Page 35 - Withholding Taxes for Foreign Entities
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         Nondegree candidate.  If the person receiving   deductions on the Form W-4 and the withhold-  case  of  a  recipient  who  also  received  wages
         the scholarship or fellowship grant is not a can-  ing tax is figured on the rest.  from  the  same  institution,  a  U.S.  TIN  on  Form
         didate for a degree, and is present in the United                       8233, or you cannot allow the treaty exemption.
         States in “F,” “J,” “M,” or “Q” nonimmigrant sta-  Pay  for  services  rendered.  Pay  for  services   A copy of a completed Form W-7, showing that
         tus, you must withhold tax at 14% on the total   rendered as an employee by an alien who also   a TIN has been applied for, can be given to you
         amount of the grant that is from U.S. sources if   is  the  recipient  of  a  scholarship  or  fellowship   with a Form 8233. See Form 8233, later, under
         the following requirements are met.  grant  usually  is  subject  to  graduated  withhold-  Pay for Personal Services Performed.
           1. The grant must be for study, training, or re-  ing under Chapter 3 according to the rules dis-  Nonresident  alien  who  becomes  a  resi-
                                             cussed  later  in  Wages  Paid  to  Employees—
             search in the United States.    Graduated  Withholding.  This  includes  taxable   dent alien.  In most cases, only a nonresident
           2. The grant must be made by:     amounts an individual who is a candidate for a   alien individual may use the terms of a tax treaty
                                                                                 to reduce or eliminate U.S. tax on income from
              a. A tax-exempt organization operated   degree  receives  for  teaching,  doing  research,   a scholarship or fellowship grant. A student (in-
                                             and carrying out other part-time employment re-
                for charitable, religious, educational,   quired as a condition for receiving the scholar-  cluding a trainee or business apprentice) or re-
                etc. purposes;               ship or fellowship grant (that is, compensatory   searcher who has become a  resident  alien  for
              b. A foreign government;       scholarship or fellowship income).  U.S. tax purposes may not use the terms of a
                                                                                 tax treaty due to a provision known as a “saving
              c. A federal, state, or local government   Grants  given  to  students,  trainees,  or  re-  clause.”  However,  an  exception  to  the  saving
                agency; or                   searchers  which  require  the  performance  of   clause  may  permit  an  exemption  from  tax  to
                                             personal services as a necessary condition for
              d. An international organization, or a bi-  disbursing  the  grant  do  not  qualify  as  scholar-  continue for scholarship or fellowship grant in-
                national or multinational educational   ship or fellowship grants. Instead, they are com-  come even after the recipient has otherwise be-
                or cultural organization created or   pensation  for  personal  services  considered  to   come a U.S. resident alien for tax purposes. In
                continued by the Mutual Educational   be wages. It does not matter what term is used   this  situation,  the  individual  must  give  you  a
                and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961   to  describe  the  grant  (for  example,  stipend,   Form  W-9  and  an  attachment  that  includes  all
                (known as the Fulbright-Hays Act).  scholarship, fellowship, etc.).  the following information.
                                                                                   • The treaty country.
            If the grant does not meet both (1) and (2)   Withholding  agents  who  pay  grants   • The treaty article addressing the income.
         above,  you  must  withhold  at  30%  on  the   !  that are in fact wages must report such   • The article number (or location) in the tax
         amount of the grant that is from U.S. sources.  CAUTION  grants  on  Forms  941  and  W-2  and   treaty that contains the saving clause and
                                             withhold income tax on them at the graduated   its exceptions.
         Alternate  withholding  procedure.  You  may   rates.  Withholding  agents  may  not  allow  tax   • The type and amount of income that quali-
         choose to treat the taxable part of a U.S. source   treaty  exemptions  that  apply  to  scholarships   fies for the exemption from tax.
         grant or scholarship as wages. The student or   and fellowships to be applied to grants that are   • Sufficient facts to justify the exemption
         grantee must have been admitted into the Uni-  really wages. It is the responsibility of the with-  from tax under the terms of the treaty arti-
         ted States on an “F,” “J,” “M,” or “Q” visa. The   holding  agent  to  determine  whether  a  grant  is   cle.
         student or grantee will know that you are using   “wages” or a “scholarship or fellowship,” and to
         this  alternate  withholding  procedure  when  you   report and withhold on the grant accordingly. An   Example.  Article  20  of  the  U.S.–China  in-
         ask for a Form W-4.                 alien  student,  trainee,  or  researcher  may  not   come  tax  treaty  allows  an  exemption  from  tax
            The student or grantee must complete Form   claim a scholarship or fellowship treaty exemp-  for  scholarship  income  received  by  a  Chinese
         W-4  annually  following  the  instructions  given   tion  against  income  that  has  been  reported  to   student  temporarily  present  in  the  United
         here  and  forward  it  to  you,  the  payer  of  the   him or her on Form W-2 as wages.  States.  Under  the  Internal  Revenue  Code,  a
         scholarship,  or  your  designated  withholding                         student  may  become  a  resident  alien  for  tax
         agent. You may rely on the information on Form   Per diem paid by the U.S. Government.  Per   purposes if his or her stay in the United States
         W-4 unless you know or have reason to know it   diem for subsistence paid by the U.S. Govern-  exceeds 5 calendar years. However, the treaty
         is incorrect. You must file a Form 1042-S (dis-  ment  (directly  or  by  contract)  to  a  nonresident   allows the provisions of Article 20 to continue to
         cussed  later)  for  each  student  or  grantee  who   alien engaged in a training program in the Uni-  apply even after the Chinese student becomes
         gives  you,  or  your  withholding  agent,  a  Form   ted States funded by the U.S. Agency for Inter-  a resident alien of the United States.
         W-4.                                national Development are not subject to 14% or
            Each  student  or  grantee  who  files  a  Form   30% withholding. This is true even if the alien is   Other Grants, Prizes, and Awards
         W-4 must file an annual U.S. income tax return   subject to income tax on those amounts.  Subject to Chapter 3 Withholding
         to take the deductions claimed on that form. If
         the  individual  is  in  the  United  States  during   Tax  treaties.  Many  treaties  contain  exemp-  Other grants, prizes, and awards made by gran-
         more than 1 tax year, he or she must attach a   tions from U.S. taxation for scholarships and fel-  tors that reside in the United States are treated
         statement  to  the  annual  Form  W-4  indicating   lowships. Although usually found in the student   as  income  from  sources  within  the  United
         that  the  individual  has  filed  a  U.S.  income  tax   articles  of  the  tax  treaties,  many  of  these  ex-  States.  Those  made  for  activities  conducted
         return for the previous year. If he or she has not   emptions  also  apply  to  research  grants  re-  outside the United States by a foreign person or
         been in the United States long enough to have   ceived  by  researchers  who  are  not  students.   by  grantors  that  reside  outside  the  United
         to  file  a  return,  the  individual  must  attach  a   See  Tax  Treaties,  later,  for  information  about   States are treated as income from foreign sour-
         statement to the Form W-4 saying that a timely   treaty benefits. The treaty provision usually ex-  ces. These provisions do not apply to salaries
         U.S. income tax return will be filed.  empts  the  entire  scholarship  or  fellowship   or other pay for services.
            The payer of the grant or scholarship must   amount,  regardless  of  whether  the  grant  is  a
         review the Form W-4 to make sure all the nec-  “qualified scholarship” under U.S. law.  Grant.  The purpose of a grant must be to ach-
         essary  and  required  information  is  provided.  If   An alien student, trainee, or researcher may   ieve  a  specific  objective,  produce  a  report  or
         the  withholding  agent  knows  or  has  reason  to   claim a treaty exemption for a scholarship or fel-  other similar product, or improve or enhance a
         know that the amounts shown on the Form W-4   lowship  by  submitting  Form  W-8BEN  to  the   literary, artistic, musical, scientific, teaching, or
         may be false, the withholding agent must reject   payer  of  the  grant.  However,  a  scholarship  or   other  similar  capacity,  skill,  or  talent  of  the
         the  Form  W-4  and  withhold  at  the  appropriate   fellowship  recipient  who  receives  both  wages   grantee. A grant also must be an amount which
         statutory rate (14% or 30%).        and a scholarship or fellowship from the same   does not qualify as a scholarship or fellowship.
            After  receipt  and  acceptance  of  the  Form   institution can claim treaty exemptions on both   The  grantor  must  not  intend  the  amount  to  be
         W-4, the payer must withhold at the graduated   kinds of income on Form 8233.  given  to  the  grantee  for  the  purpose  of  aiding
         rates in Pub. 15-T as if the grant or scholarship                       the  grantee  to  perform  study,  training,  or  re-
         income  were wages. The gross amount of the   The scholarship or fellowship recipient who   search.
         income  is  reduced  by  the  total  amount  of  any   is claiming a treaty exemption must provide you
                                             with a foreign TIN on Form W-8BEN or, in the
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