Page 38 - Withholding Taxes for Foreign Entities
P. 38

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             exercise of the ministry and not as an em-  employee submits Form 8233 to claim exemp-  Form W-4, and you must report wages and in-
             ployee of the United States, a U.S. posses-  tion from withholding under a tax treaty, the wa-  come tax withheld on Form W-2. However, you
             sion, or a foreign government, or any of   ges  are  reported  on  Form  1042-S  and  not  in   do  not  have  to  withhold  if  any  of  the  following
             their political subdivisions. These also in-  box 1 of Form W-2. Wages exempt under a tax   four exceptions applies.
             clude services performed by a member of   treaty may still be reported in the state and local
             a religious order in carrying out duties re-  wages  boxes  of  Form  W-2  if  such  wages  are   Exception  1.  Compensation  paid  for  labor
             quired by that order.           subject to state and local taxation. For more in-  or  personal  services  performed  in  the  United
           • Tips paid to an employee if they are paid in   formation, see the instructions for these forms.  States is deemed not to be income from sour-
             any medium other than cash or, if in cash,                          ces within the United States and is exempt from
             they amount to less than $20 in any calen-  Trust fund recovery penalty.  If you are a per-  U.S. income tax if:
             dar month in the course of employment.  son responsible for withholding, accounting for,   1. The labor or services are performed by a
            Services  performed  outside  the  United   or depositing or paying employment taxes, and   nonresident alien temporarily present in
                                             willfully fail to do so, you can be held liable for a
         States.  Compensation  paid  to  a  nonresident   penalty  equal  to  the  full  amount  of  the  unpaid   the United States for a period or periods
                                                                                     not exceeding a total of 90 days during the
         alien (other than a resident of Puerto Rico, dis-  trust fund tax, plus interest. A responsible per-  tax year;
         cussed later) for services performed outside the   son for this purpose can be an officer of a cor-
         United  States  is  not  considered  wages  and  is   poration, a partner, a sole proprietor, or an em-  2. The total pay does not exceed $3,000;
         not subject to withholding.         ployee  of  any  form  of  business.  A  trustee  or   and
            Special  instructions  for  Form  W-4.  A   agent with authority over the funds of the busi-  3. The pay is for labor or services performed
         nonresident  alien  subject  to  wage  withholding   ness also can be held responsible for the pen-  as an employee of, or under a contract
         must give the employer a completed Form W-4   alty.                         with:
         to enable the employer to figure how much in-  “Willfully”  in  this  case  means  voluntarily,   a. A nonresident alien individual, foreign
         come tax to withhold.               consciously,  and  intentionally.  You  are  acting   partnership, or foreign corporation
               A  nonresident  alien  cannot  claim  ex-  willfully  if  you  pay  other  expenses  of  the  busi-  that is not engaged in a trade or busi-
                                             ness instead of the withholding taxes.
           !   emption  from  withholding  on  Form                                     ness in the United States; or
          CAUTION  W-4.  Use  Form  8233  to  claim  a  tax   Social  security  and  Medicare  tax.  The  em-  b. A U.S. citizen or resident alien individ-
         treaty  exemption  from  withholding.  See  Form   ployer generally also must withhold Federal In-  ual, a domestic partnership, or a do-
         8233, earlier.                      surance  Contributions  Act  (FICA)  tax  and  file   mestic corporation, if the labor or
            In completing Form W-4, nonresident aliens   Form  941,  Employer's  QUARTERLY  Federal   services are performed for an office or
         should use the following instructions instead of   Tax Return. In certain cases, wages paid to stu-  place of business maintained in a for-
         the instructions on Form W-4.       dents and railroad and agricultural workers are   eign country or in a possession of the
           1. Check “Single or Married filing separately”   exempt from FICA tax. Wages paid to nonresi-  United States by this individual, part-
                                             dent  alien  students,  teachers,  researchers,
                                                                                        nership, or corporation.
             on Step 1(c) (regardless of actual marital   trainees, and other nonresident aliens in “F-1,”
             status).                        “J-1,”“ M-1,” or “Q” nonimmigrant status are not   If the total pay is more than $3,000, the en-
           2. Write “Nonresident Alien” or “NRA” in the   subject to FICA. See Pub. 15-T for the rules on   tire amount is income from sources in the Uni-
             space below Step 4(c).          withholding.                        ted States and is subject to U.S. tax.
                                                In  addition  to  withholding  Medicare  tax  at
            For more information see Notice 1392.  1.45%,  you  must  withhold  a  0.9%  Additional   Also,  compensation  paid  for  labor  or  serv-
               Nonresident  alien  employees  are  not   Medicare Tax from wages you pay in excess of   ices  performed  in  the  United  States  by  a  non-
                                                                                 resident alien in connection with the individual's
          TIP  required to request an additional with-  $200,000  in  a  calendar  year.  See  Pub.15  for   temporary  presence  in  the  United  States  as  a
               holding amount, but they can choose to   more information.
         have an additional amount withheld.                                     regular member of the crew of a foreign vessel
                                             Federal unemployment tax (FUTA).  The em-  engaged  in  transportation  between  the  United
                                             ployer  must  pay  FUTA  tax  and  file  Form  940,   States and a foreign country or a U.S. posses-
         Determining amount to withhold.  Employers   Employer's  Annual  Federal  Unemployment   sion is not income from sources within the Uni-
         are required to add an amount to the wages of a   (FUTA)  Tax  Return.  Only  the  employer  pays   ted States.
         nonresident  alien  employee  solely  for  the  pur-  this tax; it is not deducted from the employee's
         pose of calculating income tax withholding. The   wages. In certain cases, wages paid to students   Exception 2.  Compensation paid by a for-
         specific amounts depend on the payroll period.   and  railroad  and  agricultural  workers  are  ex-  eign employer to a nonresident alien for the pe-
         These  amounts  can  be  found  in  Withholding   empt from FUTA tax. For more information, see   riod the alien is temporarily present in the Uni-
         Adjustment for Nonresident Alien Employees in   the instructions for Form 940.  ted States on an “F,” “J,” or “Q” visa is exempt
         the  Introduction  of  Pub.  15-T.  This  adjustment   Wages  paid  to  nonresident  alien  students,   from  U.S.  income  tax.  For  this  purpose,  a  for-
         does  not  apply  to  students  and  business  ap-  teachers, researchers, trainees, and other non-  eign employer means:
         prentices from India.               resident aliens in “F-1,” “J-1,” “M-1,” or “Q” non-  • A nonresident alien individual, foreign part-
                                                                                     nership, or foreign corporation; or
               Do  not  include  the  additional  amount   immigrant status are not subject to FUTA tax.  • An office or place of business maintained
           !   on  the  employee's  Form  W-2,  Wage                                 in a foreign country or in a U.S. possession
          CAUTION  and Tax Statement.        Pay  for  dependent  personal  services  (In-  by a domestic corporation, a domestic
                                             come Code 18).  Dependent personal services   partnership, or an individual U.S. citizen or
         Reporting  requirements  for  wages  and   are  personal  services  performed  in  the  United   resident.
                                             States  by  a  nonresident  alien  individual  as  an
         withheld  taxes  paid  to  nonresident  aliens.  employee  rather  than  as  an  independent  con-
         The employer must report the amount of wages   tractor.                    You can exempt the payment from withhold-
         and deposits of withheld income and social se-                          ing  if  you  can  reliably  associate  the  payment
         curity  and  Medicare  taxes  by  filing  Form  941.   Pay for dependent personal services is sub-  with a Form W-8BEN containing the TIN of the
         Household  employers  should  see  Pub.  926,   ject  to  Chapter  3  withholding  and  reporting  as   payee.
         Household Employer's Tax Guide, for informa-  follows.
         tion on reporting and paying employment taxes   Graduated  rates.  Ordinarily,  you  must   Exception 3.  Compensation paid to certain
         on wages paid to household employees.  withhold  on  pay  (wages)  for  dependent  per-  residents  of  Canada  or  Mexico  who  enter  or
                                                                                 leave the United States at frequent intervals is
            Form W-2.  The employer also must report   sonal services using graduated rates. The non-  not  subject  to  withholding.  These  aliens  must
         on  Form  W-2  the  wages  subject  to  Chapter  3   resident alien must complete Form W-4 as dis-  either:
         withholding  and  the  withheld  taxes.  You  must   cussed  earlier  under  Special  instructions  for   • Perform duties in transportation services
         give copies of this form to the employee. If the                            (such as a railroad, bus, truck, ferry,
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