Page 33 - Withholding Taxes for Foreign Entities
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         regulations for information on these special re-  For transactions entered into before January   each  underlying  security.  The  section  871(m)
         quirements.                         1, 2017, a SNPC is any NPC if:      amount  is  described  in  Regulations  section
                                               • In connection with entering into the con-  1.871-15(q)(3).
         Dividend Equivalents                    tract, any long party to the contract trans-  For  more  information  on  amounts  paid  to
                                                 fers the underlying security to any short   QDDs,  see  the  Chapter  3  regulations  issued
         Dividend  equivalent  payments.    Dividend   party to the contract;    with  the  section  871(m)  regulations.  You  can
         equivalent payments are treated as U.S. source   • In connection with the termination of the   view   the   regulations   at
         dividends  such  that  withholding  under  Chap-  contract, any short party to the contract   2017-09_IRB#TD-9815.
         ter 3 may apply. Use Income Code 34 or 40 to   transfers the underlying security to any
         report  dividend  equivalent  payments.  Dividend   long party to the contract;  Gains
         equivalent  payments  are  withholdable  pay-  • The underlying security is not readily trade-
         ments  except  when  an  exception  applies  for   able on an established securities market;   You  generally  do  not  need  to  withhold  under
         Chapter 4 purposes.                     or                              Chapter 3 or 4 on any gain from the sale of real
            A dividend equivalent is a payment (as de-  • In connection with entering into the con-  or personal property because it is not FDAP in-
         fined  in  Regulations  section  1.871-15(c))  that,   tract, the underlying security is posted as   come.  However,  see  U.S.  Real  Property  Inter-
         directly or indirectly, is contingent on, or deter-  collateral by any short party to the contract   est, later.
         mined  by  reference  to,  the  payment  of  a  divi-  with any long party to the contract.
         dend  from  U.S.  sources.  Dividend  equivalent   For  more  information  regarding  dividend   Capital  gains  (Income  Code  9).  You  must
         payments include the following payments.  equivalents,  see  Regulations  section  1.871-15   withhold  at  30%,  or  if  applicable,  a  reduced
           1. A substitute dividend made under a secur-  and Notice 2020-2.      treaty rate, on the gross amount of the following
             ities lending or sale-repurchase transac-  Amounts  paid  to  qualified  securities   • Gains on the disposal of timber, coal, or
             tion involving a U.S. stock.    lenders (QSLs)  For 2017, a withholding agent   domestic iron ore with a retained economic
           2. A payment that references the payment of   that made payments of substitute dividends to a   interest, unless an election is made to treat
             a dividend from an underlying security   QSL  could  treat  the  QSL  as  the  recipient.  Be-  those gains as income effectively connec-
             made under a specified notional principal   ginning  January  1,  2019,  QSLs  can  no  longer   ted with a U.S. trade or business.
             contract.                       be treated as the recipient, except that a QSL   • Gains on contingent payments received
                                             may be treated as a recipient for substitute divi-
           3. A payment that references the payment of   dend payments made before January 1, 2023.   from the sale or exchange after October 4,
                                                                                     1966, of patents, copyrights, secret pro-
             a dividend from an underlying security   See Notice 2020-2.             cesses and formulas, goodwill, trade-
             made to a specified equity-linked instru-                               marks, trade brands, franchises, and other
             ment.                              Amounts  paid  to  QDDs.  Only  an  eligible   like property.
           4. Any payment determined by regulations to   entity that has entered into a QI agreement can   • Gains on certain transfers of all substantial
                                             be a QDD. An eligible entity is a home office or
             be substantially similar to a payment in (1)   branch that is a QI and that is:  rights to, or an undivided interest in, pat-
             or (2) above.                                                           ents if the transfers were made before Oc-
                                               1. A dealer in equity derivatives that is sub-  tober 5, 1966.
            Substitute  dividend  (Income  Code  34).   ject to regulatory supervision as a dealer   • Certain gains from the sale or exchange of
         A substitute dividend is any payment made un-  by a governmental authority in the jurisdic-  original issue discount obligations issued
         der  a  securities  lending  or  sale-repurchase   tion in which it was organized or operates;  after March 31, 1972. For more on with-
         transaction that (directly or indirectly) is contin-                        holding on original issue discount obliga-
         gent  upon,  or  determined  by  reference  to,  the   2. A bank or bank holding company that is   tions, see Interest, earlier.
         payment of a dividend from sources in the Uni-  subject to regulatory supervision as a
         ted States.                             bank or bank holding company (as appli-  If you do not know the amount of the gain,
                                                 cable) by a governmental authority in the   you must withhold an amount necessary to en-
            Specified  notional  principal  contracts   jurisdiction in which it was organized or   sure that the tax withheld will not be less than
         (SNPCs) and specified equity-linked instru-  operates;                  30% of the recognized gain. The amount to be
         ments (SELIs) (Income Code 40).                                         withheld, however, must not be more than 30%
                                               3. An entity that is wholly owned (directly or   of the amount payable because of the transac-
         Transactions entered into on or after Janu-  indirectly) by a bank or bank holding com-  tion.
         ary 1, 2017.                            pany subject to regulatory supervision as   Unless  you  have  reason  to  believe  other-
            For transactions entered into on or after Jan-  a bank or bank holding company (as appli-  wise, you may rely upon the written statement
         uary 1, 2017 (including as a result of a deemed   cable) by a governmental authority in the   of  the  person  entitled  to  the  income  as  to  the
         exchange pursuant to section 1001), a SNPC or   jurisdiction in which the bank or bank hold-  amount of gain. The Form W-8 or documentary
         SELI  is  a  notional  principal  contract  (NPC)  or   ing company (as applicable) was organ-  evidence must show the beneficial owner's ba-
         equity  linked  instrument,  respectively,  with  a   ized or operates and that entity, in its ca-  sis in the property giving rise to the gain.
         delta of 0.8 or greater if it is a simple contract   pacity as a dealer in equity derivatives:
         under Regulations section 1.871-15(a)(14)(i), or   a. Issues potential section 871(m) trans-  Tax treaties.  Many tax treaties exempt certain
         it meets the substantial equivalence test if it is a   actions to customers; and  types of gains from U.S. income tax. Be sure to
         complex  contract  under  Regulations  section                          carefully  check  the  provision  of  the  treaty  that
         1.871-15(a)(14)(ii).  See  Regulations  section   b. Receives dividends with respect to   applies before allowing an exemption from with-
         1.871-15(g)  for  the  delta  test  and  Regulations   stock or dividend equivalent pay-  holding.
         section  1.871-15(h)  for  the  substantial  equiva-  ments pursuant to potential section
         lence test.                                871(m) transactions that hedge po-  Royalties
            Notwithstanding  the  preceding  paragraph,   tential section 871(m) transactions
         for transactions entered into prior to January 1,   that it issued;     In general, you must withhold tax under Chap-
         2023,  transition  relief  provides  that,  subject  to   4. A foreign branch of a U.S. financial institu-  ter 3 on the payment of royalties from sources
         an anti-abuse rule, only delta-one transactions   tion if the foreign branch would be descri-  in the United States. However, certain types of
         will  be  treated  as  SNPCs  and  SELIs.  See   bed in (1), (2), or (3) had it been a sepa-  royalties are given reduced rates or exemptions
         Notice 2020-2.                          rate entity; or                 under some tax treaties. Accordingly, these dif-
            NPCs  entered  into  before  January  1,                             ferent types of royalties are treated as separate
         2017.                                 5. Any person otherwise acceptable to the   categories for withholding purposes. For Chap-
                                                 IRS.                            ter  4  purposes,  royalties  are  nonfinancial  pay-
                                                A QDD is liable for tax under section 881 on   ments and are therefore excluded as withholda-
                                             its section 871(m) amount for each dividend on   ble payments.

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