts from ISAs

            700.46                If supplementary information that is not required by the applicable fi nancial reporting

                                  framework is presented with the audited financial statements, the auditor shall evaluate
                                  whether such supplementary information is clearly differentiated from the audited fi nancial

                                  statements. If such supplementary information is not clearly differentiated from the audited

                                  financial statements, the auditor shall ask management to change how the unaudited

                                  supplementary information is presented. If management refuses to do so, the auditor shall
                                  explain in the auditor’s report that such supplementary information has not been audited.
            700.47                Supplementary information that is not required by the applicable fi nancial reporting

                                  framework but is nevertheless an integral part of the financial statements because it cannot

                                  be clearly differentiated from the audited financial statements due to its nature and how it is
                                  presented shall be covered by the auditor’s opinion.

        The auditor’s report communicates the following information to the reader:
        •     Responsibilities of management;

        •     Responsibilities of the auditor and a description of the audit;
        •     The audit was conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing;

        •     The financial reporting framework used; and

        •     The auditor’s opinion on the fi nancial statements.

        The form of the auditor’s report will be affected by the financial reporting framework used, any additional
        requirements required by law or regulation, and the inclusion of any supplementary information. The
        auditor’s report is entitled the “Independent Auditor’s Report,” and headings are required for each paragraph
        as follows:
        •     Report on the Financial Statements;

        •     Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements;
        •     Auditor’s Responsibility; and

        •     Opinion.

        Other headings for paragraphs that may be used where applicable are:
        •     Emphasis of Matter; and

        •     Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements.

        The main components of the auditor’s report (which have to be in writing) are outlined in the following exhibit.

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