Page 42 - Withholding Taxes for Foreign Entities
P. 42

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            However,  if  a  foreign  organization  is  a  for-  • Exemption for certain annuities (see Pen-  Note.  All  acceptance  agents  will  be  re-
         eign  private  foundation,  it  is  subject  to  a  4%   sions, Annuities, and Alimony, earlier).  quired  to  adhere  to  new  quality  standards  es-
         withholding tax on all U.S. source investment in-  • Exemption based on exempt organization   tablished and monitored by the IRS.
         come. For a foreign tax-exempt organization to   or private foundation status.  A payment is unexpected if you or the bene-
         claim  an  exemption  from  withholding  under                          ficial owner could not have reasonably anticipa-
         Chapter 3 or 4 because of its tax-exempt status   A foreign TIN also may be required for cer-  ted  the  payment  during  a  time  when  an  ITIN
         under section 501(c), or to claim withholding at   tain account holders (see Foreign TIN require-  could be obtained. This could be due to the na-
         a  4%  rate,  it  must  provide  you  with  a  Form   ment  for  account  holders,  later).  In  addition,  a   ture  of  the  payment  or  the  circumstances  in
         W-8EXP.  However,  if  a  foreign  organization  is   U.S.  TIN  must  be  on  a  withholding  certificate   which the payment is made. A payment is not
         claiming  an  exemption  from  withholding  under   from a person claiming to be any of the follow-  considered  unexpected  solely  because  the
         an income tax treaty, or the income is unrelated   ing.                 amount of the payment is not fixed.
         business taxable income, the organization must   • QI.
         provide a Form W-8BEN-E or W-8ECI. Income   • Withholding foreign partnership.  Example.    Mary,  a  citizen  and  resident  of
         paid to foreign tax-exempt organizations is sub-  • Withholding foreign trust.  Ireland,  visits  the  United  States  and  wins
         ject to reporting on Form 1042-S. If the organi-  • An organization claiming an exemption or   $5,000 playing a slot machine in a casino. Un-
         zation is a partner in a partnership carrying on a   reduced rate of withholding based solely   der the treaty with Ireland, the winnings are not
         trade  or  business  in  the  United  States,  the  ef-  on a claim of tax-exempt status under sec-  subject to U.S. tax. Mary claims the treaty bene-
         fectively connected income allocable to the or-  tion 501(c) or private foundation status.  fits by providing a Form W-8BEN to the casino
         ganization is subject to withholding under sec-  • U.S. branch of a foreign person treated as   upon winning at the slot machine. However, she
         tion 1446.                              a U.S. person (see Regulations section   does not have an ITIN or foreign TIN. The ca-
                                                 1.1441-1(b)(2)(iv)), and a U.S. branch of   sino is an acceptance agent that can request an
         Foreign  financial  institutions.  For  payments   an FFI acting as an intermediary that is not   ITIN on an expedited basis.
         made  to  a  reporting  Model  1  FFI  or  reporting   treated as a U.S person.  Situation  1.  Assume  that  Mary  won  the
         Model 2 FFI, see the applicable IGA for defini-  • U.S. person.         money on Sunday. Since the IRS does not is-
         tions  of  entities  described  under  this  heading.                   sue  ITINs  on  Sunday,  the  casino  can  pay
         You generally may rely on documentation provi-  Exceptions to U.S. TIN requirement.   A for-  $5,000  to  Mary  without  withholding  U.S.  tax.
         ded by such an FFI to treat an entity as descri-  eign  person  does  not  have  to  provide  a  U.S.   The casino must, on the following Monday, fax
         bed  under  this  heading  (included  under  the   TIN to claim a reduced rate of withholding under   a completed Form W-7 for Mary, including the
         class  of  a  nonreporting  IGA  FFI).  See  the  In-  a tax treaty if the requirements for the following   required certification, to the IRS for an expedi-
         structions for Form W-8BEN-E.       exceptions  are  met.  Instead  of  requesting  a   ted ITIN.
                                             U.S. TIN from a foreign payee, you may request   Situation  2.  Assume  that  Mary  won  the
                                             a foreign TIN issued by the payee’s country of   money on Monday. To pay the winnings without
         U.S. or Foreign TINs                residence except when the payee is a nonresi-  withholding U.S. tax, the casino must apply for
                                             dent  alien  individual  claiming  an  exemption   and get an ITIN for Mary because an expedited
         As  the  withholding  agent,  in  many  cases  you   from withholding on Form 8233.  ITIN is available from the IRS at the time of the
                                               • Income from marketable securities (dis-
         must request that the payee provide you with its   cussed earlier under Beneficial Owners).  payment.
         U.S. TIN. You must in such a case include the   • Unexpected payment to an individual in
         payee's  TIN  on  forms,  statements,  and  other   the case of a payment made by a U.S. fi-  Foreign  TIN  requirement  for  account  hold-
         tax documents. The payee's TIN may be any of   nancial institution to an account main-  ers.   If you are a U.S. office or branch of a de-
         the following.                          tained at a U.S. office (discussed next).  pository  institution,  custodial  institution,  invest-
           • An individual may have a social security                            ment  entity,  or  specified  insurance  company
             number (SSN). If the individual does not   Unexpected  payment.    A  Form  W-8BEN   (each  as  defined  in  Regulations  section
             have and is eligible for an SSN, he or she   or a Form 8233 provided by a nonresident alien   1.1471-5(e))  documenting  an  account  holder
             must use Form SS-5, Application for a So-  to get treaty benefits does not need a U.S. TIN   (as defined in Regulations section 1.1471-5(a)
             cial Security Card, to get an SSN. The SSA   if you, the withholding agent, meet all the follow-  (3)) of an account that is a financial account (as
             will tell the individual if he or she is eligible   ing requirements.  defined  in  Regulations  section  1.1471-5(b)),
             to get an SSN.                    • You are an acceptance agent.    you must obtain the account holder’s TIN for its
           • An individual may have an IRS individual   • You can request an ITIN for a payee on an   jurisdiction  of  tax  residence  (foreign  TIN)  on  a
             taxpayer identification number (ITIN). If the   expedited basis.    Form W-8 that is a beneficial owner withholding
             individual does not have and is not eligible   • You are required to make an unexpected   certificate in order for the form to not be invalid
             for an SSN, he or she must apply for an   payment to the nonresident alien.  for a payment of U.S. source income reportable
             ITIN by using Form W-7.           • You cannot get the ITIN because the IRS is   on Form 1042-S, unless:
           • Any person other than an individual, and   not issuing ITINs at the time you make the   • The account holder is a resident of a juris-
             any individual who is an employer or who   payment or at any earlier time after you   diction that is not listed in section 3 of Rev-
             is engaged in a U.S. trade or business as a   know you have to make the payment.  enue Procedure 2019-23 available at
             sole proprietor, must have an employer   • You cannot reasonably delay making the
             identification number (EIN). Use Form   unexpected payment.             PROC-2019-23, which may be further up-
                                                                                     dated in future published guidance;
             SS-4 to get an EIN.               • You submit a completed Form W-7 for the   • The account holder is a resident in a juris-
               Under  certain  circumstances,  a  finan-  payee, with a certification that you have re-  diction that has been identified by the IRS
                                                 viewed the required documentation and
           !   cial institution may be required to get a   have no actual knowledge or reason to   on a list of jurisdictions that do not issue
          CAUTION  GIIN  for  purposes  of  Chapter  4.  See   know that the documentation is not com-  foreign TINs. See
         Global  Intermediary  Identification  Numbers,   plete or accurate, to the IRS during the first   corporations/list-of-jurisdictions-that-do-
         later. See the Instructions for Form 8957 for in-  business day after you made the payment.  not-issue-foreign-tins;
         formation on whether a GIIN is needed.                                    • The account holder is a government, inter-
                                                An  acceptance  agent  is  a  person  who,  un-  national organization, foreign central bank
            A  U.S.  or  foreign  TIN  (as  applicable)  must   der a written agreement with the IRS, is author-  of issue, or resident of a U.S. territory; or
         be  on  a  withholding  certificate  if  the  beneficial   ized to help alien individuals and other foreign   • You obtain a reasonable explanation for
         owner is claiming any of the following.  persons  get  ITINs  or  EINs.  For  information  on   why the account holder has not been is-
           • Tax treaty benefits (see Exceptions to TIN   the application procedures for becoming an ac-  sued a foreign TIN.
             requirement, later).            ceptance agent, go to
                                                                                    A  reasonable  explanation  that  an  account
           • Income is effectively connected with a U.S.   ITIN-Acceptance-Agent-Program-Changes.  holder  does  not  have  a  foreign  TIN  must  ad-
             trade or business.                                                  dress why the account holder was not issued a
                                                                                 foreign  TIN  to  the  extent  provided  in  the
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