Page 40 - Withholding Taxes for Foreign Entities
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            Tax treaties.  Certain tax treaties provide a   The  designated  withholding  agent  must   blackjack,  baccarat,  craps,  roulette,  or  big-6
         limited  exemption  from  U.S.  income  tax  and   agree  to  withhold  income  tax  from  payments   wheel in the United States. A Form W-8BEN is
         from withholding on compensation paid to non-  made to the nonresident alien, to pay over the   not required to obtain the exemption from with-
         resident alien students or trainees during train-  withheld tax to the IRS on the dates and in the   holding, but a Form W-8BEN may be required
         ing in the United States for a limited period. In   amounts  specified  in  the  agreement,  and  to   for  purposes  of  Form  1099  reporting  and
         addition,  some  treaties  provide  an  exemption   have  the  IRS  apply  the  payments  of  withheld   backup  withholding.  Gambling  income  that  is
         from tax and withholding for compensation paid   tax  to  the  withholding  agent's  Form  1042  ac-  not subject to Chapter 3 withholding is not sub-
         by  the  U.S.  Government  or  its  contractor  to  a   count. The designated withholding agent will be   ject to reporting on Form 1042-S.
         nonresident alien student or trainee who is tem-  required to file Form 1042 and Form 1042-S for   Nonresident  aliens  are  taxed  at  graduated
         porarily present in the United States as a partic-  each tax year in which income is paid to a non-  rates on net gambling income won in the United
         ipant in a program sponsored by the U.S. Gov-  resident alien covered by the CWA. The desig-  States that is effectively connected with a U.S.
         ernment. See Tax Treaties, later, for information   nated withholding agent will issue Form 1042-S   trade or business.
         about  treaty  benefits.  However,  a  withholding   to  each  nonresident  alien  athlete  and  enter-
         agent  who  is  a  U.S.  resident,  a  U.S.  Govern-  tainer affected by the agreement.  Tax  treaties.  Gambling  income  of  resi-
         ment  agency,  or  its  contractor  must  report  the                   dents (as defined by treaty) of the following for-
         amount of pay on Form 1042-S.             A request for a CWA must be received   eign  countries  is  not  taxable  by  the  United
                                                   by the IRS at least 45 days before the
            Claimants  must  give  you  either  Form                             States:  Austria,  Belgium,  Bulgaria,  Czech  Re-
                                                   agreement  is  to  take  effect,  and  must
         W-8BEN or 8233, as applicable, to obtain these   contain  all  supporting  documentation  specified   public,  Denmark,  Finland,  France,  Germany,
         treaty benefits.                    in  the  instructions,  or  no  consideration  will  be   Hungary,  Iceland,  Ireland,  Italy,  Japan,  Latvia,
                                                                                 Lithuania,  Luxembourg,  Netherlands,  Russia,
         Artists and Athletes                given to entering into a CWA. Exceptions will be   Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain,
                                             considered  on  a  case-by-case  basis.  Form
                                                                                 Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, and the Uni-
         (Income Codes 42 and 43)            13930  must  be  mailed  to  the  address  below.   ted Kingdom.
                                             Form 13930-A must be submitted electronically   Gambling  income  of  residents  of  Malta  is
         Because many tax treaties contain a provision   through        taxed at 10%.
         for pay to artists and athletes, a separate cate-                          Claimants  must  give  you  a  Form  W-8BEN
         gory is assigned these payments for Chapter 3   Central Withholding Agreement Program  (with a U.S. or foreign TIN) to claim treaty bene-
         withholding  purposes.  This  category  includes   Internal Revenue Services  fits  on  gambling  income  that  is  not  effectively
         payments made for performances by public en-  Mail Stop: 1441           connected  with  a  U.S.  trade  or  business.  See
         tertainers  (such  as  theater,  motion  picture,  ra-  2001 Butterfield Rd.  U.S.  or  Foreign  TINs,  later,  for  when  you  can
         dio,  or  television  artists,  or  musicians)  or  ath-  Downer's Grove, IL 60515-1050  accept a Form W-8BEN without a TIN.
                                             For more information on the CWA program, go   Transportation  income.  U.S.  source  gross
            Use Income Code 42 to report payments to   to  transportation income (USSGTI), as defined in
         artists and athletes who have not signed a cen-  Central-Withholding-Agreements.  section  887,  is  not  subject  to  30%  gross  with-
         tral  withholding  agreement  (CWA),  discussed                         holding tax, and Chapter 4 withholding does not
         later. Use Income Code 43 to report payments                            apply to this income. Transportation income is
         to artists and athletes who have signed a CWA.  Tax  treaties.  Under  many  tax  treaties,  com-  income  from  the  use  of  a  vessel  or  aircraft,
                                             pensation paid to public entertainers or athletes
         Income Code 42.  You must withhold tax at a   for  services  performed  in  the  United  States  is   whether  owned,  hired,  or  leased,  or  from  the
                                                                                 performance  of  services  directly  related  to  the
         30% rate on payments to artists and athletes for   exempt from U.S. income tax if the artist or ath-  use  of  a  vessel  or  aircraft.  U.S.  source  gross
         services performed as independent contractors.   lete derives receipts for the tax year concerned,   transportation income includes 50% of all trans-
         See  Pay  for  independent  personal  services,   including  expenses  reimbursed  to  him/her  or   portation income from transportation that either
         earlier, for more information. You must withhold   borne  on  his/her  behalf,  not  in  excess  of   begins  or  ends  in  the  United  States.  USSGTI
         tax  at  graduated  rates  on  payments  to  artists   $10,000,  or  in  more  recent  treaties,  $20,000.   does not include transportation income of a for-
         and athletes for services performed as employ-  See  Tax  Treaties,  later,  for  information  about   eign corporation taxable in a U.S. possession.
         ees. See Pay for dependent personal services,   treaty benefits.        The recipient of USSGTI must pay tax on it an-
         earlier,  for  more  information.  However,  in  any   Employees  and  independent  contractors   nually  at  the  rate  of  4%  on  Section  I  of  Form
         situation  where  the  nature  of  the  relationship   may claim an exemption from withholding under   1120-F,  unless  the  income  is  effectively  con-
         between the payer of the income and the artist   a tax treaty by filing Form 8233. Often, however,   nected with the conduct of a U.S. trade or busi-
         or athlete is not ascertainable, you should with-  you will have to withhold at the statutory rates   ness  and  is  reportable  on  Section  II  of  Form
         hold at a rate of 30%.              on the total payments to the entertainer or ath-  1120-F.  Special  rules  apply  to  determine  if  a
                                             lete.  This  is  because  the  exemption  may  be   foreign corporation's USSGTI is effectively con-
         Income Code 43.  Nonresident alien entertain-  based upon factors that cannot be determined   nected with a U.S. trade or business.
         ers  and  athletes  who  perform  or  participate  in   until after the end of the year.
         events in the United States can request a CWA                              Canadian  truck  and  rail  income.  Under
         for  a  lower  rate  of  withholding.  A  CWA  is  an   Other Income    Article VIII (Transportation) of the U.S.–Canada
         agreement entered into by the athlete or enter-                         treaty,  any  U.S.  source  income  derived  by  a
         tainer, a designated withholding agent, and the   For the discussion of Income Codes 24, 25, and   Canadian company engaged in the operation of
         IRS.  Under  no  circumstances  will  a  CWA  re-  26,  see  U.S.  Real  Property  Interest,  later.  For   trucks or a railway as a common carrier or con-
         duce taxes withheld to less than the anticipated   the discussion of Income Code 27, see Publicly   tract carrier, and attributable to the transporta-
         amount of income tax liability.     Traded Partnerships, later.         tion of property between Canada and the Uni-
            Nonresident  alien  entertainers  or  athletes                       ted  States,  is  exempt  from  tax  in  the  United
         requesting a CWA must submit a written appli-  Gambling  winnings  (Income  Code  28).  In   States, provided the company is otherwise eligi-
         cation and appropriate attachments. Use Form   general,  nonresident  aliens  are  subject  to   ble for treaty benefits. Payments for the use of
         13930  to  apply  for  a  CWA,  for  a  nonresident   Chapter 3 withholding at 30% on the gross pro-  trucks (including trailers) or railway rolling stock,
         alien  entertainer  or  athlete  that  has  calendar   ceeds from gambling won in the United States if   or from the use, maintenance, or rental of con-
         year-to-date  U.S.  gross  income  of  at  least   that income is not effectively connected with a   tainers (including trailers and related equipment
         $10,000 before the nonresident alien is eligible   U.S. trade or business and is not exempted by   for the transport of containers) used to transport
         to apply for a CWA. Nonresident alien entertain-  treaty.  The  tax  withheld  and  winnings  are  re-  property  between  Canada  and  the  United
         ers  or  athletes  with  gross  income  of  less  than   portable on Forms 1042 and 1042-S. Chapter 4   States also are exempt from U.S. tax, provided
         $10,000 of calendar year-to-date U.S. gross in-  withholding does not apply to these proceeds.  the company is otherwise eligible for treaty ben-
         come  may  apply  for  a  CWA  by  submitting  the   No tax is imposed on nonbusiness gambling   efits.  Canadian  companies  must  file  Form
         new  Form  13930-A,  Application  for  Central   income  a  nonresident  alien  wins  playing   1120-F and Form  8833 to claim  an  exemption
         Withholding Agreement (Less than $10,000).                              from tax for profits from their operating income.
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