Page 37 - Withholding Taxes for Foreign Entities
P. 37

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         payments are made under an accountable plan   ployee asks you to by giving you a completed   foreign partnership, or foreign corporation
         as  described  in  section  1.62-2  of  the  regula-  Form W-4.             not engaged in trade or business in the
         tions. This treatment applies only to that part of   Pay for personal services that is not subject   United States (including Puerto Rico as if a
         a payment that represents the payment of travel   to  withholding  is  not  subject  to  reporting  on   part of the United States), and
         and lodging expenses and not to that part that   Form 1042-S. If the compensation is more than   • An employer includes any person who has
         represents  compensation  for  independent  per-  $600,  report  it  on  Form  W-2  (if  the  employee   control of the payment of wages for serv-
         sonal services.                     gave you a TIN) or on Form 1099-MISC (if the   ices that are performed for another person
            Tax treaties.  Under some tax treaties, pay   employee did not give you a TIN).  who does not have that control.
         for independent personal services performed in   For more information on withholding on for-  For example, if a trust pays wages, such as
         the United States is treated as business income   eign agricultural workers, go to and en-  certain types of pensions, supplemental unem-
         and taxed according to the treaty provisions for   ter “agricultural workers” in the search box.  ployment pay, or retired pay, and the person for
         business profits.                   Employer–employee  relationship.  For  pay   whom the services were performed has no legal
            Under  other  tax  treaties,  pay  for  independ-                    control over the payment of the wages, the trust
         ent  personal  services  performed  in  the  United   for personal services to qualify as wages, there   is the employer.
                                             must be an employer–employee relationship.
         States  is  exempt  from  U.S.  income  tax  only  if                      These  special  definitions  have  no  effect
         the  independent  nonresident  alien  contractor   Under the common law rules, every individ-  upon  the  relationship  between  an  alien  em-
         performs the services during a period of tempo-  ual  who  performs  services  subject  to  the  will   ployee and the actual employer when determin-
         rary presence in the United States (usually not   and  control  of  an  employer,  both  as  to  what   ing  whether  the  pay  received  is  considered  to
         more  than  183  days)  and  is  a  resident  of  the   shall  be  done  and  how  it  shall  be  done,  is  an   be wages.
         treaty country.                     employee. It does not matter that the employer
            Independent  nonresident  alien  contractors   allows  the  employee  considerable  discretion   If an employer–employee relationship exists,
         use  Form  8233  to  claim  an  exemption  from   and freedom of action, as long as the employer   the  employer  ordinarily  must  withhold  the  in-
         withholding  under  a  tax  treaty.  For  more  infor-  has  the  legal  right  to  control  both  the  method   come  tax  from  wage  payments  by  using  the
         mation, see Form 8233, earlier.     and the result of the services.     percentage  method  or  wage  bracket  tables  as
                                                If an employer–employee relationship exists,
               Form 8233 should be  used to claim a   it does not matter what the parties call the rela-  shown in Pub. 15-T.
          TIP  treaty  benefit  based  on  a  business   tionship.  It  does  not  matter  if  the  employee  is   Pay that is not wages.  Employment for which
               profits provision or an independent per-  called  a  partner,  coadventurer,  agent,  or  inde-  the pay is not considered wages (for graduated
         sonal services provision.           pendent contractor. It does not matter how the   income tax withholding) includes, but is not limi-
            Often, you must withhold under the statutory   pay is measured, how the individual is paid, or   ted to, the following items.
         rules on payments made to a treaty country res-  what the payments are called. Nor does it mat-  • Agricultural labor if the total cash wages
         ident  contractor  for  services  performed  in  the   ter whether the individual works full time or part   paid to an individual worker during the year
         United  States.  This  is  because  the  factors  on   time.                is less than $150 and the total paid to all
         which the treaty exemption is based may not be   The  existence  of  the  employer–employee   workers during the year is less than
         determinable  until  after  the  close  of  the  tax   relationship under the usual common law rules   $2,500. But even if the total amount paid to
         year.  The  contractor  must  then  file  a  U.S.  in-  will be determined, in doubtful cases, by an ex-  all workers is $2,500 or more, wages of
         come tax return (Form 1040NR) to recover any   amination of the facts of each case.  less than $150 per year paid to a worker
         overwithheld tax by providing the IRS with proof                            are not subject to income tax withholding if
         that he or she is entitled to a treaty exemption.  Employee.  An  employee  generally  in-  certain conditions are met. For these con-
                                             cludes  any  individual  who  performs  services  if   ditions, see Pub. 51 (Circular A).
         Wages Paid to Employees—            the relationship between the individual and the   • Services of a household nature performed
                                             person for whom the services are performed is
                                                                                     in or about the private home of an em-
         Graduated Withholding               the  legal  relationship  of  employer  and  em-  ployer, or in or about the clubrooms or
                                             ployee.  This  includes  an  individual  who  re-  house of a local college club, fraternity, or
         Salaries, wages, bonuses, or any other pay for   ceives a supplemental unemployment pay ben-
         personal  services  (referred  to  collectively  as   efit that is treated as wages.  sorority. A local college club, fraternity, or
                                                                                     sorority does not include an alumni club or
         wages) paid to nonresident alien employees are
         subject  to  graduated  withholding  in  the  same   No distinction is made between classes   chapter and may not be operated primarily
                                                                                     as a business enterprise. Examples of
         way as for U.S. citizens and residents if the wa-  of  employees.  Superintendents,  managers,
         ges are effectively connected with the conduct   and  other  supervisory  personnel  are  employ-  these services include those performed as
                                                                                     a cook, janitor, housekeeper, governess,
         of a U.S. trade or business.        ees. In most cases, an officer of a corporation is   gardener, or houseparent.
            Note.    Any  wages  paid  to  a  nonresident   an  employee,  but  a  director  acting  in  this  ca-  • Certain services performed outside the
                                             pacity  is  not.  An  officer  who  does  not  perform
         alien for personal services performed as an em-  any  services,  or  only  minor  services,  and  nei-  course of the employer's trade or business
         ployee  for  an  employer  are  generally  not  sub-  ther receives nor is entitled to receive any pay is   for which cash payment is less than $50 for
         ject  to  the  30%  withholding  if  the  wages  are   not considered an employee.  the calendar quarter.
         subject to graduated withholding.                                         • Services performed as an employee of a
                                                Employer.  An  employer  is  any  person  or   foreign government, without regard to citi-
            Also, the 30% withholding does not apply to   organization for whom an individual performs or   zenship, residence, or where services are
         pay for personal services performed as an em-  has performed any service, of whatever nature,   performed. These include services per-
         ployee for an employer if it is effectively connec-  as an employee. The term “employer” includes   formed by ambassadors, other diplomatic
         ted with the conduct of a U.S. trade or business   not only individuals and organizations in a trade   and consular officers and employees, and
         and is specifically exempted from the definition   or business, but organizations exempt from in-  nondiplomatic representatives. They do
         of wages. Chapter 4 withholding does not apply   come  tax,  such  as  religious  and  charitable  or-  not include services for a U.S. or Puerto
         to these payments. See Pay that is not wages,   ganizations,  educational  institutions,  clubs,  so-  Rican corporation owned by a foreign gov-
         later.                              cial  organizations,  and  societies.  It  also   ernment.
                                             includes the governments of the United States,   • Services performed within or outside the
         Special  rule  for  certain  agricultural  work-  the States, Puerto Rico, and the District of Co-  United States by an employee or officer
         ers.  The  30%  withholding  does  not  apply  to   lumbia, as well as their agencies, instrumentali-  (regardless of citizenship or residence) of
         pay  for  personal  services  performed  by  a  for-  ties, and political subdivisions.  an international organization designated
         eign agricultural worker in the United States on   Two special definitions of employer that may   under the International Organizations Im-
         an  H-2A  visa.  However,  if  the  total  wages  are   have  considerable  application  to  nonresident   munities Act.
         $600 or more and the worker does not give you   aliens are:               • Services performed by a duly ordained,
         a TIN, you may need to backup withhold. You   • An employer includes any person paying   commissioned, or licensed minister of a
         may  withhold  at  graduated  rates  if  the  em-  wages for a nonresident alien individual,   church, but only if performed in the
         Publication 515 (2020)                                                                               Page 35
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