Page 36 - Withholding Taxes for Foreign Entities
P. 36

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         Prizes  and  awards.  Prizes  and  awards  are   Form 8233.  This form is used by a nonresident   includes,  but  is  not  limited  to,  the  following
         amounts received primarily in recognition of reli-  alien individual to claim a tax treaty exemption   items.
         gious, charitable, scientific, educational, artistic,   from withholding on some or all compensation   • A statement by each withholding agent
         literary, or civic achievement, or are received as   paid for:              from whom amounts of gross income ef-
         the result of entering a contest. A prize or award   • Independent personal services (self-em-  fectively connected with the conduct of a
         is  taxable  to  the  recipient  unless  all  of  the  fol-  ployment),     U.S. trade or business have been received
         lowing conditions are met.            • Dependent personal services, or     by the alien during the tax year. It must
           • The recipient was selected without any ac-  • Personal services income and noncom-  show the amount of income paid and the
             tion on his or her part to enter the contest   pensatory scholarship or fellowship in-  amount of tax withheld. The withholding
             or proceeding.                      come from the same withholding agent.  agent must sign the statement and include
           • The recipient is not required to render sub-  A  withholding  agent  that  receives  Form   a declaration that it is made under penal-
             stantial future services as a condition to re-  8233 from a nonresident alien individual claim-  ties of perjury.
             ceive the prize or award.       ing a tax treaty exemption must review the form,   • A statement by the withholding agent from
           • The prize or award is transferred by the   sign to indicate its acceptance, and forward the   whom the final payment of compensation
             payer to a governmental unit or tax-exempt   form to the IRS within 5 days of its acceptance.  for personal services will be received
             charitable organization as designated by                                showing the amount of final payment and
             the recipient.                  Form W-4.  This form is used by a person pro-  the amount that would be withheld if a final
                                                                                     withholding agent must sign the statement
         Targeted  grants  and  achievement  awards.   viding  dependent  personal  services  to  claim   payment exemption is not granted. The
                                             withholding allowances, but not a tax treaty ex-
         Targeted  grants  and  achievement  awards  re-  emption. Nonresident alien individuals are sub-  and include a declaration that it is made
         ceived by nonresident aliens for activities con-  ject  to  special  instructions  for  completing  the   under penalties of perjury.
         ducted outside the United States are treated as   Form  W-4.  See  the  discussion  under  Wages   • A statement by the alien that he or she
         income  from  foreign  sources.  Targeted  grants   Paid  to  Employees—Graduated  Withholding,   does not intend to receive any other
         and achievement awards are issued by exempt   later.                        amounts of gross income effectively con-
         organizations or by the United States (or one of                            nected with the conduct of a U.S. trade or
         its instruments or agencies), a state (or a politi-  Pay for independent personal services (In-  business during the current tax year.
         cal subdivision of a state), or the District of Co-  come  Code  17).  Independent  personal  serv-  • The amount of tax that has been withheld
         lumbia for an activity (or past activity in the case   ices (a term commonly used in tax treaties) are   (or paid) under any other provision of the
         of  an  achievement  award)  undertaken  in  the   personal services performed by an independent   Code or regulations for any income effec-
         public interest.                    nonresident alien contractor as contrasted with   tively connected with the conduct of a U.S.
                                                                                     trade or business during the current tax
         Pay for Personal                    those performed by an employee. This category   year.
                                             of pay includes payments for professional serv-
         Services Performed                  ices, such as fees of an attorney, physician, or   • The amount of any outstanding tax liabili-
                                             accountant  made  directly  to  the  person  per-  ties, including any interest and penalties,
                                             forming the services. It also includes honoraria   from the current tax year or prior tax peri-
         This  section  explains  the  rules  for  withholding   paid  by  colleges  and  universities  to  visiting   ods.
         tax from pay for personal services. You gener-  teachers, lecturers, and researchers.  • The provision of any income tax treaty un-
         ally must withhold tax at the 30% rate on com-  Pay  for  independent  personal  services  is   der which a partial or complete exemption
         pensation  you  pay  to  a  nonresident  alien  indi-  subject to Chapter 3 withholding and reporting   from withholding may be claimed, the
         vidual for labor or personal services performed   as follows.               country of the alien's residence, and a
         in the United States, unless that pay is specifi-                           statement of sufficient facts to justify an ex-
         cally  exempted  from  withholding  or  subject  to   30%  rate.  You  must  withhold  at  the  statu-  emption under that treaty.
         graduated withholding. This rule applies regard-  tory  rate  of  30%  on  all  payments  unless  the   The alien must give a statement, signed and
         less of your place of residence, the place where   alien enters into a withholding agreement or re-  verified  by  a  declaration  that  it  is  made  under
         the contract for service was made, or the place   ceives  a  final  payment  exemption  (discussed   penalties of perjury, that all the information pro-
         of payment.                         later).                             vided is true, and that to his or her knowledge
            Payments for personal services are not with-  Withholding  agreements.  Pay  for  per-  no relevant information has been omitted.
                                                                                    If satisfied with the information provided, the
         holdable payments under Chapter 4 when they   sonal services of a nonresident alien who is en-  Commissioner  or  his  delegate  will  determine
         are  nonfinancial  payments.  See  Regulations   gaged  during  the  tax  year  in  the  conduct  of  a   the  amount  of  the  alien's  tentative  income  tax
         section  1.1473-1(a)(4)(iii)  for  a  description  of   U.S. trade or business may be wholly or parti-  for the tax year on gross income effectively con-
         these  payments  and  their  exclusion  as  with-  ally exempted from withholding at the statutory   nected with the conduct of a U.S. trade or busi-
         holdable payments.                  rate if an agreement has been reached between
                                             the Commissioner or his delegate and the alien   ness. Ordinary and necessary business expen-
         Illegal aliens.  Foreign workers who are illegal   as  to  the  amount of  withholding  required. This   ses may be taken into account if proved to the
         aliens are subject to U.S. taxes in spite of their   agreement  will  be  effective  for  payments  cov-  satisfaction  of  the  Commissioner  or  his  dele-
         illegal  status.  U.S.  employers  or  payers  who   ered by the agreement that are made after the
                                                                                    The Commissioner or his delegate will pro-
         hire  illegal  aliens  may  be  subject  to  various   agreement is executed by all parties. The alien   vide the alien with a letter to you, the withhold-
         fines, penalties, and sanctions imposed by U.S.   must agree to timely file an income tax return for
         Immigration and Customs Enforcement. If such   the current tax year.    ing  agent,  stating  the  amount  of  the  final  pay-
                                                                                 ment  of  compensation  for  personal  services
         employers  or  payers  choose  to  hire  illegal  ali-  Final  payment  exemption.  The  final  pay-
         ens,  the  payments  made  to  those  aliens  are   ment  of  compensation  for  independent  per-  that  is  exempt  from  withholding,  and  the
                                                                                 amount  that  would  otherwise  be  withheld  that
         subject to the same tax withholding and report-  sonal  services  may  be  wholly  or  partially  ex-
         ing obligations that apply to other classes of ali-  empt from withholding at the statutory rate. This   may be paid to the alien due to the exemption.
                                                                                 The  amount  of  pay  exempt  from  withholding
         ens.  Illegal  aliens  who  are  nonresident  aliens   exemption applies to the last payment of com-
         and who receive income from performing inde-  pensation, other than wages, for personal serv-  cannot  be  more  than  $5,000.  The  alien  must
                                                                                 give  two  copies  of  the  letter  to  you  and  also
         pendent  personal  services  are  subject  to  30%   ices rendered in the United States that the alien
         withholding  unless  exempt  under  some  provi-  expects  to  receive  from  any  withholding  agent   must attach a copy of the letter to his or her in-
                                                                                 come  tax  return  for  the  tax  year  for  which  the
         sion of law or a tax treaty. Illegal aliens who are   during the tax year.
         resident  aliens  and  who  receive  income  from   To obtain the final payment exemption, the   exemption is effective.
         performing  dependent  personal  services  are   alien,  or  the  alien's  agent,  must  file  the  forms   Travel  expenses.  If  you  pay  or  reimburse
         subject  to  the  same  reporting  and  withholding   and  provide  the  information  required  by  the   the travel expenses of a nonresident alien, the
         obligations  that  apply  to  U.S.  citizens  who  re-  Commissioner or his delegate. This information   payments are not reportable to the IRS and are
         ceive the same kind of income.                                          not  subject  to  Chapter  3  withholding  if  the
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